Ruben said:
Why are all you so called christians so bent on God having a need for a blood fest???? Ever considered the possiblility that you just might be wrong and that God is Love rather than revenge?
If God requires a blood sacrifice then He is obviously controlled by a force higher than Himself.
It was called the tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, all I get from you people is evil, an evil God that has to get His pound of flesh. That is just plain sick!!!
Are you trying to rush the hand of God, the process of transformation? ... Don't you think that God takes what man did and transforms it in his own time, in his own way?
The process of transformation is not up to you to judge. This Good
and Evil... Humans tasted evil when they partook of that tree. Right then and there they disobeyed the precautionary measure God had for them, God tried to protect them from the evil side of existence. Remember, there IS good
and evil. Without one there is no comprehension of the other. Think about that! But noooo, the humans allowed themselves to be "thoughtless" and they bought into the lie of Satan. They just had to listen to Satan and eat of the evil off of that tree, didn't they. :-?
Who are you to say that God cannot have redemptive means for man to atone for their sins through blood? It makes sense to me.... Man shed the blood, so God uses that blood as an example to man.
Sorry if the process, the transformation was too slow for you.... God gives us His Holy word to be guided by, but man just wants to do it his own way doesn't he?
Finally, God gives us a once and for all final sacrifice to atone for that blood shed. No more shedding of blood! The hand of God IS at Work, but in the instances of the shedding of blood, you just don't see how God is using a process for perfecting us, do you? It's all in His own due time.
Jesus put a stop to all that blood shed, He was and is the last and final sacrifice! Jesus is our atonement for sin, our redeemer!
If you don't see the order of transformation taking place then what are you seeing when you study the bible? If you see the destruction and the hate of man in it, you are correct, but are you seeing the hand of God at work in the midst of man's own sins. The redemption, the salvation, the mercy, His grace. God provides in His own timing. God has patience with all sinners, who are, in his eyes, babies run amuck. God is not going to make us all robots. He gives us all our own ability to choose.
And His timing and plan are not for you to say the shedding of blood has nothing to do with it. Man shed blood, God redeems him from that blood shed by giving us the final sacrifice. so as to not have to shed blood of man any longer. Jesus Christ is our last and final sacrifice.
Study the significance of the blood as it goes from beginning to end in the scriptures. You will notice that Cain shed the blood of Able... the process of atonement for that blood shed was a long one indeed and lasted many thousands of years. Remember, a day for the Lord God is not like a day for us. What does it take for man to finally understand how God works through man for His glory to manifest? It's a work in progress. We are not the snap of a finger. We are in time and space, we are in the material and God is working through all that to better us as His own children of God. Anti-Christ will not participate in the transformation. Hence the shedding of blood still continues in wars and murders of those who are not fixed on the Holy Spirit of our redeemer Christ Jesus.
Jesus is that last of all that blood shed for those who accept him. The ones who don't are the ones who are still into the shedding of blood.
History.... is like the blink of an eye.... God's timing is not ours to take for granted. It is not for you to push and make haste about what the blood was and is all about.