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Bible Study What does the Bible say about old age?

Jennifer Rogers

Do you feel afraid of old age? You must be like me, afraid of old age. So what does the bible say about old age? Is old age as scary as we think? Please read the article and find out with me.

I. First of all, let's look at the beauties and positives of old age

1. General concept of old age.
From time immemorial, in the Bible, we often take the 70 mark as the standard for life. The Bible says: "Calculating the life span inside and out is seventy, if strong, maybe eighty, But most of it is just hardship and misery, The life that escapes us is already dead." (Tv. 89, 10)
2. Old age is a blessing.
The Bible exalts old age because old age is a gift of God, a blessing from God (cf. Gen 11: 10-32), and the elderly are respected because "those with gray heads are wise" (Gen 4. , 7-15). The book of Proverbs says, "A silver head is a crown of honor" (Proverbs 16:31). Psalm 92 also praises: Old but still bearing fruit, full of life, green leaves and branches (Ps 92:15). Pope John Paul II also said: “It is a gift to live to old age. Not because everyone can live to this age, but because, first of all, old age gives us the ability to appreciate the past, to understand and live the Easter mystery more deeply, and to become treasured. valuable experience for the Church”.
3. Old age is virtuous.
Let's read a passage from the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops' Pastoral Letters to Elder Catholics: "While all are called to holiness, to 'close intimate union with Christ' ', ethical concerns generally acknowledge that this invitation is more important to seniors. Many of you now have more time and circumstances to think more deeply and act with a more moral perspective. For many elderly people, daily Mass is the center of their spiritual life and an opportunity to meet and make friends with people of their own age. Many of them also know how to pray in the form of meditation, but words are no longer necessary, only quietly and calmly listening to God's voice. The decline in the senses that can also occur in old age is often considered a negative, but it is sometimes helpful for meditation. Many are interested in learning and joining Bible study groups, faith sharing groups, or faith training groups for adults.”
Indeed, people are born, live, and must grow old, that is common sense in human life, but old age must have something to leave behind, Therefore George Granville said: “Youth is the season of love, Old age is the season of MEDITATION. Old age can become the most precious period of life. Someone said: that God intended the strength and beauty of youth to be physical. But the strength and beauty of old age are in spirituality.” Pope John Paul II, despite his age, is still an idol for both the young and the old. Thus, in The Dignity of Older People, it is written: “Pope John Paul II lived his old age with pleasant spontaneity. He does not hide anything but reveals it to everyone. With great sincerity, he said: 'I am an old priest'. People live their old age in faith. He never let himself be limited by age."

4. Old people are wise and fear God.
The book of Ecclesiastes likens the elderly to the branches of the tree of wisdom: The root of wisdom is the fear of God. The branches of wisdom are long life. (Hc. 1,20)
5. The elderly know how to manage, judge and have rich experience.
In this regard, in the book Sirach writes as follows: “As for children, they do not worry about saving, where will they get them when they are old? The wise judge, the old man instructs, how beautiful it is! How beautiful is the wisdom of the elders, the thoughts and opinions of the famous! experience is the crown of the elders, whose fear of the Lord is their pride” (Sir 25:3-6).
The Book of Proverbs also praises the elderly: A silver head is a crown of glory (Proverbs 16:31) The Book of Wisdom says: “Old age is honorable, not because of longevity, nor because of old age, but because of old age. silver-headed people are wise." The Book of Wisdom further adds: “The old are well-pleased with the Lord, beloved by the Lord” (Book of Wisdom 4:7).
II. Some negative points stand out

1. Old age is forgetful and dodgy.
The obvious experience in this regard is to start forgetting, to start mumbling. From personal experience, there are times when it is clear that when leaving the house, I have locked the door carefully, but when I have gone a long way, I suddenly forget to remember if I have locked it; so I'm forced to go back… I can think for a long time before I can remember a friend's name, forget something I was about to do, can't find what I just put down, can't remember if I've done it, but after a while, you can remember.
2. Old age is powerless.
There are legs, but the legs are not strong enough to move the body from place to place. There is that hand, but the hand is no longer able to hold something firmly. There is that ear, but sometimes people scream in the ear and can't hear anything. Having that eye, but can no longer identify the person or thing right in front of him. That is helplessness. Even in old age, body and spirit will fall into a state of impotence. But there is a psychic ability not to become impotent. It is the ability to pray and unite with God.
3. Old age or illness.
Old age is associated with the disease. Buddhism says that there are four kinds of suffering in the world: birth, sickness, old age, and death. It is true that there are young people, there is old age, and old people are of course Sickness and then Death. When faced with suffering, people try to find a way to avoid it, or there are religions that teach how to get rid of it. But ask that in the past, has anyone in the world eradicated Birth, Sickness, Aging, and Death?
Old age isn't what it's cracked up to be. I'm 63 and although that's not real old it is discouraging when I can't do things the way I used to be able to do. My strength is not as good, my sense of balance is not as good, I'm not nearly as confident on my feet as I once was, my joints hurt, my muscles get tired and sore easier, my memory is not as good, I don't have the stamina I once had, I don't have near the motivation I once had, etc.

But, am I afraid of dying? No. In fact, based on my family history, I don't expect to have more than 20 more years left in this life but I don't really think about that too much. There's no point in doing so for I do not know when my last day will come and I will not know when that will be. It could be this afternoon or it could be 30 years from now. Why worry about it? Jesus said not to worry about what tomorrow will bring so I live with that thought in mind.
Old age isn't what it's cracked up to be. I'm 63 and although that's not real old it is discouraging when I can't do things the way I used to be able to do. My strength is not as good, my sense of balance is not as good, I'm not nearly as confident on my feet as I once was, my joints hurt, my muscles get tired and sore easier, my memory is not as good, I don't have the stamina I once had, I don't have near the motivation I once had, etc.

