Your attempt to poison the well is irrelevant. We are talking about history. Historical analysis of events depends upon men, witnesses to the fact. As I said before, "the Spirit told me so" just doesn't work in HISTORICAL analysis.
The Spirit and The Word remain in ONE ACCORD.
Now we move on to the non sequitars. That was never a statement that I or the Church has made. If you knew me better, you would know that I have occasionally posted that God does work outside of ecclesiastical communities, to include Muslims and Hindus and Jews.
We would quickly sidetrack into the 'real' undertones of that particular matter.
Not really relevant
other than the observation of Gods Very Real Workings 'apart from' any [self unit] proclaimed 'total authority of Jesus Christ on earth.' God certainly works
well outside of ALL total claimed authority. Is there a statement there being made?
This shows an amazing lack of faith in the work of the Spirit. God works through men, that's a fact. What we must be aware of is the limitations of the study of theology and history. There is some intersection by which the mind can accept that the Bible is God's Word, but neither art alone is enough.
There will remain a unique 'transcendence' of the Spirit in relation to 'written events' as a historical capture of print on paper only.
And while historical studies cannot prove that the Bible is the Word of God, there is a plenitude of evidence that we can trust the writers that they related truth and those who heard them believed their words that they spoke for God.
Obviously again the Word works in conjunction with the Spirit. History just can not capture that matter.
LOL! One can see that there was a different motivation for Zacharius to write. Naturally, a priest would be able to read/write, since he had to read from the Sacred Scrolls. But this is a truly far-fetched bit of "evidence" to claim that this proves that it was common to write narratives as they occured. "History" was still a relatively new science in the first century, and very few were dedicated to following the rules that we now take for granted.
I pointed to the matter of the WRITING in that event only to show the WRITING in conjunction with the working and confirmation of the Spirit. WHEN did that happen?
Certainly not decades later.
It was immediate, at the time, and for specific purposes in showing on many counts. The account of the writing and the Spiritual events that accompanied it was observed later by Luke.
Words of the High Priest were matters of recording as well, on an ongoing scale, as we can see here for example:
John 11:
51 And this spake he not of himself: but
being high priest that year, he prophesied that Jesus should die for that nation;
It is very unlikely that the temple scribes did not capture that fact.
The comparision measure ends up being your own personal opinion. We don't have to go very far to see Sacred Scriptures speaking of "opinions" in a derisive manner.
It is far from a personal opinion to observe that LETTERS were written concerning Gentile matters of LAW and GRACE in Acts 15 or that teachings of the N.T were derived from O.T. scriptures.
Yea, read Galatians 1:9-10. He said "what I say is from God".
You can believe that or not. But it is not self-authenticating. As you well know, many people have "claimed" to have the Spirit leading them, only to lead them and others to spiritual and actual death.
That is exactly 'why' all Word claimants must stand under the Authority Writings
that were already in existence.
Paul did exactly that.
Yet again, I remind you of the subject - not about the spiritual effects of the said writings, but of their origin. I am not sure why you keep straying away from that.
No, you have factually sidestepped the Acts 15 LETTERS and the meticulous scribes of the O.T.
No, it is theologically-based. Those who are "sola scriptura" inclined would love to see the idea that the Gospels were written in the upper room in the week before Pentecost, while the rest were carefully compiled to become a future "Bible". This bias does not desire to realize that the Word of God can be spread WITHOUT the New Testament. Thus, the need to push the date into the immediate time frame of the very beginning of the Apostolic ministry.
The early immediacy case is made already. See the Acts 15 statement of LETTERS. The Word quickly went out to Gentiles in both Spirit and WRITING as Acts shows.
Again, the anachronistic notion that people are to read their bibles and figure it out for themselves is cut and pasted onto people of the first century, so as to "justify" their own manners.
Oh please. It remains a present job of the Spirit to bring LIFE to any. To say that is only the job of the official handlers is utter nonsense
and shows in parroted redundancy of lifeless rituals.
It's only as 'real' as your own 'individual' faith makes of any of it in any case.
Our own conscience must rule. Some of what certain sects hold to is against my conscience
and even SINFUL, and therefore I can not agree or participate.
For example I can NOT in good faith condemn other people of faith who have not been 'fully immersed' in baptism as some baptist sects require. To me what they hold as a 'must have' position for salvation and potentially damning those who have not
to me IS A DIRE SIN.
I agree much of Scriptures was penned during the life of the Apostles - and yet - it doesn't follow that even with those letters available that everyone KNEW what was "FROM GOD" of those letters.
I bowed to the matter of progressive work as well, as
during their lifetimes. This does not eliminate immediacy as the Acts 15 account shows.
Whether you are conveniently forgeting or just are not aware of, but there were also a number of NON-CANONICAL writings purported to be from Apostles - writings that in some cases "seemed" OK but was in fact theologically astray of what was taught as Apostolic Traditions.
The measure of any writing still has to stand up to O.T. scrutiny.
As said earlier, the ONLY logical produce in any given set of partial seeing sinners CAN contain is the reality of their matters and what the scriptures show.
