I was never a big fan of almond milk. Like anything, it's processed. A few years back I think it was this forum where I was made to look like a jerk because I accidentally quoted urban legend stuff on Canola oil but held my ground. Years later its shown how acidic and processed it is. There's no such thing as "Canola" anyway as that's a contraction of Canada Oil. There's problems with heating, oxidation and processing all the very things opposite of cold pressed olive oil despite the fact it was tooted as being a cheaper, healthy alternative (like a substitute Holy Spirit). Much of the mainline Christian community back then fell for it hook, line and sinker and as I said was personally made fun of (that ol' TIm the cultist here who does not follow the rest). Since it's about 10 years later, I hope they are not on a prayer chain somewhere dying of cancer or something.