What if tomorrow never comes....?

Mei Kor

Feb 3, 2024
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When we think about life, we often focus on what we've done, make plans, and organize our days ahead. However, the Word of God reminds us: “Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring” (Proverbs 27:1).

Recently, a catastrophic typhoon struck, claiming the lives of hundreds. As we follow the news, we are left to ponder—what if tomorrow isn’t guaranteed? Just this week, a sudden muddy-flood engulfed a village, trapping many in its muddy waters, never to rise again. Had they known tomorrow was uncertain, how might they have lived? And if we are still blessed to see another sunrise, how will we live?

I once read a quote that said, "Live like tomorrow never comes." It’s meant to encourage persistence and keep on trying, but as Christians, we have a different calling: live each day as though tomorrow may never come, devoting our lives entirely to the Lord. For those who haven’t secured their eternity, today is the time to do so.

At times, life’s hardships may make us feel like giving up, thinking that an end to life will bring peace. But that’s the perspective of the world. They don’t realize that eternity without Christ brings far greater suffering. God created humans uniquely, giving us a body, mind, and—most importantly—a soul, which He deeply values. While animals may sense danger, only humans understand the weight of sin and the need for salvation.

When we look at the world, we see political corruption and deception. Leaders use cunning tactics to gain power and bring others down. Here in Myanmar, we’ve lived under military coups since our independence in 1947. Protest leaders are arrested, tortured, and silenced while deceitful actions continue to mislead the people. Despite the cruelty, many forget the past, and these injustices persist.

Even in powerful nations like the United States, the same struggle is evident today. The other party wants to take down the opponent and they want to control no matter trouble they bring into the country or how people suffer. This kind of cunning behavior is sinful, but nobody can do anything. I feel as ministers of the Lord, we should sometimes step back from the media. Because it brings many negativities. However, we also must stay informed because the enemy is working harder and wisely than ever to deceive as many as possible in these end times.

It’s vital that we not only teach from the Bible but also relate the message to what we see happening in the world, related to their personal. Personal testimonies are powerful tools for leading others to Christ. In some areas of Burma, people have no access to the internet, books, or even basic communication or transportation. Christianity has been entered for years, yet many lives remain unchanged. Many are Christian in name only—baptized at 12 because it’s mandatory, but they do not attend church, read the Bible, or pray. They work hard all week, and on Sunday, they rest—not to worship, but to shift from one form of labor to another. The sermons they hear offer no connection to their lives, and the pastor preached the men of the Bible every week. People consider no at all good sermon. There is no outside informative or a good testimony that related their life difficulties.

The lack of resources—such as literature, Sunday school classes, and Bible studies—are the cause and it burdens my heart. All I can do is pray for them. As our ministry grows, we hope to bring some transformation to these areas.

In the end time, the world is filled with evil and deceit, as Satan seeks to take as many souls with him as he can. How are we responding to this gift of life and the soul that God has entrusted to us? Ending our earthly trials does not mean an end to all trials—eternity awaits. There are countless people who don’t know if they will have a tomorrow, like here in Burma. What if they knew the truth?

What if you still know tomorrow is sure, no matter what burden you might carry?

Life’s trials, difficulties, and burdens affect all of us, no matter our race or background. We all face struggles, but if you are blessed to see another morning, remember to say, “Thank you, Lord.” Walk with Him, and bring your burdens to Him, for He promises to lighten them (Matthew 11:28-30).

In our country, we are enduring the horrors of military airstrikes, natural disasters, unsafe living conditions, fear, hyperinflation, and unemployment. We don’t know what to do, and when we get sick, there is no hospital to go to or medicine to buy. Death surrounds us, sometimes just outside our door.

If you feel lost or burdened, but still have the hope of tomorrow, be thankful.

Jesus said, "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live. And whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die. Do you believe this?" (John 11:25-26).

Our country is suffering from bombing of military army airstrike, natural disasters, unsafety living conditions, fear, too much expensive (hyperinflation) and we don’t have work. We don’t know what to do. If we get sick, we don’t have the money at all to go to hospital or purchase a medicine. We read the news of people’s dying every day, death surrounds us, sometimes just outside our door. Recently a school was bombed by airstrike, an escape teacher told the media in tear, we prepared for the situation for the whole time. We heard the sound of a fighter jet, but we don’t have time to run. I have lost all my students.