But, am I afraid of dying? No. In fact, based on my family history, I don't expect to have more than 20 more years left in this life but I don't really think about that too much. There's no point in doing so for I do not know when my last day will come and I will not know when that will be. It could be this afternoon or it could be 30 years from now. Why worry about it? Jesus said not to worry about what tomorrow will bring so I live with that thought in mind.
Being 67 I can echo all the same things that are discouraging in that I can no longer do the things I once enjoyed. But for now I will enjoy life the best I can and gain as much wisdom and understanding while still here on earth and in anticipation of the new glorified body we will receive when Christ returns.
At 72 I'm essentially the same person I was at 25 and every doctor who sees me agrees. I just had an orthopedist tell me "You literally have the bone structure of a 20-year-old." My wife and I just went for our annual wellness exam and the doctor said "I don't even know why I see you people." Even my dentist said "Darn it, I can't sell you anything." I still have all 32 teeth, my tonsils, my appendix and my hair. I've had zero health problems other than sports-related injuries.

I weigh exactly what I did when I was 18 (160), take no medications whatsoever, lift the same weights and row the same distances I did 20 years ago, and actually hit the golf ball farther than I ever have (largely due to the wonders of technology) while walking the course and carrying my clubs. I don't feel any different, I have the same interests that I pursue just as avidly, and I have seen no mental decline whatsoever. I will admit I can't run as fast, which kind of puzzles me, but I can still cover 6 miles and walk a lot farther than that at a 16-minute pace.

I don't really care what the Bible says about old age because I'm living it and it's no big deal. 72 now is not the same as 72 when anything in the Bible was written. I may be dead in a week, but that was true when I was 25 as well. The premise of the thread, "Old age is inevitably pretty awful but does have some good points," strikes me as nonsense.

I'm sorry to sound so relentlessly pleased with myself, but I've made a serious effort for many years to stay physically and mentally fit. I've taken seriously the notion that my body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. I also thank God every day that he has blessed me with the mind and body he has. I won't go into the reasons here, but I do feel very palpably that these things are blessings from God.

I'm completely empathetic and sympathetic toward those who haven't been blessed with the same sort of health and for whom old age (or even youth) is a grim challenge. But barring something really serious, old age is very much what you make of it - and you need to start the construction process long before you reach old age.

(The avatar photo is me at 5. No, I don't look quite that young at 72.)
I actually think old age has some amazing benefits. All the major life choices are done and they went quite well. I’ve seen quite a few shipwreck their lives and that possibility is no longer possible….too many ships of mine have already reached safe harbors. So there’s a peace that’s quite rewarding.

We haven’t much that the world sees as successful, lest you think we’ve got it made in the shade with lemonade. Ah, contrar. But I have come to know the Lord on a level beyond my wildest hopes. And that’s not over. But I can say that it’s quite possible to reach old age and see your life as having done a number of choices that God was pleased with you at points in time and you know it. That is quite satisfying and not possible in younger years.

Also, in old age you can know you’ve been tested in various sinful temptations and defeated them knowing that won’t be a choice you’ll fail in to. Been tested and defeated that one. (This is by no means all sin, don’t mistake me, but adultery, for example, is not going to get me. Been there and refused.) Jesus wasn’t continually tempted with the same sins.

So I’m glad to be over 60. A lot of failures will not be mine now.
I actually think old age has some amazing benefits. All the major life choices are done and they went quite well.
There's always a chance. I retired from my career position three years ago. I am now depending on my retirement investments to sustain my lifestyle for the rest of my life or 30+ years, whichever comes first. In the past twelve months, we've seen inflation increasing at nearly double digit rates. In the past two months I've seen my retirement account lose about 17%. This is one of those negative periods I had to expect and plan for when I made the decision to retire. If for some reason my account loses too much and doesn't regain, I could be forced to seek employment again and that gets harder and harder to accomplish the older I get.
Saturday 7-2-22 7th. Day Of The Weekly Cycle, Tammuz 2, 5782 12th. Summer Day
Do you feel afraid of old age? You must be like me, afraid of old age. So what does the bible say about old age? Is old age as scary as we think? Please read the article and find out with me.
We are thankful unto The LORD for our ages 65 and I'm 75, we are not afraid of our old age as He grants us more, but the bible says many things about our old age as stated, but there is a time for everything.

Our old age is not scary to us as we learn more from Him each day, Get Wisdom and knowledge, but in all thy getting get understanding.

Love, Walter and Debbie
There's always a chance. I retired from my career position three years ago. I am now depending on my retirement investments to sustain my lifestyle for the rest of my life or 30+ years, whichever comes first. In the past twelve months, we've seen inflation increasing at nearly double digit rates. In the past two months I've seen my retirement account lose about 17%. This is one of those negative periods I had to expect and plan for when I made the decision to retire. If for some reason my account loses too much and doesn't regain, I could be forced to seek employment again and that gets harder and harder to accomplish the older I get.
That is the one area that is not at all secure for us so I understand. We are looking at relatively tight years ourselves which is why I still work, to put them off as long as we can.

But it’s only temporary in one sense. That is, it won’t follow me into the next life. The treasures I’ve built up in Heaven are still there.