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Bible Study What is the meaning of this bible verse


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That's part of the personal relationships within Matthew 5, and is addressing the behaviours of individuals within the gathered body of believers. Sometimes, a person sins and refuses to repent. Our Lord is directing those gathered to banish the person from their midst, in order to not have that person influence negatively the rest of the people.

Unfortunately, in some churches today, the unrepentant sinner is not cast from the body of the membership - even after several attempts to bring that person back into the fold. Instead, it is almost as if the elders in those churches have decided to 'live and let live in society' as opposed to providing leadership and correction when needed.
That's part of the personal relationships within Matthew 5, and is addressing the behaviours of individuals within the gathered body of believers. Sometimes, a person sins and refuses to repent. Our Lord is directing those gathered to banish the person from their midst, in order to not have that person influence negatively the rest of the people.

Unfortunately, in some churches today, the unrepentant sinner is not cast from the body of the membership - even after several attempts to bring that person back into the fold. Instead, it is almost as if the elders in those churches have decided to 'live and let live in society' as opposed to providing leadership and correction when needed.
Hello, calvin here;
So, are you saying that these churches, (lets call them liberal) will all get cast into hell?
Matthew 5:29
Hello calvin here, your heading was
What is the meaning of this bible verse
I understand this passage to speak to the seriousness of sin.

Jesus often spoke/taught using ideas to convey the point that were a bit of an exageration.
For example....It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle and so on. (Matt 19:24,)
You blind guides, straining out a gnat and swallowing a camel! (Matt 23:24 )
So if You are continually looking at things you ought not be, and that is leading you to sin, it is time to seriously curb your sin.....look elsewhere.
Brock, look at the two verses before your verse :
Matt 5:27,28 notice where looking lustfully at a woman is as bad as actually committing a physical sin, then Jesus follows with your verse.....see the connection?
Plucking out your right eye would still leave you with a left eye, so clearly the idea is to stop doing sinful things....don't mutilate your body:shame:)
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Maybe it can be done as a prophetic gesture of sorts. Spiritually. Do it in spirit only yet see the eye for evil being gone, and cast it down from you. Thank the Lord for eyes which see only Him. Make covenant with your eyes before God to seal it and put it behind you.

calvin makes a pretty good point. That passage should illustrate the reality of what is in our hearts and minds is the reality to our Lord. Ones imagination is not something to be dismissed but something to be perceived as one of our spiritual senses. You can bet money that if the Lord sees that our very thoughts as our reality which is to be judged, then it's truth and should be embraced on a spiritual level. Learn to control your imagination. Pray for a sanctified imagination, because what you let into your eyes will go into your heart and that is who you will become. So don't even think about it.
Matthew 5:29


if you put this verse in context with Mathew 27-30

Jesus uses the OT command about committing adultery and compares it to the NT teaching implying even the very thought is enough to hold us guilty before God as having carried out the actual physical act

then he says it is better for as to remove the offending body part that causes us to sin to stop or prevent us from sinning again and only scarfice that part of our body

rather then we keep that offending body part that causes us to sin and the whole body gets held accountable and is cast into hell instead

so to cut off these offending members (sins)

we have to repent confess and ask for forgiveness to save the whole body from destruction 1 John 1.9


if you put this verse in context with Mathew 27-30

Jesus uses the OT command about committing adultery and compares it to the NT teaching implying even the very thought is enough to hold us guilty before God as having carried out the actual physical act

then he says it is better for as to remove the offending body part that causes us to sin to stop or prevent us from sinning again and only scarfice that part of our body

rather then we keep that offending body part that causes us to sin and the whole body gets held accountable and is
cast into hell instead

so to cut off these offending members (sins)

we have to repent confess and ask for forgiveness to save the whole body from destruction 1 John 1.9


Wait I thought it meant get rid of anything that is making you sin such as an item or something It just means repent? Oh btw welcome to cfnet.
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Mat 5:29 And if thy right eye offend thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell.

I say get rid of what ever is attacking us ...
Hi Brock & Reba

yes it includes both those principals as well

the offending body part maybe sin, an item, something, anything attacking us, or a habit, addition, behavior, conduct, gossiping, etc

remove or stop doing it so the whole body is saved

repentance confession and forgiveness is used to restore us to our right standing before God again

if its applicable to what we are doing is causing us to offend or sin

it doesn't matter what the cause is, the solution to restore the whole body if its applicable

is repentance confession and forgiveness

i hope this helps

Matthew 5:29
Don't let anything keep you from the kingdom of God.
With our eyes we envy, covet, lust and are jealous of what others have.
With our hands we can do evil.
We would be better off without a hand with which to do evil or an eye to lust than to have then and get condemned to hell.

iakov the fool
Hello, calvin here;
So, are you saying that these churches, (lets call them liberal) will all get cast into hell?

