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Bible Study What does it mean to be Salty?


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What does it mean to be Salty Christians. Am i salty or sugary. Being salty is a result of what Christ has done in your life ( changing you from the inside out not the other way around.) Not being dogmatic in your doctrines of Faith but rather what Christ has revealed himself to you that has made you truely salty or learning to worship in truth. Religion is an enemy of God if you look at what it has done to Christianity in general.
Did you know that the name Christianity actually came from the Romans and that we were actually called (Followers of Christ). No more different then Christ Ressurection has become Easter a pagan holiday it actually is Ressurection Sunday. I will celibrate that day as well i refuse to call it easter. I have learned to seperate christianity from Religion even though i have alot of brothers and sisters in institutionalised Christianity.
The one thing i hope to bring to this room is the word of God in Spirit and in truth. I have no agenda just ask lee.I hope to start a bible study in Gospel of John. And use treasury of Scripture knowledge with it. Also will be posting alot on A W Tozers work to. If you like Pursuit of God you will like the articles coming out. David


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