Hi to all , and a very interesting Parable concerning Israel . Most believers , do not believe that the Nation of Israel was set aside , but here it says that they are !!!!
1} Verse 6 , He spake also this Parable ; A certain man had a FIG TREE planted in His vineyard ; and He came and SOUGHT fruit thereon , and found none .
#1 , The certain man is God the Father !
#2 , no fruit on the tree , which is Israel !!!!
2} Then said He unto the Dresser of His Vineyard , Behold , these 3 years I come seeking fruit on this Fif Tree , and find None ; cut it Down ; why cumbereth it the ground ????
#1 , God the Father says to Jesus , and no fruit for 3 years .
#2 , And the Father says , cut it down .
#3 , It is just taking up space .
3} Then in verse 8 , And He answering said unto Him , Lord , let it alone this year also , till I shall Dig around it and Dung it .
#1 , Jesus answers the Father .
#2 , Let it alone one more year .
#3 , and I, Jesus , will dig around and Fertilize the tree !!!
4} And if it Bear fruit , well , and if not , then after that thou shaft CUT IT DOWN .
#1 , Jesus says , if no fruit than the Father will cut it down .
5} Then in Matt 3:10 , we see that the AXE is already laid on the Root , because they will not bear fruit .
6} Then in Acts 28:28 , and very soon, like 70 AD , Israel is set aside and Rom 11:25 reveals when God WILL AGAIN deal with Israel .
1} Verse 6 , He spake also this Parable ; A certain man had a FIG TREE planted in His vineyard ; and He came and SOUGHT fruit thereon , and found none .
#1 , The certain man is God the Father !
#2 , no fruit on the tree , which is Israel !!!!
2} Then said He unto the Dresser of His Vineyard , Behold , these 3 years I come seeking fruit on this Fif Tree , and find None ; cut it Down ; why cumbereth it the ground ????
#1 , God the Father says to Jesus , and no fruit for 3 years .
#2 , And the Father says , cut it down .
#3 , It is just taking up space .
3} Then in verse 8 , And He answering said unto Him , Lord , let it alone this year also , till I shall Dig around it and Dung it .
#1 , Jesus answers the Father .
#2 , Let it alone one more year .
#3 , and I, Jesus , will dig around and Fertilize the tree !!!
4} And if it Bear fruit , well , and if not , then after that thou shaft CUT IT DOWN .
#1 , Jesus says , if no fruit than the Father will cut it down .
5} Then in Matt 3:10 , we see that the AXE is already laid on the Root , because they will not bear fruit .
6} Then in Acts 28:28 , and very soon, like 70 AD , Israel is set aside and Rom 11:25 reveals when God WILL AGAIN deal with Israel .