What are your opinions on Mormons & JWs?

As mentioned in my introduction and my profile, I have had quite a long spiritual journey and two of the religions I experimented with were Jehovah's Witnesses & Mormonism.

During my stay at Kingdom Hall and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, I felt so restriction & judgement.
Mormons can't drink tea or coffee and if they feel any sexual urges they were what is called "Magic Underwear", it didn't work because there was a couple who I used to be close friends with and they performed sexual acts before their marriage.
Another thing that bothered me about Mormonism is the polygamy.
Jehovah's Witnesses weren't too bad but their denial in blood transfusions is a little over the top, I cannot donate blood for physical health problems but I would donate in a heart beat if I could.
Also, their "gospel" songs didn't sound too gospel to me, they seemed to mentioning going door-to-door a lot in their "Hymns".

I think staying an Anglican Christian and attending the St. Mary Magdalene church of England and only admiring Buddhist principles seems like a better deal to me.
I may find Buddhists and the Dalai Lama inspirational and I may practice yoga and meditation and collect anything oriental or zen in my home but my heart belongs to God and his son, our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ.
The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Jehovah's Witnesses denies the deity of Jesus Christ and claim that the Holy Spirit is God's "power" and not a person.
Therefore; they are a non-Christian religious organization.
The Mormons hold to a pagan, polytheistic view of deity and teach that any person can become a god and create his (not her) own planets and people.
That has nothing to do with Christianity.
While Mormons use many words associated with Christian doctrine, they rede3fine those words in order to seem to be saying the same thing as orthodox Christians. It is intentional deceit.
Neither the JWs or the Mormons are Christian organizations.

Get as copy of Walter Martin's Kingdom of the Cults. It goes into great detail

iakov the fool