What this is really, really about, is the "crept in unawares" among God's people.
Jude 1:4
4 For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ.
Of course I'm not talking about all peoples that join one of the mystical fraternities. The "crept in unawares" idea is about a group of people on this earth that were 'ordained' to serve the devil and be against Christ. The start up of such societies is what points back to the "crept in unawares", the "tares" in the parable of wheat and tares of the field our Lord Jesus gave in Matthew 13.
Per that parable, the tares represent false wheat, as there actually is a weed (tare) that grows within real wheat that cannot be discerned until it is fully grown. When fully grown it exhibits a dark bud that shows it's a tare, so it can be separated. In that parable we are shown not to go tare hunting, because we might make a mistake and go after the good wheat instead. When Christ comes, His angels will do the separating. The 'tares' purpose is to work the negative side of God's Plan for this present world. They exist as a trap for those who fall away from Christ and are rebellious against Him.
This battle has been going on since Cain murdered his brother Abel. It's about the emnity of Gen.3:15 between Satan's servants and the Seed of the woman (God's people). When God told Israel to literally destroy certain nations in the land of Canaan, it was because of their doing gross abominations in following the servants of the devil, and because of the Rephaim (giants). Israel failed in that commanded duty to destroy them all. So God said He would leave those remnants of the Canaanites to dwell among Israel, to test His people to see if they would follow Him or not (Judges 2 & 3).
In Joshua's day, (Joshua 9), a group of Canaanites hid themselves as foreigners coming from a far away land, for fear of Israel destroying the nations of Canaan. They made a pact with Joshua, and then one of Joshua's fellows discovered they were actually Canaanites. So Joshua made them cutters of wood and drawers of water, bondservants to Israel.
In 1 Kings 9 around verse 20, those Canaanites are mentioned again as bondservants. These evidently became servants in the temple (Nethinims- given to service). And eventually they worked their way up as priests and scribes (see Books of Ezra and Nehemiah about the priests and Nethinims; the Kenite scribes of Hemath per 1 Chronicles 2:55).
Hiram was king of Tyre and a worshipper of Baal. He sents cedar, carpenters, and MASONS to build David's house...
2 Sam 5:11
11 And Hiram king of Tyre sent messengers to David, and cedar trees, and carpenters, and masons: and they built David an house.
Hiram sent servants from Tyre to Solomon to build the first temple in Jerusalem (1 Kings 5 forward). So begins the legends of Masonry's origins with Solomon's temple. The Masons continued with legends of the brotherhood originally beginning as a type of guild, a society of builders that worked in building structures like cathedrals in old Europe. At some time later, Masonry became 'speculative' with a mystical element from occultists creeping in (this info per British Mason John Robison in his work Proofs Of A Conspiracy written in 1798).
What does all this point to? It points to a group of people put on this earth to serve in the devil's attempt to build his 'own' copy of God's Kingdom. This is why the connection with Canaanites that arose to positions as priests in the temple, and pagan workers of Tyre that helped build Solomon's temple, and also Canaanites later assuming scribe duties as copyists, editors, and interpreters of God's Word that would cause a set of traditions and sage philosophy which came out of Judah's Babylon captivity.
Matt 23:1-2
1 Then spake Jesus to the multitude, and to His disciples,
2 Saying, "The scribes and the Pharisees sit in Moses' seat:"
In the future time of the Milennium temple, our LORD said this...
Zech 14:20-21
20 In that day shall there be upon the bells of the horses, HOLINESS UNTO THE LORD; and the pots in the LORD's house shall be like the bowls before the altar.
21 Yea, every pot in Jerusalem and in Judah shall be holiness unto the LORD of hosts: and all they that sacrifice shall come and take of them, and seethe therein: and in that day there shall be no more the Canaanite in the house of the LORD of hosts.(KJV)
The idea is, there will be no more pagan "crept in unawares" within God's House in that time. It's not about someone of the nations that converts to Christ truly in their heart. It's about those who were ordained to be against Christ per Jude 1. Those are different, for those will claim anything in order to creep in for their real purpose to destroy God's people, 'spots in your feasts of charity'. When Adam Weishaupt bragged in his letter that his Illuminati degree on Christianity had duped a certain Christian divine, that's the kind of working it means for today's working of higher members in control of a mystical fraternity that does works in secrecy.
Of course, you probably won't find this idea from God's Word taught in many Churches today. It might upset some of the members. But for one who keeps to God's Word as written, all the way from Genesis through Revelation, it will be harder to miss. It's very important to understand that working in today's time, because God's Word warns about MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT in Revelation, which is about a time of the greatest event of false idol worship ever to appear on earth when the false messiah comes in our near future. That's what the purpose of their setting up a "one world government" over all nations is about. And we won't know exactly who all they are that work that plan in secret, i.e., the 'tares', not until Christ returns and His angels do the separating between them and His sheep.