Here's a list of people excommunicated from the Catholic church in this, the 21st century.
But you're right. In the Protestant churches it happens very rarely, although not totally unheard of. In addition to the reasons you mentioned for this, I also believe it is because of the many denominations that exist along with their many varied progressive or liberal views and the lack of a central governing body or even bodies. Rather than push until one is excommunicated, people just leave and find another denomination that will "tickle their ears" as Paul put it (see 2 Timothy 4:3).
Your list of excommunicated persons from the RCC is interesting.
Many of my ancestors were Catholic. Some were Lutheran. Others just shuffled off this planet without any affiliation. I grew up in the Episcopal church, which is about as confused and agnostic as one can be in the Protestant scheme of things. During my time in the military I got saved in a Pentecostal church far from home and my home port. As time went on, following the 1968 global paradigm change in spirituality and politics, I wandered from church to church - each one becoming worse than the others. Eventually I ended up in a Messianic Synagogue - Beth El-Shalom (house of God's peace).
I noticed that RCC charges levied against those who were judged had to do with violations of RCC doctrine and/or breaks with authority. They weren't violations of Biblical principles as much as breaks in the chain of command. As a veteran of military service I understand the importance of a chain of command. If you don't want to play in their sand box, then you need to go elsewhere. Instead, the accused stayed where they were and threw dirt at each other.
The same is true for protestant churches as you have observed also. In that group there is little or no reaction to breaks with authority or Biblical principle. Some of the spiritual refugees I've met in my area are also fleeing the RCC, although for different reasons that those who've left Protestant churches.
Are the root causes of these changes due to changing political views and false Biblical interpretations? Certainly these matters play an important part in the schisms and secularization we see today. Personally I think there is another, possibly more severe, reason for it.
Jerusalem will be trampled on by the Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled. - Luke 21:24b
On June 7, 1967 elements of the Israel Defense Force entered the city of Jerusalem. The city had not been administered by sovereign Jews since 70 AD when it fell to the Roman general Titus. It was a time of celebration for the State of Israel and Jews worldwide. The times of the gentiles had been fulfilled.
On the other hand,
did the prophecy of Jesus foretell the decline of the church?
Less than a year later, in 1968, a global paradigm shift ravaged the entire planet.
Google 1968 to learn the events that threatened to turn the world upside down. In the late 1960's through the early 1970's the last great Holy Spirit revival spread across the land. It was called 'the Jesus Movement' and there has not been one since. Spiritual leaders throughout the land almost uniformly opposed the Holy Spirit and the revival He inspired.
I know of this because I was engaged in leadership of a major denomination at the time. I knew the whispers and rage behind the scenes of which our congregations were unaware.
From that time forward, the American church began a period of decline that seems to be increasing as the years go by. Statistical organizations such as PEW and Gallup have stated attendance has fallen to 50% of 1948 levels and project the decline to reach 10% by the year 2050. TV evangelists of the 1980's such as Jimmie Baker, who by his own admission never read the Bible until he was locked up in prison for real estate fraud, didn't help much to reverse the trend. (Baker is back on TV these days, still selling soap and rubbish.) There are lots of small examples for the erosion of the church, but in my estimation its due to prophecy of the Times - the End Times.
Isaiah 1:26 speaks of a time of restoration, quite possibly beyond the 2nd temple period, when God will execute a restoration of all things as they once were. Many sermons and books have been delivered which mention this period of restoration. Are we witnessing such a time? Are we truly in the End Times?
Consider if you will the restoration of Israel and its people to their ancient lands.
Consider the unusual revival of pagan religions worldwide. Missionaries have privately admitted many wild tales.
Consider the decline of the church into the rubbish heaps from which it grew. (Most now embrace humanistic music, occult traditions and denial of basic doctrines. Those who truly seek TRUTH are fleeing from this tossed salad of wickedness and SIN.)
"These are the days of Elijah
Declaring the word of the Lord, yeah
And these are the days of Your servant, Moses
Righteousness being restored
These are the days of great trials
Of famine and darkness and sword
Still we are the voice in the desert crying
Prepare ye the way of the Lord!
Say, behold He comes, riding on the clouds
Shining like the sun, at the trumpet's call
Lift your voice, (it's) the year of Jubilee
Out of Zion's hill, salvation comes"
song and lyrics by Paul Wilbur
The above song is played and sung by many congregations in Messianic Jewish synagogues. I have personally met Mr. Wilbur, whose home is in Jacksonville, Fl. He's a Godly man who loves Jesus intensely.
So do many who read these pages, but we are all of us struggling with a cultural revolution that threatens everything we once knew to be true. Where shall we go to learn Truth and worship Jesus Christ in spirit? We shall each of us have to find our own way - God willing.
that's me, hollering from the choir loft...
(*) Most people are unaware that modern Judaism is a works oriented religion. While many Jews profess the Name of God and Trust Him dearly, others hold strictly to a Tradition that allows them to be atheist in philosophy. 'Go figure' some say. Others don't realize the spectrum of Jewish belief. I attend a group that acknowledges Jesus Christ as God and savior who died on the cross and arose from the grave.