Ewwwwwwwwwww it's four months away from those wedding bells chimming, rice thrown up your nose as you leave the church, honeymoon, candlelight and beautiful moon, rose peddles in the tub, champaigne that tickles the nose, and many years of loving each other.
Now the reason I mentioned "rice up the nose". The weekend prior to us getting married, some of our friends got married. Well as they were coming out and the rice is thrown, and they head off to their honeymoon, well Jeff woke up the next morning with black eyes. Of course Maggie was all upset, couldn't figure out what in the world happen while they slept (yeah right slept). Anyway Jeff's eyes were all swollen and black and blue like he had been in a fight, in Hawaii in agony. So they go to the hospital and the doctor gets to lookin and finds rice up Jeff's nose. Apparently the rice was assorbing the moisture up in his nose and sinuses, and swolled up and making him be in alot of pain which cut the honeymoon short. Apparently it was pretty bad, cause he had to have manor surgery to remove the rice, otherwise he wasn't allowed to fly back into the states....air pressure....now that would have been painful! Anyway about 4 days later they call us and I wondered why they were back so soon, and they told us. So of course the following weekend when we go married, we came out with our heads down and our hands over our nose.

And of course when everyone saw the pics and wonder why our hands were over our noses. But hey! nothing was going to ruin my honeymoon.....not no stupid rice!!!
So Tim and Caroline.....use bubbles! or keep your hands over your noses if you use rice!! :D