If you feel you are in great trial and lost way, but still have a chance for tomorrow that your life can still be transformed, please be grateful!

Jesus said, “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live. And whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die. Do you believe this?” (John 11:25-26).
I feel as ministers of the Lord, we should sometimes step back from the media. Because it brings many negativities. However, we also must stay informed because the enemy is working harder and wisely than ever to deceive as many as possible in these end times.

Yes, it's like a catch 22. We need to remain watchful as the scriptures command, but at the same think on that which is positive and of good report (also a Biblical commandment). So the trick is to remain aware but not dwell on what the enemy is doing for long, but rather on what the Lord is doing. This is something I have to return to again and again.
In our country, we are enduring the horrors of military airstrikes, natural disasters, unsafe living conditions, fear, hyperinflation, and unemployment. We don’t know what to do, and when we get sick, there is no hospital to go to or medicine to buy.

Be encouraged. I know it might sound like a lack of empathy, but our God is the Great Physician, and sometimes having to lean solely on Him instead of trusting in the world brings greater results, not only physically but spiritually as well. And ultimately all our lives are in his hands.

You write very eloquently. Longer pieces like this may not get as many responses, so starting with shorter versions to start and saving the rest for responses might get you more involvement from others. But it was a nicely written piece. I enjoyed reading it. :thm

Blessings in Christ,
Hidden In Him
When we think about life, we often focus on what we've done, make plans, and organize our days ahead. However, the Word of God reminds us: “Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring” (Proverbs 27:1).

Recently, a catastrophic typhoon struck, claiming the lives of hundreds. As we follow the news, we are left to ponder—what if tomorrow isn’t guaranteed? Just this week, a sudden muddy-flood engulfed a village, trapping many in its muddy waters, never to rise again. Had they known tomorrow was uncertain, how might they have lived? And if we are still blessed to see another sunrise, how will we live?

I once read a quote that said, "Live like tomorrow never comes." It’s meant to encourage persistence and keep on trying, but as Christians, we have a different calling: live each day as though tomorrow may never come, devoting our lives entirely to the Lord. For those who haven’t secured their eternity, today is the time to do so.

At times, life’s hardships may make us feel like giving up, thinking that an end to life will bring peace. But that’s the perspective of the world. They don’t realize that eternity without Christ brings far greater suffering. God created humans uniquely, giving us a body, mind, and—most importantly—a soul, which He deeply values. While animals may sense danger, only humans understand the weight of sin and the need for salvation.

When we look at the world, we see political corruption and deception. Leaders use cunning tactics to gain power and bring others down. Here in Myanmar, we’ve lived under military coups since our independence in 1947. Protest leaders are arrested, tortured, and silenced while deceitful actions continue to mislead the people. Despite the cruelty, many forget the past, and these injustices persist.

Even in powerful nations like the United States, the same struggle is evident today. The other party wants to take down the opponent and they want to control no matter trouble they bring into the country or how people suffer. This kind of cunning behavior is sinful, but nobody can do anything. I feel as ministers of the Lord, we should sometimes step back from the media. Because it brings many negativities. However, we also must stay informed because the enemy is working harder and wisely than ever to deceive as many as possible in these end times.

It’s vital that we not only teach from the Bible but also relate the message to what we see happening in the world, related to their personal. Personal testimonies are powerful tools for leading others to Christ. In some areas of Burma, people have no access to the internet, books, or even basic communication or transportation. Christianity has been entered for years, yet many lives remain unchanged. Many are Christian in name only—baptized at 12 because it’s mandatory, but they do not attend church, read the Bible, or pray. They work hard all week, and on Sunday, they rest—not to worship, but to shift from one form of labor to another. The sermons they hear offer no connection to their lives, and the pastor preached the men of the Bible every week. People consider no at all good sermon. There is no outside informative or a good testimony that related their life difficulties.

The lack of resources—such as literature, Sunday school classes, and Bible studies—are the cause and it burdens my heart. All I can do is pray for them. As our ministry grows, we hope to bring some transformation to these areas.

