Barbarian observes:
More correctly, evolution is a change in allele frequency over time.
Yes you wish it was proven, but the truth is it does not change one species into another,
The first such example to be observed was in 1904. Would you like to learn about it?
Barbarian on Limulus:
Actually, the modern species is unknown in the fossil record, although there are somewhat similar fossils.
the point is that it is still a horseshoe crab,, like a great dane and winnie dog are different nbut of the same species...
So, in your opinion, is Archaeopteryx a bird or a dinosaur, and on what criteria did you make your decision?
sooooo. what you are sayingggg... its a horseshoe crab.....
Yep, but quite different from the trilobites or even ancient horseshoe crabs.
So macroevolution has also happened to horseshoe crabs over that time, but not nearly as much as it has happened to most other lines. Why is this so?
Evolutionary theory says that if a well-adapted organism is in a relatively stable environment, then natural selection will prevent much evolution. It's called "stabilizing selection."
no its micro not macro... same species not a crab that turned into a bird...
You think that's what evolutionary theory says? No wonder you hate science. I'd hate it too, if I thought it was like that.
Barbarian observes:
Evolutionary theory does not predict that everything must evolve. In fact, for well-adapted organisms like the horseshoe crab, in an environment with stable selective pressures, evolutionary theory predicts that natural selection will prevent much evolution. This is called "stablizing" selection, and is one of the reasons punctutated equillibrium works
wait a minute do you not believe and promote that everything came form a single cell millions and millions of years ago..
Evidence says billions of years.
Is an oxymoron.
if that is the case, then yes "everything evolves and continues to do so........
Unless they are in a well-fitted environment. Then they don't change much, if at all.
are you kidding me punct. equil.. first off it can't happen a cow giving birth to a crock..
You actually believe that's what the theory says, don't you? What they did to you borders on child abuse.
not only does it not happen once in 50,000 years but it would have to happen twice in a very close time frame, as in a year ...after all we need a male and female crock to reproduce and plus they would have to be within crawling distance of each other, what are the odds of that. but wait, evolution is all about the billion in one shot now isn't it?
And you believe that's what evolutionary theory says? Amazing.
Barbarian on why humans emerged:
Not surprisingly the emergence of man coincides with the pleistocene, with dryer, colder climate, and shrinking forests with growing grasslands. Large primates could either retreat with the forests and become better at exploiting what was left, or adapting to the savanna. The ancestors of modern apes chose the former, and the ancestors of humans, oropithecus and baboons chose the latter.
Those moving onto the savanna underwent rapid evolution. Those remaining in the old environment did not. For reasons which should now be obvious to you.
this story and I say story is noway proven... you don't know for sure about of these theories..
Would you like to learn the evidence for it?
Who? is it thats to blind to see the obvious. Yes God has given his creation the room to adapt, but never to change into a complete new and different species..
Barbarian offers:
It's been directly observed. Want to learn about it?
Learn more? well first off it hasn't happen. so how could I learn more, if your "more" is learning lies then again No...
O. lamarckana gave rise to O. gigas in 1904. Both species are still in existence and doing fine.
Barbarian observes:
If you were a true Christian, you would not be adding your own doctrines to the faith
This is by far your funniest statement... adding my own doctrines....oh please.. I believe God created the heaven and earth in 6 yes 6 days and on the 7th He rested..
That has never been the Christian understanding of Genesis, although a few Christians believe it. Most do not because of the obvious logical difficulties in imposing a literal interpretation on it.
I believe He created man and woman in his image.. non of his other creations he says this about.... He did not created monkey and then had it evolve into a man...
You really think that's what science says...?
or does Jesus look like a monkey to you...
A primate. Like us. God had no body at all, until the incarnation.
and the earth in around 6 to 10,000 yrs old.... I Believe
Reality is not obliged to fit your wishes.
One other thing... if the earth took God billion of years to create. Then please explain why did God create plant life on the third day.... all plant life.... then on the fourth day he created the moon and sun... question???
As the early Christians realized, Genesis is an allegory. We know this, because a literal interpretation produces logical absurdities like God not telling the truth.
where's the missing fossils..... I know! their rushing them to a museum near you right now.................not
Barbarian suggests:
Well, let's test your new doctrine. Name me two major groups said to be evolutionarily connected, and we'll see if I can find a transitional. Do you have enough faith to test your belief?
(freeway declines)
What a surprise. If you ever get enough confidence in your beliefs to test them, let me know.
The offer is open to any creationist who has more faith then freeway, of course.