If you wonder why miracles and acts of God don't seem to happen today? This is my estimation. Unless of course... God has a scheduled plan.
The attributes of the early church:Holiness...they had all things common (shared their personal wealth when they were under persecution)
Authority... On one hand Christians pray for miracles. What would happen if miracles became prevalent and the Church could not operate with authority and discernment against evil attack... such as Barjesus, Elymas the sorcerer, etc.
We'd end up as a polluted church like some mentioned in the book of Revelation.
One of the things the apostles prayed for was that they would be speak forth the word with the power and authority from the Holy Spirit. This has to do with not being a chicken in a fight against what they knew was God's will. Remember Paul and Silas in prison. Remember Peter and John when the angel released them... which is better to obey God or man.
Any time that miracles were present, there were always authoritative figures, that kept the perversions and poisons from entering the congregation of believers. Moses, Jesus, Elijah, Paul, Peter, etc. all authoritative figures. These individuals stood up for themselves and their fellow believers, as well as God, to the point of death. That's the dedication required for such things as miracles to happen.
God is not just going to toss things out like a candy bar machine.
If I struck the stone in the wilderness nothing would happen... Moses did it... and was not allowed into the promised land. Get the idea. You are judged on what you know... and what you do with what you know.
Elijah ran from a fight... and God turned his ministry over to Elisha.
Now when I say any of these things. Bear in mind. I make no claim to the company of these great men. They were amazing men of faith... and power... and God... only God ... gave them authority.
The attributes of the early church:Holiness...they had all things common (shared their personal wealth when they were under persecution)
Authority... On one hand Christians pray for miracles. What would happen if miracles became prevalent and the Church could not operate with authority and discernment against evil attack... such as Barjesus, Elymas the sorcerer, etc.
We'd end up as a polluted church like some mentioned in the book of Revelation.
One of the things the apostles prayed for was that they would be speak forth the word with the power and authority from the Holy Spirit. This has to do with not being a chicken in a fight against what they knew was God's will. Remember Paul and Silas in prison. Remember Peter and John when the angel released them... which is better to obey God or man.
Any time that miracles were present, there were always authoritative figures, that kept the perversions and poisons from entering the congregation of believers. Moses, Jesus, Elijah, Paul, Peter, etc. all authoritative figures. These individuals stood up for themselves and their fellow believers, as well as God, to the point of death. That's the dedication required for such things as miracles to happen.
God is not just going to toss things out like a candy bar machine.
If I struck the stone in the wilderness nothing would happen... Moses did it... and was not allowed into the promised land. Get the idea. You are judged on what you know... and what you do with what you know.
Elijah ran from a fight... and God turned his ministry over to Elisha.
Now when I say any of these things. Bear in mind. I make no claim to the company of these great men. They were amazing men of faith... and power... and God... only God ... gave them authority.