one_lost_coin said:
All references to the work of the Holy Spirit, Amen.
The Apostolic Succession and the faith being handed down is a strong undeniable those who heard it from the Apostles belief. Actually your perspective does not exist in the early Church.
I would ask why couldn't God speak to us through His Church? I would also suggest that not only is it just human nature to learn by receiving from those who came before us but by God's design. For instance each generation does not have to reinvent the wheel for themselves they recieved the wheel learned from it developed it and passed that on. In actual practice so has every Christian recieved the faith. Even the idea of an invisible church is not of your own origin but was taught long before your birth. It's natural.
The references of God telling His people to pass the faith on to their children and their children's children throughout the Torah OT are to numerous to list and was proclaimed by His decree. The feasts and explaining the meaning of each symbol of the feast to successive generations again God's idea. The notion in the Passover that when it is celebrated even by distant generations including language that somehow mystically includes them as also present in the Exodus. I think the physical solidarity we share as a people of faith through time and one day in time is beautiful and reveals a wisdom that is unspeakably awesome.
I understand what you mean by an invisible Church but I see that there is a visible Church here on earth known in some circles as the Church militant, you can rightly suspect from my posts on other threads I also see a Church being purified and a Church Triumphant those in full beatific vision of God. All one Church the Body of Christ where neither height nor depth nor... can seperate us from the love of Christ.
That being said I was more interested in how everyone here factors in the beliefs and writings of those first Christians in the forming of your own beliefs? What value does their witness have in your understanding of the Church and how much influence do you allow them toward an understanding of a biblical model of the Church?
I also don't see Apostolic succession as mans doing but God's plan and it is believe that a Spiritual Gift of God is imparted to them in the laying on of hands. I do respect you posts immensely and I have always enjoyed reading them in all the various threads I have seen them and can see from your words that you are truly after God's own heart.
Peace be with you
Hi one_lost_coin, I want to start this post off saying that I know I lack the knowledge and education that you have in many areas, and especially your gift to articulate yourself so clearly, but please bear with me anyway as you read this through. I am trying to focus more on what your post is asking, rather than what I long to say...but we may have to settle for a balance of both.
I use early writings (which include, but are not limited to, protestant believers.) mainly to glean Spiritual Truth, and as a way to have a better understanding of the culture and practices of those people I read about in the Scriptures...If the Holy Spirit so uses them. I would say they influence my beliefs on various things a great deal, but I desire for Scripture to be the greater influence. I would also like to say that I only started this practice of reading early believer about six years ago...I am glad I did.
I agree with the principal that each generation need not re-invent the wheel. We should grow and build upon earlier teachings of believers. But, I also think that with all the information that we have been given, that we have a responsibility to grow in Christ beyond those first living come up higher spiritually so that the church can continue to completion. Those men were human and had to shed a lot of their own culture and worldly minsdset to be given over to God's Truth...they learned from the Apostles just as we do. We should 'glean' their writings for Truth, in my opinion, but not see them as infallible. Also, we should not forsake the Spirit's leading in our own lives, and the fact that we also have been given, through the Spirit, the mind of Christ...Godly wisdom. There is a down side to reading earlier writers if we do not remember our own standing in Christ, we lean on them too heavily and remain immature building carnally and not spirtually. Men can lead us astray, and reliance solely upon a model can lead us astray. Hopefully God will continue to draw us back to Him when we get off track, but sometimes that requires chastening, a breaking down, and even judgement to get us back to a frame of mind that would cause us to once again seek to glorify Him, and die to all motives that would do otherwise.
King Josiah, who found the Scriptures again after many generations, had to make many many changes in the nation because men did not heed the Word, and led the people astray. Josiah had the Godly wisdom to tear down the high places that had been allowed to be set up with each passing generation. He could have just continued on, copying his fathers, and probably would have in large degree if he had not found those Scriptures. Judges also talks about the constant judgement that had to come upon God's people because of complacency toward His Word, and the false gods that would enter in because of it. God used priests, prophets, and kings to lead His people, but in these last days, as Hebrews mentions, He has chosen Christ...who is all three and much more. God, of course, is in control. He has used this broken-ness in times past to work His plan, and to restore His children, and I have not doubt He will do that with His church as He continues to purify her and set her apart.
You believe that your church does have that Biblical model, because of Apostolic Succession. And, I am clear that you believe this is how the Holy Spirit works...and I would say that God does use models to accomplish His work...we may disagree on which is best, but both will be used in my opinion. I don't think I agree about the laying on of hands as a way to impart gifts, but I am inspired to dig deeper on the subject now that we have talked about it. I understand the Pope to be the answer for the current interpretation, and application, of Scripture, and even early church writings, for Catholic believers, but for me the Pope is not the would be Jesus Christ alone who is the same yesterday, today, and forever, and is working in the church as a whole. Where is the part of the church that is not being headed up by the Pope in the scheme of things if Jesus is not the sole leader? If they are in rebellion to God's chosen leaders, then they are not the church at all and should be disregarded completely.
I can not rely upon the Pope, or even earlier church writers...even the protestant ones. I can't rely on a system that is broken and in ruins due to false teaching and division, especially protestant ones...though I long for an outward unity. Just as my husband is who I ultimately submit to, and who is the only final authority over me...the church submits herself to Jesus in the same manner. I am hidden in my husband, glorifying him, just as the church is hidden in Christ and seeking to glorify Him. We must look to Him solely for that leading...and if it means that we must re-invent the wheel a few times (Which I think we do individually no matter what model we are following), then we must. (God uses this to shed us of legalism that is founded in self, ritual, and tradition, I believe, those that are put forth in a manner that cause us to sin against God anyway) I am speaking of all denominations here.
I believe that God is working through the current state of the church, and the existing many as there are...and even their splits and divisions. I believe that He uses His Spirit, His Word, Godly wisdom of other believers, and even a broken model that continues to work against outward unity. I also believe there is a bride being purified and set apart for the Groom, and that division is being used to reveal her. This unseen unified bride, that is hidden in Him, is a core remnant way under the crust below this deep, deep fracture. Her hidden beauty of unity, much like a meek and quiet spirit for a woman, far surpasses the outward one (though, in my flesh I long for something more tangible), because it is all His miraculous doing, not man's, and He will be glorified as He makes a broken vessel gloriously adorned and useful, and able to hold His fullness.
By the way, our respect is a mutual one, and I also see a heart of God in your posts. For me, it is the highest compliment, and I pay it back to you...but I know it is only because of God's grace to us. I wish we could agree, but I know we probably never will. I am sorry for such a long-winded response, but I wanted to give you what you asked for, and also a fuller response to the other parts of your post. The Lord bless you today.