True and TRUTHFUL Apostolic Workings and writings
revolved around PARTIAL SIGHT and ADMITTED personal weaknesses.
The Power of God goes HAND IN HAND with those facts of PARTIAL SIGHT, SIN and WEAKNESS,
not in Absolute 'MEN'S' Authority.
It is and remains IN WEAKNESS, SIN and admitted PARTIAL SIGHT that the person of faith is LIFTED by Gods Power
to this day.
But it doesn't follow that witnessing any of this prompted men to record it.
The Acts 15 LETTERS account is openly apparent
and VERY early in the process.
So are the WRITTEN accounts of Israel's SCRIBES, handed down in rehearsed particular generational repetitions
These matters were DIRECT MINISTRATIONS of GOD with them.
I admit that what we have are hand me downs. But verifications ABIDE from the written O.T. LAW and PROPHETS
as the BASELINE measures.
We live in the day and age of CNN and instant news. There was no such concern among the typical man of the Mediteranean. The need to write, as it turned out, was because the Apostles were the hierarchy, respected by all. Their writings were authoritative in matters where a local church was at odds or fighting schism.
Paul himself states that there were forgeries of his writings out there...
It is unlikely that Moses himself wrote the Pentateuch, for example. Most admit that editors have given us the 'final' version of many of the writings of the prophets. Again, there is a period of development in even OT writings - unlikely that they were penned "as it happened". I doubt this practice fell far from the tree in the NT...
Scribes were attendants to the fathers of faith from the beginning.
And just as unlikely in the O.T. to be recorded at much later dates. Paul declared that
the SCRIPTURE, that would be IN WRITING, declared the Gospel to Abraham.
Agreed. But these were not theological letters, nor were they narratives that attempted to put down for prosperity's sake the teachings of the Christ. I have not said that no one wrote anything. I am saying that what we DO have was not put into writing until much later.
There are no original proven writings of any of it.
This does not prove the later date writing.
The letters
noting the IMMEDIACY and the MANNER are right there to read of in Acts 15. We could look at almost any later record to verify 'the legitimacy of the manner' via content comparison.
If we dug we would even find these same matters veiled in the O.T.
Again, there is a difference between the letters you describe and the theological letters of the NT. The Church was not "all oral" in the sense you are speaking.
I've never said that. Quite the opposite. The N.T. teachings were largely base-lined from the O.T. SCRIPTURES they had at the time.
The issue is whether the Church "needed" to dispose of the oral method of teaching. By introducing this "need", one dispenses the need of teachers to teach. Once someone has "writings", apparently, they can just read it all for themselves, sort of like in the 21st century.
Paul penned very accurately that every man
must be let to be FULLY CONVINCED in their own MINDS, their own determinations as a matter of their conscience.
Romans 14:5
One man esteemeth one day above another: another esteemeth every day alike.
Let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind.
Varying degrees of understanding/light is also a factual showing in the text, even in the Apostles. Doubting Thomas being a classic example. God does work with 'each member' on their individual time frame.
Many could not come to grips with Paul's teachings and still can't. And many others appear to twist them beyond any recognition.
THIS is the problem - that writing "confirms" the oral.
God Himself spoke and commanded very certain men providing to them His Own Words.
Those Words were also commanded by God to be INSCRIBED. Those same Words were also ADMINISTERED by
Angelic Powers on BOTH sides of the ledgers.
Joshua 8:35
There was not a word of all that Moses commanded, which Joshua read not before all the congregation of Israel,
Isaiah 8:2
I took unto me faithful witnesses to record, Uriah the priest, and Zechariah the son of Jeberechiah.
Jeremiah 32:10
And I subscribed the evidence,
There is a rich history of O.T. SCRIBES that had been in place and established for CENTURIES.
The Book of Moses was brought out and read in the congregation during the rebuilding by Nehemiah in wall dedication ceremonies.
And we know Daniel learned exactly from the INSCRIPTION of JEREMIAH and Daniel himself WROTE the matters of his own life.
This was not an issue for the first Christians. Nor is it now, if one believes that Christ's Spirit is present STILL in His Church.
Even believers in Acts 17 searched out what
for themselves? Uh huh.
The scriptures.
This is another 'matter of written testimony' that bears 'personal witness.'
Isaiah 59:12
For our transgressions are multiplied before thee, and
our sins testify against us: for
our transgressions are with us; and
as for our iniquities, we know them;
though that be mere INK on PAGE...the fact is also that it is an INTERNAL FACTUAL TESTIMONY that we ALL bear if we are 'in Truth.'
The Law as PARABLE being written in the Psalms but not yet understood until the UNVEILING of the matters by the Words of Jesus and the coming of His Spirit to so teach.
Psalm 145:18
is nigh unto all them that call upon him, to
all that call upon him in truth.
There will remain no variation between Word and Spirit. To divide these equates no differently to me than trying to divide God from Jesus Christ. An everyday basic and common heresy.
Acts 5:32
And we are his witnesses of these things; and
so is also the Holy Ghost, whom God hath given to them that obey him.
Acts 26:22
Having therefore obtained help of God, I continue unto this day, witnessing both to small and great,
saying none other things than those which the prophets and Moses did say should come: