What is the difference in committing acts of sin and the dominion of sin?
Scriptures describe "sin" as a progression, a cancerous growth of spiritually adverse nature that begins first in 'thought' form. Anyone who understands this knows they have evil thoughts, and these thoughts are 'defiling,' whether they show up on the outside or not.
Matt. 5:28, Matt. 15:19-20 and Mark 7:21-23 all show "evil thoughts" as the "defiling" measure. Anyone who "truthfully" examines their own thoughts will "honestly" find "evil present" within them. This should prove to anyone the "defilement" of the flesh exists because of "evil's presence." Romans 7:21.
Paul tells us that this is WAR, internal. Romans 7:23.
The second stage of sin's capture is sin in word form. From the thoughts of evil, these "can" then begin to extend to the outside. The first victims to fall are those who claim they have no evil thoughts. In such claims the claimants have actually already been captured by A LIE. That lie is courtesy of the "evil present" within. It is also seen in hypocrisy. These two measures are both traps, and also show "
who is truthful and who is NOT."
The religious leaders were always the "first in line for the fall" into these traps, as Jesus shows us for example in:
Luke 11:39
And the Lord said unto him, Now do ye
Pharisees make clean the outside of the cup and the platter;
but your inward part is full of ravening and wickedness.
Nobody is going to be fooling The Spirit of Christ. The Spirit of Christ KNOWS we have evil present within us. And those who are IN TRUTH will speak truthfully about this. Not that we have to lend any particular details to this fact, but it is good to 'tell the truth' about it, just as Paul did in Romans 7:21.
So, progression from evil thoughts, to evil (lying, hypocritical claims) words/evil claiming this internal fact is not an internal reality. IT is and will remain so whether anyone is able to speak honestly to it or NOT.
The final state is "evil actions." This is the full capturing and enslavement of the flesh by sin. But the reality is that "evil is present" within to start with. In evil external deeds it simply proves it has gotten out of hand in "complete deception."
But in those who control it, it's there to have to control in any case.
Such still stand in defiled warring flesh, just as the scriptures show us. Romans 7:17-21, Romans 7:23. Gal. 5:17, all show the state of war in the flesh. This is not a 'forensic' war, internally. It is therefore war with the "spirit of disobedience."
When we say we have no war, we have been defeated and temporarily sidelined by that enemy.