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Bible Study What is Good, what is Evil?


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These 2 verses are in Romans, Ch. 9
2And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

9 Let love be without dissimulation. Abhor that which is evil; cleave to that which is good.

My question, which I had hoped to spark a discussion about in another post, is this:

How can you tell if a person is NOT conformed to this world? What do they do, or say, wear, eat, drink, or not do, or say, that makes them stand out, as a Christian?
Jesus also tells us not to be a stumbling block (14:13,and 21) to others. We have a code of conduct to exhibit DAILY, towards others, both weaker Christians, and lost people.

We are to rejoice in tribulation, and not complain.
We, as Christians, are to expose the works of darkness. Some of those works are easily identified, by looking at what Jesus says will NOT enter into the Kingdom of God, and, in fact, the works of darkness are clearly identified throughout the New Testament.
One, is, don't take the mark of the beast, and tell others why they should not. If you do, you will drink of the wine of the wrath of God, and be tormented day and night, forever.
Another work of darkness is: getting vengence on your enemies. Planning to trip them up.
Another work of darkness is: lying (see Revelation 21:23)
another work of darkness is: murdering. under that heading comes abortion.
more works of darkness are: adultery, even LOOKING at a woman and lusting after her, is a sin demanding repentence. Sorcery and witchcraft are sins that will keep you out of Heaven.
another work of darkness is sexual sin: homosexuality, lesbianism,(Romans 1:18-32)
other stumblingblocks of offense, which should not be named once among Christians:
covetousness,pride,covenant breakers, inventors of evil things(look up mice with human brain cells, and using aborted baby's stem cells for experiments)backbiters, rejecting prophets and preachers whom God sends, diluting or perverting the WHOLE GOSPEL of Jesus Christ.

So, if we, as Christians do these things, we are a stumblingblock and an offense.
We are to tell the truth, and, if we're thinking of saying or doing something that would "make" us lie, we should NOT do it.
We're to stay away from sorcery and witchcraft: such as, Harry Potter books, which promote evil and sorcery, magic, and casting spells. No horoscope reading, no astrology.
Instead, talk about the power of GOD, the strength and majesty of the LORD, HIS creation, His

Speak the whole truth about God, His love, and His wrath to come.
Do you refuse to discipline your children? Then why omit that when talking about God?
Do you have NO rules of right and wrong in your life? Then why tell others that God winks at sin, and will not put people who reject Him, into torment, forever and ever?
What's going on with this evil that's being preached to itching ears?

So, tell me what is good and what is evil?
Are the people who go to church today ABLE to discern what is evil, and how to stay away from it?

first - and please do not take this the wrong way using the King james version is comendable but using old english words who's meanings have changed or that others do not understand is not conducive to good conversation flow - God winking at sin for example used to mean God not taking a second glance at sin but these days winking at some one or something ( unless playing wink murder ) has other conotations.
using up to date translations that used the king James in the translation prosess like the ESV is accpetable - they are both literal translations and use theological terms.

second -
we know the difference between good and evil is this:

what ever is not done for God is sin

Romans 14:23
For whatever does not proceed from faith is sin.

James 4:17
So whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin.

dza devlefa
You were easily able to understand what the Bible was telling you, just like everyone else who is born again, is able to understand the KJV of the Bible, since the Holy Spirit within them teaches them all things.
It's simple enough to understand the meanings of the true Word of God, if you have studied it, as God told you to, and if you submit yourself to the teaching of the Lord.

Answer the questions, though. Define, give examples, of what, in today's American society,
is sin.
What, today, is evil? Please give specific examples, like I did.
Do you agree that Harry Potter books are evil?
Do you understand why?
How about the sin of compromise? Can you give examples where the churches of today have

I used to do threads like this and proved by the little I then knew that they are were and always will be devisive - the verses I quoted are suficient to answer your questions - I am not american so cannot comment on america sorry.

I think this thread has had all it needs saying I will not post any more here.

may God help your understanding and aplication of your knowledge.

dza devlefa

I can SEE that you HAVE been AT LEAST 'touched by The Spirit. But you won't find many in agreement with your offerings HERE or in the churches.

The churches have MOSTLY 'lost The Spirit'. And by doing so are unable to TEACH those that 'they propose to' the TRUTH. Bits and pieces. Enough to 'appear' to be 'holy' but in reality they are simply leading the congregations in the SAME direction that they themselves have gone. Teaching that EVERYTHING is OK so long as 'Jesus LOVES them'.

Sin is CERTAINLY that which is NOT LOVE. In EVERY commandment offered by God to the Hebrews/Jews and EVERY commandment offered by Christ; IS LOVE. So, to live or act WIthout love IS 'to sin'. EXPECIALLY once one COMES to the TRUTH. For it's BETTER to have NOT KNOWN the TRUTH than to have one's EYES opened and STILL live WITHOUT LOVE.

The churches CAN'T teach the TRUTH of sin though. For to DO so would PLAINLY point out that they are some of the WORSE sinners of ALL. Teaching superficial information to 'keep em commin' back'. Offering a 'semblance of the truth' but NO SUBSTANCE. For to teach the COMPLETE TRUTH would be to admit that one DOESN'T NEED them at all. That they would most likely fare BETTER without them. That MOST of those that LEAD the 'churches' are the one's that NEED the MOST forgiveness.

Christ WAS/IS enough. We ARE able to receive the 'gift' offered THROUGH Christ and NO amount of 'churchology' is able to 'take away' from this 'truth'.

But for those that INSIST upon the 'churches' as their NEEDED 'gathering', beware. For what you BELIEVE in your HEART is WHAT you will be JUDGED upon. And WHAT IF you are involved with a 'church' that is NOT teaching the 'truth'? When judgement comes, what are you going to 'say'? "That's what they TOLD me to believe". "I was simply following them". "But I 'thought' that they were telling me the 'truth".

We were CERATAINLY told to 'gather' in Christ's name. But we were ALSO warned of 'false prophets' offering 'false doctrine'. The FACT that there are SO MANY 'different' denominations should be a pretty CLEAR indication that there is 'something' wrong with the 'way' the 'churches' are operating in these days. Beware.

I agree, why insist on going to a church that is teaching lies?
I went to 2 of them, and no matter what I said, the leaders insisted on
perverting Scripture, and on staying away from God's holy judgements, and His
penalties for sin, such as burning forever in the lake of fire.

Maybe you can answer the question I just posted in general talk, about religions, and how
they are very tricky, if one isn't aware of the truth in the KJV bible.
21Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.

22Abstain from all appearance of evil.

Prove whether something or someone is of God, and is telling the Gospel, in all it's truth.
Abstain from ALL appearance of evil.

ALL, and even the appearance of evil....

Don't be seen going in to a bar, or dance club, where drunkenness is common, don't wear clothing that is too revealing, or, that has anti-Christian wording on it...
many things we are to do, to be examples for the lost.....


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