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What is too extreme when it comes to being a Christian?


We have the overriding and core principle that Christ gives us, which is to love one another, so how should we apply it in dealing people that seem a bit zealous in their religious views or actions. So when someone is taking a very zealous view or extreme some may say of a what one eats such as Fruitarianism (diet that consists primarily of consuming fruits and possibly nuts and seeds), what a word means such as 'saint' (when applied to a regular person raising them to the level of deity or to pray to or venerate), or someone who takes things too literal and handles snakes in church services or feels they need to mutilate themselves to keep from sinning, or even who should be the political leader of the nation because of the religious plank they claim, which seems to go over the top in some cases, what should one do?

Now there are behaviors that some may say is too much for a believer, but for others its normal such as for a Christian to sell what they have and give to others who may not have. Or to decide to give up a good job to be a pastor or minister at a lessor salary, or even move out of a nice expansive house in a immoral filled city and go to a poorer house in a country setting filled with believers, or one that seems to rile many, constantly praying or going to neighbors and sharing the Bible.

So what is too extreme and what is normal for a Christian, and how should you as a Christian react?
Many repeated examples from Jesus in His Word.

King James Bible
So likewise, whosoever he be of you that forsaketh not all that he hath, he cannot be my disciple.
The Cost of Discipleship
…32And if he is unable, he will send a delegation while the other king is still far off, to ask for terms of peace. 33In the same way, any one of you who does not give up everything he has cannot be My disciple. 34Salt is good, but if the salt loses its savor, with what will it be seasoned?…
Berean Standard Bible · Download

New Revised Standard Version
So therefore, none of you can become my disciple if you do not give up all your possessions.

New Heart English Bible
So therefore whoever of you who does not renounce all that he has, he cannot be my disciple.

Webster's Bible Translation
So likewise, whoever he is of you that forsaketh not all that he hath, he cannot be my disciple.

Weymouth New Testament
Just as no one of you who does not detach himself from all that belongs to him can be a disciple of mine.

World English Bible
So therefore, whoever of you who doesn’t renounce all that he has, he can’t be my disciple.
Luke 18:22,23,28-30
Now when Jesus heard these things, he said unto him, Yet lackest thou one thing: sell all that thou hast, and distribute unto the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come, follow me…
Luke 18:22,23,28-30
Now when Jesus heard these things, he said unto him, Yet lackest thou one thing: sell all that thou hast, and distribute unto the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come, follow me…
Sacrificing yourself before God by decapitating yourself with a bandsaw.

You and your spouse covering yourselves in black plastic(strategic areas uncovered)for the purpose of sanctified love-making.

If your spouse has an affair with someone from your own church,rejoice,be cool with it,show everybody that you have a forgiving and loving heart.

..........and etc.

Relax,enjoy life,the trinity knows none of us are perfect,we are going to mess up here and there.You will drive yourself bonkers trying to emulate God.Ask God for continued guidance and wisdom,pray for the Holy Spirit to pass over you as you sleep,and place dreams and visions in your head.Do a search on 'Dreams and Visions' in scripture,it's in teresting.Press forward up river everyday,just like Capt. Willard in the movie "Apocalypse Now",complete your 'Mission',no matter what.

The Ohio Resistance.
According to many athiests/Democrats, anything & everything that hinders their plans/beliefs are too extreme, it seems.
So what is too extreme and what is normal for a Christian, and how should you as a Christian react?

What is too extreme and what is normal spiritually and morally is dictated to us by God in His word. Read 3 Timothy 3:16-17 and Psalm 119.

How should I react to extreme behavior in fellow believers? As God does to them in His word and according to the example of Christ and his apostles.
Unfortunately many Church's practice this and it began in Appalachia in the early 20th century. Alabama, Georgia, the Carolinas and Appalachia have the strongest influence with over 125 Church's in the region who practice snake handling.

Some Churchs have taken extremism to a whole new level. Let's keep it in Scripture.

First, the practice of snake handling for the purpose of proving one's faith. Many reference Mark 16:17-18 for this practice.
Including the drinking of rat poison, and some have walked on stones of fire to prove their faith to God.

What does the Scripture say to such practices? Well one Scripture comes to thought Matthew 4:7 and Deuteronomy 6:16, is a violation of God's command 'Do not put the Lord your God to the test'.

And I also find this Scripture fitting as well
1 Corinthians 10:9 "We must not put Christ to the test, as some of them did and were killed by snakes.

In closing, Jesus said many would come in His name casting out devils etc., but unfortunately He never knew them!

Instead of proving our faith to each other and ourselves, we should examine ourselves with Scripture and allow the fruit of the spirit be our proof of the God we serve. Our personal testimony is better and greater to God then a 100 snakes being picked up.

Obedience is better than sacrifice 1 Samuel 15:22

God Bless
We have the overriding and core principle that Christ gives us, which is to love one another, so how should we apply it in dealing people that seem a bit zealous in their religious views or actions.

