Hi to all , and Paul is the only one to teach what happens to anyone who accepts Christ and will that babe in Christ mature . You will not see what is in 1 Cor 3 and Eph 4 , in any other portion in the Bible .
In 1 Cor 1:2 , they are called to be saints , and Paul is speaking to the Body of Christ .
And in v11 , Paul find that there are contentions in that Body .
In 1 Cor 1:12 , they have division , by follow Paul , Apollos , Peter and following only Christ , and we have the same problems today .
#1 , in 1 Cor 3:1 , Paul could not speak unto you as unto Spiritual !!!
#2 , For they are Babes or babies in Christ !!!
#3 , Paul in v2 , are bottle fed with MILK !!!
#4 , And NOT with Meat, because it is alluded , that they have no TEETH , to eat meat !!!
#5 , and there is envying , and strife , and divisions !!!
#6 , Notice also that these are EXTERNAL things .
Now here is a literal translation of Eph 4:16 .
1) " from Whom all the Body , being joined closely together , and being knit together by every Joint of full Supply , according to ( the ) superhuman power by measure ( of ) a part of everyone , He Himself males the growth of the Body for ( the ) building up of itself in love ."
2) Verse 16 corresponds to the last part of verse 12 , " for the BUILDING up of the Body of Christ .
3) There are 2 parallel passages to Eph 4:16 !
#1 , Eph 2:21-22 , " in whom the whole building , being fitted together , grows into a Holy temple in the Lord (22) in whom you also are being built together for a dwelling place of God in the Spirit ".
#2 , Col 2:19 , " and nor holding fast to the Head , from Whom all the body , nourished and knit together by Joints and Ligaments , grows with the increase that is from God . This passage is so MEATY and I will not do it justice .
4) There is an intertwinning of truth about the human body and the Body of Christ . God uses the pattern of the human body to teach us how He is building the Body of Christ . The main passage on this is 1 Cor 12 , verse 12-27 , showing that just as the numan body has many members with different functions ( eyes , ears , feet , hands , etc ) , so the Body of Christ also has many members with different functions ( gifts of the Spirit )
5) There is a progression of truth in Eph 4:16 pertaining to the body that you do not find in 1 Cor 12 . There it spoke of feet , ears , eyes , hands , things that are EXTERNAL .
6) But in Ephesians and Colossians the Apostle Paul dealt with THE INTERNAL parts of the Body , Ligaments , Joints , Muscles , Nerves , Bones and ALL working together in the formation of the Body .
7) There is one interesting and important word that shows how everything works together for the normal activities of the body . It is the word SUPPLY .
8) The word supply is the Greek word EPICHOREGIA A NOUN , which means to , " aid , supply , provision , support . " It is used 2 times in the New Testament , here and in Phil 1:19 , " the SUPPLY of the Spirit of Jesus Christ . "
9) This word is a compound noun formed from the preposition EPI , which means " over , above " and CHOREGIA which means to " support to defray the cost of a public chorus . "
10) What this nword represents is the truth that all of the parts of the body work together in the building up of the body and keep it working properly .
11) Since this Greek word is associated with MUSIC , its pictures a chorus director or a choir director in leading many singers together in order to blend their voices in producing the RIGHT Harmony IN A PIECE OF MUSIC . This is a beauitful picture of how the BODY works under the direction of the Holy Spirit .
12) These passages from 1 Corinthians , Ephesians and Colossians PROVE that our Father God is NOT BUILDING the Kingdom of God , a false teaching that almost all believers are taught in Protestant churches .
13) Paul DID NOT lay the foundation of the Kingdom of God , BUT laid the foundation for the Body of Christ , as seen in 1 Cor 3:10-15 , and Ephesians shows us that this is what God is building today in this AGE of Grace .
14) The building up of the Body is done in the sphere of Divine love . The phrase " in love " is found 6 times in Ephesians ;
#1 , Eph 1:4 , without blame before Him in love .
#2 , Eph 3:17 , being rooted and grounded in love .
#3 , bearing with one another in love .
#4 , speaking the truth in love .
#5 , for the edifying of itself in l0ve .
