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Bible Study What would you do? Pt1


(Formerly Soldiers) Philippians 1:21
So I'm an atheist (no not really), but if I was, and I was coming to a you for the first time and allowed you a minute to spill it, what would you say?
So I'm an atheist (no not really), but if I was, and I was coming to a you for the first time and allowed you a minute to spill it, what would you say?
Interesting scenario...
I'ld ask if he knew the difference between right and wrong.
Then I would ask if he thought he could get-away with the wrong.
Then I would tell Him about Jesus dying for our sins and making the way for us to live without ever doing wrong again.
So I'm an atheist (no not really), but if I was, and I was coming to a you for the first time and allowed you a minute to spill it, what would you say?
Hard to say because me with the Holy Spirit empowering me are not standing there right now with the atheist . The Holy Spirit can give you the words to say .
So I'm an atheist (no not really), but if I was, and I was coming to a you for the first time and allowed you a minute to spill it, what would you say?
Everything is no accident. Not the universe, not the earth, not the animals, not the plants, not us. It's all been created for a purpose by a God who loves His creation including you and me. There is a theme repeated over and over throughout all of Scripture that God wants us to know Him. Not just know of Him but to really know Him in a very personal way. When God created us everything was, as He put it, "Very good." Unfortunately human kind gave in to a temptation to be like gods and in that moment sin entered the world and God, being a just and Holy God, could not allow that. But, God in His infinite wisdom and knowledge, understood that we would not be able to be reconciled back to Him on our own so He provided a way out by giving His only Son that whoever believes in Him shall live eternally with Him. Scripture explains this in 1 Corinthians 10:13 NKJV. "No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape."

Jesus also explained it as recorded in Scripture at John 3:16-17 NKJV.

"God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved."

Put your faith and trust in the Lord, Jesus, and He will show you the way for He is the way.
So I'm an atheist (no not really), but if I was, and I was coming to a you for the first time and allowed you a minute to spill it, what would you say?
My introduction is usually something along this line, I say hi, my name is Bob, and I am on a Christian work today. Their response would guide me into whether to further the conversation or not.

Using your reply for an example, you told me you were an atheist, I would ask have you always been that way, or did you find out something that changed your mind? So if you give me your response, I will continue to work with your response.
First I would quote John 3:16 and Romans 10:9-10 then would tell him/her that I would rather live my life for the sake of Christ and my witness and testimony of Him rather then to live my life thinking He is not real, then to find out to late that He is very real.
So I'm an atheist (no not really), but if I was, and I was coming to a you for the first time and allowed you a minute to spill it, what would you say?
I would ask you what it is you want to know. That is, why are you asking me and what are you asking me for? That was, come to think of it, the method Jesus often used. He asked people what they wanted of him. Sounds like a good strategy.