In the spring of 1994 there was a Solar Eclipse which I veiwed from my hometown of Port Huron. A year would pass and one day while reading
a book on nostradamas in a chapter near the back of the book the statement was made that the 1994 spring Eclipse was NOT FORCAST!!
I took this statement with a grain of salt. Another year would pass and I found myself in Jail for 30 days for trespassing in church. On a visit to the Jail Library I checked out two books...one called a Book of the Heavens and the other a Bible. Back in my cell I turned to the chapter listing all the Eclipses from 1950 to 2000. The 1994 spring eclipse was not
LISTED!!!! Meaning??It was not the Moon blocking the Sun but something else Large and Round. At that point I seemed to recall reading something in the bible about this but I wasnt sure where. Minor Prophets
ran through my mind so I started reading them all... when I got to AMOS
I hit Paydirt at Chapter 8 Verse 9 it says: And in that day I the Lord your God will make the Sun go down at noon and Darken the earth in the mid-day......Since it wasnt the Moon blocking the Sun perhaps it was Jesus's
Spacecraft simulating an Eclipse. this story is true, what do you think???
a book on nostradamas in a chapter near the back of the book the statement was made that the 1994 spring Eclipse was NOT FORCAST!!
I took this statement with a grain of salt. Another year would pass and I found myself in Jail for 30 days for trespassing in church. On a visit to the Jail Library I checked out two books...one called a Book of the Heavens and the other a Bible. Back in my cell I turned to the chapter listing all the Eclipses from 1950 to 2000. The 1994 spring eclipse was not
LISTED!!!! Meaning??It was not the Moon blocking the Sun but something else Large and Round. At that point I seemed to recall reading something in the bible about this but I wasnt sure where. Minor Prophets
ran through my mind so I started reading them all... when I got to AMOS
I hit Paydirt at Chapter 8 Verse 9 it says: And in that day I the Lord your God will make the Sun go down at noon and Darken the earth in the mid-day......Since it wasnt the Moon blocking the Sun perhaps it was Jesus's
Spacecraft simulating an Eclipse. this story is true, what do you think???