Only those within the body who have chosen to sin without repentance and won't make any changes despite the urging/counseling of the elders. (Unless, of course, the entire church body have fallen and have not repented and changed their ways!)
Hi Brock & Reba

yes it includes both those principals as well

the offending body part maybe sin, an item, something, anything attacking us, or a habit, addition, behavior, conduct, gossiping, etc

remove or stop doing it so the whole body is saved

repentance confession and forgiveness is used to restore us to our right standing before God again

if its applicable to what we are doing is causing us to offend or sin

it doesn't matter what the cause is, the solution to restore the whole body if its applicable

is repentance confession and forgiveness

i hope this helps


I don't get how stoping or removing something will save us as if salvation is something you can gain or earn:thinking

if you put this verse in context with Mathew 27-30

Jesus uses the OT command about committing adultery and compares it to the NT teaching implying even the very thought is enough to hold us guilty before God as having carried out the actual physical act

then he says it is better for as to remove the offending body part that causes us to sin to stop or prevent us from sinning again and only scarfice that part of our body

rather then we keep that offending body part that causes us to sin and the whole body gets held accountable and is cast into hell instead

so to cut off these offending members (sins)

we have to repent confess and ask for forgiveness to save the whole body from destruction 1 John 1.9


Let me ask you this, if you watch porn on an iPad a few times (not an addiction) what do you do, ask God to rescue you from pornagraghy and stop watching it, or get rid of the iPad?
Hi Brock

its only symbolic if the body part as an example was your ipad that you were using to access inappropriate material

its not the ipad or the internet thats the problem there only resources

its giving into the temptation is what holds us accountable before God and requires repentance

you don't have to agree with me you may have a completely different view or perceptive and that's ok

its only my point of view

everyone has there own unique perception of things

Hi Brock

its only symbolic if the body part as an example was your ipad that you were using to access inappropriate material

its not the ipad or the internet thats the problem there only resources

its giving into the temptation is what holds us accountable before God and requires repentance

you don't have to agree with me you may have a completely different view or perceptive and that's ok

its only my point of view

everyone has there own unique perception of things


I agree with you maybe because you said exactly what I wanted to hear haha.
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Let me ask you this, if you watch porn on an iPad a few times (not an addiction) what do you do, ask God to rescue you from pornagraghy and stop watching it, or get rid of the iPad?

There are several things in our lives that we can't as easily get rid of. They require us to mature and bevome more disciplined. An iPad isn't one of them though. I'd relate lust to drugs and liquor. A person who has an issue with drinking to aviod it might avoid any sitution where there is liquor. They completely cut it out of their lives.

But if a person is angry with someone around them, they can't as easily be rid of the cause of their anger, and must either learn to deal eith that person without being angry, or if they really can't it's sad. I know a few people who had to search for a different career path because their job had a belittling and harassing indivual, and there weren't any other jobs in that field. I've met people who avoid their families and moved far away from them to distance them from the people they're angry with.

I don't think Jesus was taking a small approach with sin. If you can't control yourself, it is better to lose your good eye, or your good hand then to continue in sin.

Absolutely pray for God to help you. And if it becomes something that you still do and don't quit (no matter how few the occurances are) then it might be time yo step up the action against the sin. Software exists to filter out the pictures that are temptations. People gave gone on "digital fasts" where they avoid the computer for a few weeks to rid the habit. Even removing yourself completely from your iPad is an option if you think you can't resist the call to porn. (And have tried and failed yo resist it. )
Let me ask you this, if you watch porn on an iPad a few times (not an addiction) what do you do, ask God to rescue you from pornagraghy and stop watching it, or get rid of the iPad?
I sounds like you're trying to pass the blame onto the iPad in this example when it is you who is choosing to gaze. If you are finding yourself unable to resist the temptation(s) found on the iPad then maybe getting rid of it is your only alternative first step.

However, don't be mistaken. Removing the iPad may not resolve the conflict within you. In other words, your eye(s) and mind will not stop seeing the temptation just because the iPad is gone.

Repenting is a turning away from, changing your attitude and your heart about it. Give it to Him and let the Holy Spirit help you cleanse your mind. Also, be aware that this may not be a sudden and complete transformation but may take time as you continue to resist God's leading.
Do you think, when we stand before the Lord, will we get by with our "unique perception" as we describe to the Lord why we did or did not do things because we preceived them differently?

Hello Douglas

the context of my comment to Brock about each persons unique perception meant everyone has the right to there own point of view

im not responsible for others peoples perceptions or comprehensions we all reap what we sow

as for standing before God we cant hide or justify our perceptions understanding or interpretations

we will all give an account of our selves

and be judge accordingly



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