So. Hi again, I just downloaded tapatalk 2 so I plan on being more active! Easier said than done...but back to the topic.
My church, filled with old people and not really anyone from my age group ever since the new youth leader started inviting elementary school students. I started to slow when it came to activity in the youth group and when work took over it completely ended. Now I never go to youth group and I only go to church sometimes, lately I've felt as I don't belong. But anyways I was wanting your opinions in this. I don't feel like I'm a horrible person for not going to church and surely not youth group but I feel as if I might be letting God down I'm so lost right now. If adults have thoughts and you can't post you can message me, I receive notifications now.
My church, filled with old people and not really anyone from my age group ever since the new youth leader started inviting elementary school students. I started to slow when it came to activity in the youth group and when work took over it completely ended. Now I never go to youth group and I only go to church sometimes, lately I've felt as I don't belong. But anyways I was wanting your opinions in this. I don't feel like I'm a horrible person for not going to church and surely not youth group but I feel as if I might be letting God down I'm so lost right now. If adults have thoughts and you can't post you can message me, I receive notifications now.