In His word, God says a great deal more than just "love one another." Left up to us, what "love" means is defined in very...human ways, which is to say in very corrupt, sinful and destructive ways. And so, God doesn't give us any room in what He means by "love" to shoehorn in our own, particular, preferred, human view of love. When, then, I'm evaluating whether or not someone claiming to be God's child is too zealous and how interact with them, I look to God's word as my guide.

So when someone is taking a very zealous view or extreme some may say of a what one eats such as Fruitarianism (diet that consists primarily of consuming fruits and possibly nuts and seeds), what a word means such as 'saint' (when applied to a regular person raising them to the level of deity or to pray to or venerate), or someone who takes things too literal and handles snakes in church services or feels they need to mutilate themselves to keep from sinning, or even who should be the political leader of the nation because of the religious plank they claim, which seems to go over the top in some cases, what should one do?

Examine these practices in the light of God's word, taking His revelation in its sum, not in convenient bits and pieces of prooftexts. In the light of God's Truth, these things are all shown to be either largely irrelevant to Christian living, presumptuous foolishness, or outright blasphemous false doctrine. Depending on the which is which, I may simply shrug my shoulders and/or shake my head, or contend strongly against it, godly love actually requiring I do so.

Now there are behaviors that some may say is too much for a believer, but for others its normal such as for a Christian to sell what they have and give to others who may not have. Or to decide to give up a good job to be a pastor or minister at a lessor salary, or even move out of a nice expansive house in a immoral filled city and go to a poorer house in a country setting filled with believers, or one that seems to rile many, constantly praying or going to neighbors and sharing the Bible.

So what is too extreme and what is normal for a Christian, and how should you as a Christian react?

God says what "too extreme" is in regards to Christian living, not me, or the next person, or even a group of people.

See: 2 Timothy 3:16-17, Psalm 119.

Of course, understanding God's word is predicated upon sound reason, a Spirit-controlled life, and much time spent studying His word.
Thoughts on snakes, snake handling, daily activity for men and women in usa churches and outside of churches.
1) No problem, we can handle it. We can deal with it. We love the challenge.
2) School is so challenging, but we'll get through. We will overcome! We'll make it or get up dust ourselves off and try again - keep going (through the snakes/society/school/business/possessed family and friends/neighbors/news/classes)....
3) Extreme? What is extreme, or what is too extreme? When the river is overflowing, and hundreds of people are filling sandbags and working together to hold back the water ...... do we get to set back in our lounge chair with our cup of jo (coffee) or worse drinks and enjoy laziness instead of striving for what is best in Christ Jesus and instead of what is needed TODAY (not tomorrow) by or for someone under attack, hungry, thirsty, stressed out ?

4) In the world you will have much persecution. When they persecute you in one city, move on to the next. Jesus:"I Will Return" ... ... Jesus is due back any moment. Are you ready? Am I? Who is ? Will He Say "Welcome My Good and Faithful Servant, Come Recline and Dine With Me !?!?!? "
or ... ... ... < low drum roll>
<low drum roll>
<low drum roll>
or will He Say "be gon.........................................................
According to many athiests/Democrats, anything & everything that hinders their plans/beliefs are too extreme, it seems.
.... if only someone could find a good saved republican to help
Obedience is better than sacrifice 1 Samuel 15:22

"We must not put Christ to the test, as some of them did and were killed by snakes.

In closing, Jesus said many would come in His name casting out devils etc., but unfortunately He never knew them!

In Remembrance of those who died for their faith, serving truthfully as messengers of YHVH's Kingdom.

(Remember those honest truthful zealous disciples who DID heal the sick, DID cast out devils, DID tell the truth ... ... ) ....... humbly, righteously, faithfully,

of whom the world is not worthy
We have the overriding and core principle that Christ gives us, which is to love one another, so how should we apply it in dealing people that seem a bit zealous in their religious views or actions. So when someone is taking a very zealous view or extreme some may say of a what one eats such as Fruitarianism (diet that consists primarily of consuming fruits and possibly nuts and seeds), what a word means such as 'saint' (when applied to a regular person raising them to the level of deity or to pray to or venerate), or someone who takes things too literal and handles snakes in church services or feels they need to mutilate themselves to keep from sinning, or even who should be the political leader of the nation because of the religious plank they claim, which seems to go over the top in some cases, what should one do?

Now there are behaviors that some may say is too much for a believer, but for others its normal such as for a Christian to sell what they have and give to others who may not have. Or to decide to give up a good job to be a pastor or minister at a lessor salary, or even move out of a nice expansive house in a immoral filled city and go to a poorer house in a country setting filled with believers, or one that seems to rile many, constantly praying or going to neighbors and sharing the Bible.

So what is too extreme and what is normal for a Christian, and how should you as a Christian react?
Great questions reddogs, Sometimes is it good to answer a question with a question or is it good to be sincere/straight?

As to our understanding, it is best to understand an issue especially when Jesus says something, because our salvation is based on Him and doing exactly whatever He says, here and there a little.

Love always, Walter And Debbie