In the end time, the world is filled with evil and deceit, as Satan seeks to take as many souls with him as he can. How are we responding to this gift of life and the soul that God has entrusted to us? Ending our earthly trials does not mean an end to all trials—eternity awaits. There are countless people who don’t know if they will have a tomorrow, like here in Burma. What if they knew the truth?

What if you still know tomorrow is sure, no matter what burden you might carry?

Life’s trials, difficulties, and burdens affect all of us, no matter our race or background. We all face struggles, but if you are blessed to see another morning, remember to say, “Thank you, Lord.” Walk with Him, and bring your burdens to Him, for He promises to lighten them (Matthew 11:28-30).

In our country, we are enduring the horrors of military airstrikes, natural disasters, unsafe living conditions, fear, hyperinflation, and unemployment. We don’t know what to do, and when we get sick, there is no hospital to go to or medicine to buy. Death surrounds us, sometimes just outside our door.

If you feel lost or burdened, but still have the hope of tomorrow, be thankful.

Jesus said, "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live. And whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die. Do you believe this?" (John 11:25-26).

Our country is suffering from bombing of military army airstrike, natural disasters, unsafety living conditions, fear, too much expensive (hyperinflation) and we don’t have work. We don’t know what to do. If we get sick, we don’t have the money at all to go to hospital or purchase a medicine. We read the news of people’s dying every day, death surrounds us, sometimes just outside our door. Recently a school was bombed by airstrike, an escape teacher told the media in tear, we prepared for the situation for the whole time. We heard the sound of a fighter jet, but we don’t have time to run. I have lost all my students.

If you feel you are in great trial and lost way, but still have a chance for tomorrow that your life can still be transformed, please be grateful!

Jesus said, “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live. And whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die. Do you believe this?” (John 11:25-26).
One thing you posted bothers me. How is a military coup independence?
Seems like the leaders of your country need their hearts changed. God can do that. And prayer for that it seems is critical on a daily basis for those who are in Christ.

Christ tells us they can kill the body, but not the soul. And that those who endure to the end will be saved. If that's only a few Christ also foretold us that. And so I am left with only one thing to post.

Father, Burma has much tribulation and even though Your Son told us there would be tribulation He also told us that whatever we ask (who believe in Him) we will receive. And so Father I ask that you change the hearts of Burma's leaders sooner than later so that the slaughter of the innocents stops. And I pray this in Jesus' Name. Amen.
I'm reminded of the parable of the rich fool... Luke 12:16-21. The man had a surplus of crops, but that very night, he lost his life and was unable to enjoy them as he planned to. He had earned his riches, but did not plan for his unexpected death.

You raise a good point; that we should strive to live for God and not the concerns of the world; help His kingdom to grow through our actions rather than to seek our own selfish desires. Our lives are short. Death awaits us.

But Jesus has conquered death, so we must face our own deaths with faith in Him. This way, in dying in Him, we may follow Him to new lives resurrected in Him, too. It is what to hope for. Jesus is our Hope. If death comes for us today or tomorrow, we must believe in Him that He will guide us in our way passing from life to death and what becomes of us thereafter.
Yes, it's like a catch 22. We need to remain watchful as the scriptures command, but at the same think on that which is positive and of good report (also a Biblical commandment). So the trick is to remain aware but not dwell on what the enemy is doing for long, but rather on what the Lord is doing. This is something I have to return to again and again.

Be encouraged. I know it might sound like a lack of empathy, but our God is the Great Physician, and sometimes having to lean solely on Him instead of trusting in the world brings greater results, not only physically but spiritually as well. And ultimately all our lives are in his hands.

You write very eloquently. Longer pieces like this may not get as many responses, so starting with shorter versions to start and saving the rest for responses might get you more involvement from others. But it was a nicely written piece. I enjoyed reading it. :thm

Blessings in Christ,
Hidden In Him
Thank you Hidden In Him ,

It is the Lord who gave us life to breath, to encourage and bless each others. It can be a challenge but it is also a blessing. The Lord is in control and we believe one day we will see greater light and brighter future for all generations we will see. We trust Him, it would be surprised to say that our country has only 8% of Christianity and influence by other religions and we need to pray hard and work hard...

