Quadeshet said:
Imagican said:
Well then, let me offer this as a beginning:
Love = Good
Hate = Evil
I'll give this some time to soak in and then we can move on from here.
You seem a little hostile.
I suppose, like SyntaxVorlon, I do find it odd that people don't agree.
Why doesn't everyone see the world in such black and white terms?
There are cultures with no idea of God.
There are cultures with no idea of gods.
People have different answers to the same question. Interesting, no?
Ok my friend,
I wouldn't call my answer hostile in the least. All I offered is that it seems really really strange that the folks that are SO SURE that God doesn't exist would waste their time arguing with those that ARE sure that He does. I mean, if these 'anti-God folks' were so SURE, and so SMART, it seems as if they would have come to the conclusion that arguing with a Christian is 'just a waste of time'.
Otherwise, the only alternative I can come up with is; these folks are doing it just to belittle the beliefs of others. If this is the case, there is no better word that I could come up with than EVIL.
If my accusation that what you may be doing is EVIL has offended you or caused you to question your motives, then you should perhaps search your OWN conscience for the answer.
I know, I know, there is no EVIL in your world. People that maim and murder others for the sake of the thrill, its just that, a desire to be thrilled. Nothing more. And those that choose to 'attack' others that choose to accept 'good' as offered by 'a Creator' are just doing it 'for fun'. Nothing EVIL about making fun of other's beliefs either, right? Because there is NO EVIL. That's kind of like throwing the concept of personal ownership out the window so one wouldn't have to feel guilty for stealing from them. Wow. Pretty twisted concept huh?
Enough of this. Trust me guys, I'm anything but hostile. A bit confused perhaps, but not hostile. Back to the subject though.
Name ONE culture that has NO religion. Just one that doesn't believe in some kind of deity. I am not asking for a culture that has 'some' that don't accept religion, I ask for one CULTURE that has NO religion. I honestly don't believe this exists.
It is inherent in ALL of us to know the Creator. Some just choose to deny for the sake of self.
For each of us to become balanced in our conscious and sub-conscious, there is a need to fulfill our own personal worship of a Creator. This is inherent in humans. We certainly have a choice in 'what' we worship, but we don't have a choice of whether we worship or not. Each and every one of us displays a form of worship to 'something'.
For each person that refuses to fulfill that part within themselves that demands acknowledgement of the Creator, they must replace it with something else.
What I question is where this common human trait came from. Why is it there.
And to quell this argument before it even gets started, EVERYONE worships something or someone. Worship; what you adore, what you sacrifice for, what you offer to, be it your time, your money, your labor, your love. EVERYBODY, except maybe those that are unable to function physically or emotionally, worships something. You are certainly welcome to deny this and I hope that some of you will. It will do much to 'prove' how smart you really are.
Now, what I ask is Why? Where did this basic NEED come from? Why is it inherent? No where in the animal kingdom do we find this need. Where did we get it?