Anybody got an idea how this would affect American culture?
Depends on how well it is implemented. Russia conscripts people, but treatment of conscripts is generally harsh. People avoid the draft over there, because they don't trust their leaders to treat them fairly. New conscripts are abused by older conscripts. Sort of a free for all that somewhat resembles the abuse of the weak that goes on in some US prisons. Not even Vlad will send these poorly trained and motivated conscripts into battle. Volunteer soldiers are being sent to Ukraine and Syria. Setting up a system like this will make Americans similarly suspicious of their leaders. Better to just leave things as they are, rather than set up something that is not well thought out.
OTOH, Israel does a pretty good job of training their conscripts. They train hard and realistically for about 3 years. They are widely acknowledged as one of the best quality military units in the world. If the US sets up a system similar to that, the US will have a large number of well trained people that can come to the nation's defense if needed. It won't save any money though. Realistic training is very expensive. Lots of fuel, ammo, spare parts, and wear on the equipment. Israel does this expensive training because they are seriously outnumbered by hostile foes. If they are invaded, every able bodied Israeli is well trained to to respond effectively. Since it would their homes that are being invaded, not some foreign jungle they never heard of, they will be well motivated to fight ferociously. Their well trained conscript military has historically been super effective. Their training seems to give them a sense of unity. Of working together to keep each other safe.
When it comes to sending soldiers far from home, rather than defending their families, volunteer armies tend to work better. Consider the Roman Empire. At one time, Rome used conscripts. They were not all that effective when sent far from Rome. Conscripts just wanted to go home to their families. Then Gaius Marius completely overhauled the Roman Legions. He started the practice of using volunteers who enlisted for a long time, and training them extensively. Rome went on to conquer a fantastic empire using these well trained career soldiers. The conscript militias Rome originally used were only really good for defending their homes. Similar to Israeli soldiers today being extremely effective when defending their homeland.
If the US tries to get cheap, and once again use inadequately trained conscripts to save on troop pay, it is likely to lead to reruns of Korea and Vietnam. Conscript armies generally only fight well when defending their actual homes. In Nam, conscript soldiers called the song "We've got to get out of this place" the national anthem of Vietnam. Conscripts were not well trained for Nam, and not well motivated. Conscripts came home bitter, and the American public was so appalled that they demanded the draft be eliminated. Using inadequately trained conscripts in remote locations was a disaster that should not be repeated.