We also ask to pray for the country that many souls will turn to the Lord!
Thanks that for the comment.

I saw it in a Peanuts cartoon, that the world cannot end today, because it is already tomorrow in Australia.
You said it right, before your tomorrow there is somewhere else tomorrow already :thm
One thing you posted bothers me. How is a military coup independence?
Seems like the leaders of your country need their hearts changed. God can do that. And prayer for that it seems is critical on a daily basis for those who are in Christ.

Christ tells us they can kill the body, but not the soul. And that those who endure to the end will be saved. If that's only a few Christ also foretold us that. And so I am left with only one thing to post.

Father, Burma has much tribulation and even though Your Son told us there would be tribulation He also told us that whatever we ask (who believe in Him) we will receive. And so Father I ask that you change the hearts of Burma's leaders sooner than later so that the slaughter of the innocents stops. And I pray this in Jesus' Name. Amen.
Hi NoahK ,

Thank you so much for your prayer! I truly appreciate it. We need it right now, as we are all in need of prayers for our country.

We gained independence in 1947. However, a year before, in 1946, a betrayal occurred, and our independence leader was assassinated. A contract had already been made to free Burma (Myanmar) in 1947, so we achieved independence on January 4, 1947. But shortly after, our political leader (military leaders) took over the country by force in a coup, and we have suffered ever since.

It is tragic that thousands of people—students and civilians alike—were killed during past military coups, but these events went unnoticed internationally because there was no online media presence as we have today.

The ongoing coup since 2021 has brought disaster to everyone, including us today. We see death, insecurity, and the plight of our families, who live in different states. Our ministry faces many challenges, but we continue to pray and trust in the Lord.

Please continue to pray for our country. God bless you!
I'm reminded of the parable of the rich fool... Luke 12:16-21. The man had a surplus of crops, but that very night, he lost his life and was unable to enjoy them as he planned to. He had earned his riches, but did not plan for his unexpected death.

You raise a good point; that we should strive to live for God and not the concerns of the world; help His kingdom to grow through our actions rather than to seek our own selfish desires. Our lives are short. Death awaits us.

But Jesus has conquered death, so we must face our own deaths with faith in Him. This way, in dying in Him, we may follow Him to new lives resurrected in Him, too. It is what to hope for. Jesus is our Hope. If death comes for us today or tomorrow, we must believe in Him that He will guide us in our way passing from life to death and what becomes of us thereafter.
Thank you lifeform from your encouragement from Luke, as we seek our trust on the Lord and prepare our day for tomorrow, it is a reminder that we need to should tell people who is heading to destruction.

The Bible also tells us that if people are heading for destruction and you don't warm them, you are accountable for their life as said in Ezekiel. And we are ruled by Buddhism and only 8% are Christianity according to Joshua project data. Therefore, we need to tell people more about life and we have a ministry here but it is also in a challenge with this military coup. Your prayer for our country is appreciate.

As we prepare for uncertainty of tomorrow, let's pray for people who have not found Jesus!

God bless you,

Mei Kor — what a sacred blessing your service for God has been !!. You are serving Him under such horrific conditions, and I’m sending you and your ministry deep prayers of support and gratitude.
Mei Kor — what a sacred blessing your service for God has been !!. You are serving Him under such horrific conditions, and I’m sending you and your ministry deep prayers of support and gratitude.
Thank you so much!
God bless you too!
Boasting About Tomorrow
Jas 4:13 Come now, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go to such and such a city, and spend a year there and engage in business and make a profit.”
Jas 4:14 Yet you do not know what your life will be like tomorrow. You are a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes away.
Jas 4:15 Instead, you ought to say, “If the Lord wills, we will live and also do this or that.”
Jas 4:16 But as it is, you boast in your arrogance. All such boasting is evil.
Jas 4:17 Therefore, to one who knows to do the right thing and does not do it, to him it is sin.

Psa 95:7 For He is our God, And we are the people of His pasture and the sheep of His hand. Today, if you hear His voice,
Psa 95:8a Do not harden your hearts,

Now is the day of Salvation

2 Corinthians 6:2b Behold, now is “THE ACCEPTABLE TIME,” behold, now is “THE DAY OF SALVATION”—