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[__ Prayer __] Weak in faith.


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Memory Dust

I've been subject to quite large amount of atheists, agnostics and others views and arguments over the past few months against Christians. The results have been a depressing lack of faith in God. I pray to God daily, but sometimes I just find it hard too believe in some things that I used to so strongly believe in. In a way this is a good thing. I know more than I used too, and in the end my faith may just become stronger. But I really just want too believe in God like I used too.

I would very much appreciate anyone who decides to pray for my faith to be strengthened, and in return I'll visit some of the other threads and do the same.
I'll be happy to pray for you in this.

Rather than looking at it as "believing in God the way I used to" look at it instead of a growing process. Just as when we grow in life, we leave off of childish things and become mature, we do in our spiritual walk instead.

And...I don't know how old you are...I'm about to turn 50...I've found that as I grow older, I find many of the "childish" things were of great value and have returned to them.

It's a growth process...and very normal.

But also...think of being a Christian sort of like being a sounds as if you've been on the "front lines" a lot lately. Maybe it's time for a respite...time for a leave from your "tour of duty" and to take time to rest in God, read the Bible and fellowship with the brethren.
Throughout all the centuries, there have been always true believers, who kept the Word of God in its originality, because they appreciated it, and also feared God.

God cares enough for his Word, to make sure that it is kept in its originality.

The moral law, the ten commandments, are coded on the heart of every man, his conscience. They must be created, from somebody who is moral.

In all of creation, we see expressed a thought, wisdom and purpose, which shows, that there is somebody who thinks – God.

The Bible is a historical book, with recorded historical events.

Jeremiah 1:12, Isaiah 55:10,11, Acts – 5:38, 39, 1 Corinthians 15:5, 6, 30, 31, Matthew 5:18, 24:35, Romans 1:19, 20, 2:14, 15, Luke 1:1-4, 2:1-3, 16:17, 1 Peter 1:25, Revelation 22:18,19, Matthew 2:6, 4:24,25, 7:16-20, 9:26,35, 11:20-23, 12:33, 12:40-42, 19:4-6, Luke 6:43, 44, Ezra 1:4, Hebrews 2:3,4, Acts 2:22, 14:3, 16:26-30, Mark 16:17, 20, John 2:11,23, 3:2, 4:48, 6:2, 10:25, 38, 11:45, 14:11, 20:30,31, Luke 10:13, 11:30-32,51, 12:1, Deuteronomy 28:64, Ezekiel 36:24, Isaiah 7:14, 9:6-7, 53:1-12, John 7:38, 39, Romans 8:16, John 3:5-8, Romans 5:5, 9:15,17,25,27, 1 John 2:27, 3:9, 24, 4:13, 1 Corinthians 2:4,5, James 5:17,18, 2 Corinthians 12:12
Don't yoke yourself to the unbelievers, if they don't accept Christ brush the dust from your feet and walk away. Satan wants us to be yoked to them in some bizarre dance of whose faith is stronger, ours in Jesus Christ or theirs in themselves. We know the truth, you offered and they declined and they will go to hell. it is just that simple. Don't be trapped into something where Satan can use them to destroy you. Jesus commanded his disciples to move on from unbelief for this very reason.
hey. I'm 27 and in a similar situation. My family has little faith. They don't outright deny God, but they definitely aren't strong, church-going, Bible-reading Christians. My friends are pretty much heathens. I mean, before I was a believer, they seemed like the coolest people in the world. Now, I'm older and I have God in my life, so my view is different...its more like "You're 25-28 and still acting this way? Doesn't your life have any substance or meaning?" You get the picture.

Anyway, what's helped me is limiting contact with those ubelieving friends and trying to soak in as much God as I can, usually through Bible reading or prayer (and this forum, too).

Good luck.


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