#6 , Eph 5:2 , walk in love .
I am a very slow typist or I could have added more for I gave this in an Adult SS .
In 1 Cor 1:2 , they are called to be saints , and Paul is speaking to the Body of Christ .
And in v11 , Paul find that there are contentions in that Body .
In 1 Cor 1:12 , they have division , by follow Paul , Apollos , Peter and following only Christ , and we have the same problems today .
#1 , in 1 Cor 3:1 , Paul could not speak unto you as unto Spiritual !!!
#2 , For they are Babes or babies in Christ !!!
#3 , Paul in v2 , are bottle fed with MILK !!!
#4 , And NOT with Meat, because it is alluded , that they have no TEETH , to eat meat !!!
#5 , and there is envying , and strife , and divisions !!!
#6 , Notice also that these are EXTERNAL things .
Now here is a literal translation of Eph 4:16 .
1) " from Whom all the Body , being joined closely together , and being knit together by every Joint of full Supply , according to ( the ) superhuman power by measure ( of ) a part of everyone , He Himself males the growth of the Body for ( the ) building up of itself in love ."
2) Verse 16 corresponds to the last part of verse 12 , " for the BUILDING up of the Body of Christ .
3) There are 2 parallel passages to Eph 4:16 !
#1 , Eph 2:21-22 , " in whom the whole building , being fitted together , grows into a Holy temple in the Lord (22) in whom you also are being built together for a dwelling place of God in the Spirit ".
#2 , Col 2:19 , " and nor holding fast to the Head , from Whom all the body , nourished and knit together by Joints and Ligaments , grows with the increase that is from God . This passage is so MEATY and I will not do it justice .
4) There is an intertwinning of truth about the human body and the Body of Christ . God uses the pattern of the human body to teach us how He is building the Body of Christ . The main passage on this is 1 Cor 12 , verse 12-27 , showing that just as the numan body has many members with different functions ( eyes , ears , feet , hands , etc ) , so the Body of Christ also has many members with different functions ( gifts of the Spirit )
5) There is a progression of truth in Eph 4:16 pertaining to the body that you do not find in 1 Cor 12 . There it spoke of feet , ears , eyes , hands , things that are EXTERNAL .
6) But in Ephesians and Colossians the Apostle Paul dealt with THE INTERNAL parts of the Body , Ligaments , Joints , Muscles , Nerves , Bones and ALL working together in the formation of the Body .
7) There is one interesting and important word that shows how everything works together for the normal activities of the body . It is the word SUPPLY .
8) The word supply is the Greek word EPICHOREGIA A NOUN , which means to , " aid , supply , provision , support . " It is used 2 times in the New Testament , here and in Phil 1:19 , " the SUPPLY of the Spirit of Jesus Christ . "
9) This word is a compound noun formed from the preposition EPI , which means " over , above " and CHOREGIA which means to " support to defray the cost of a public chorus . "
10) What this nword represents is the truth that all of the parts of the body work together in the building up of the body and keep it working properly .
11) Since this Greek word is associated with MUSIC , its pictures a chorus director or a choir director in leading many singers together in order to blend their voices in producing the RIGHT Harmony IN A PIECE OF MUSIC . This is a beauitful picture of how the BODY works under the direction of the Holy Spirit .
12) These passages from 1 Corinthians , Ephesians and Colossians PROVE that our Father God is NOT BUILDING the Kingdom of God , a false teaching that almost all believers are taught in Protestant churches .
13) Paul DID NOT lay the foundation of the Kingdom of God , BUT laid the foundation for the Body of Christ , as seen in 1 Cor 3:10-15 , and Ephesians shows us that this is what God is building today in this AGE of Grace .
14) The building up of the Body is done in the sphere of Divine love . The phrase " in love " is found 6 times in Ephesians ;
#1 , Eph 1:4 , without blame before Him in love .
#2 , Eph 3:17 , being rooted and grounded in love .
#3 , bearing with one another in love .
#4 , speaking the truth in love .
#5 , for the edifying of itself in l0ve .
#6 , Eph 5:2 , walk in love .
I am a very slow typist or I could have added more for I gave this in an Adult SS .