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Bible Study what so detestable?

25 Then Pharaoh summoned Moses and Aaron and said, “Go, sacrifice to your God here in the land.” 26 But Moses said, “That would not be right. The sacrifices we offer the Lord our God would be detestable to the Egyptians. And if we offer sacrifices that are detestable in their eyes, will they not stone us? 27 We must take a three-day journey into the wilderness to offer sacrifices to the Lord our God, as he commands us.”

Pharaoh is a picture of the ruler of this world and Egypt is a picture of the World. Interestingly Egypt has produced the Book of the Dead our Lord has the Book of Life. Don't know if it means anything but I think its cool. The ruler of this world is the great compromiser. Hey go ahead and worship your God but don't separate yourself from the world make your sacrifices here in the Land. But the Lord calls us to come out from the world and to be spiritual pilgrims and aliens in this world.

We are given the reason why unbelievers find Christians so difficult. The things the people of the world think of as gods to be worshipped we find are the things that need to be sacrificed. Pride is humbleness for us, revenge is turning the other cheek and forgiveness is hold a grudge. These are the things, and more, that cause unbelievers to see us as radical people. I am sure some maybe most have had spiritual stones cast at as we have tried to bring the Good News. In the final verse is the biggest stumbling block for most. Our sacrifices are to be after a three day journey which points us to the crucifixion and Resurrection. The cross of Christ is a huge stumbling block. For some they actually think it was child abuse, how nuts is that? For most it is the trouble of admitting we are the worst of sinners who needed the Holy Son of God to die for us. Lots don't want to admit that about themselves. What are some of the things you have experienced trying to make disciples of all men? My favorite was the younger woman I was talking with and i was so unexpecting her answer it caused me to break into laughter. I have to admit it was a sign of the times. She looked at me and said thanks and then hit me with "I'm sorry that's fake news."
I like how you said Egypt has produced the Book of the Dead our Lord has the Book of Life as it reminded me of an experience I had when I was working for the Lord in the prison ministry. Here is one of my experience using what you said here.

I use to work with the prison ministry going in to teach the word to the inmates. I was talking about how many make the Bible an idol making it more holy to them than God. They put it on a shelf or coffee table to display to others how righteous they are because they have a Bible and even read it at times, but yet have no clue of who God is nor His plan of salvation by His grace through faith in Christ.

They were not grasping what I was talking about so, I picked up my Bible and dropped it on the floor and stood on it. You should have seen their faces. There were three men in the back that stood up and said "you can't desecrate the Bible like that" as they were getting angry that I did that. The other men that were in the room looked at me and said, "Wow, now we understand what you are talking about".

Seeds were planted that day and the next week when I went back a few of them that weren't already saved got saved that day as they received Jesus as their Lord and Savior just by that simple demonstration. I told them that it is easy to accept Christ while you are in here, but if you do not take Him with you when you leave you will find Him again when you come back. Again a few weeks later those who were released were right back sitting in my class and told me how right I was. Many good disciples come from the prisons.
That is a great story and wonderful testimony Of what the Lord and Holy Spirit can do through someone if we just let them. Amazing to hear these things even though I have seen them for decades. How the Lord and Holy Spirit humble themselves. Mike before his ptsd made him housebound would do Passover Seders at churches around town. This was like the Jews for Jesus only we were more in depth. Such as the Haggadah Mike wrote ends saying on that day the two high priests faced there congregations. One High Priest named Calphas and the Great High Priest Jesus the Christ of God. At the appointed time Caiphas opened his arms wide while Christ was nailed in that position. Then both High Priest pronounced “it is finished.” people would Come and tell him how they never understood things in the O.T. and they understood our Lord’s Supper and The what’s and the whys? It was very humbling. It is awesome to watch how He raises up people who can be used to move hearts. I think the church has forgotten that moving hearts, not legislation is the only way to change someone and you did that and I bet they were not your first or last. Mike doesn’t go out hardly at all. We have workers or deliveries and he has them talking about the Lord. On the rare turn he does go out anyone from the cashier to the stranger is open season to talk about the Lord with. I don’t believe he could stop talking to people about Him. It is so great to see him because he lights up and just beams. You sound like you have common hearts with each otherthanks again for a great story and moreso helping with the Lord and plucking anyone we can out of the fire. God bless.