The Gideons are even located overseas. Occassionally I will stop in a hotel here in Asia and there is a Bible placed by them there.
"(he) refused to send me one and said they only distribute in large quantities. "
I am very surprised to hear this. I don't think this is the general philosophy of the Gideons. I know here in Asia, they will give out individual Bibles. I have also heard that if you are in a hotel room and you have no Bible, it is okay to take the Gideon Bible. I have never done that since I have my own and I would not want to deprive the next person in the room of one, but if a person really desires and needs one, it is okay to take it.
"remember one year in grade school (I went to a christian school) the gideons visited the school and handed out little new testaments to the kids... I actually still have mine. "
I went to a public school and they always gave the 6th graders at the end of the year a NT pocket Bible and I still have mine too. I don't know if they still do this anymore, but they used to give graduating nurses Bibles, and I think the military as well.
" I was in a hotel in Michigan and instead of a gideon Bible they had the book of mormon"
It must have been a mormon owned hotel. If you are in Japan, you will often find the Book of Buddha in the hotel rooms.
I really respect the work of the Gideons. They work quietly and effectively in my opinion. Now that I live overseas, I can clearly see which missionary organizations are worth investing in and which are not. I would say the Gideons are worth the investment both in America and overseas.