Where Is God When It Hurts?
A sermon given on the Virginia Tech campus two weeks after the shootings.
Philip Yancey
We gather here still trying to make sense of what happened in Blacksburg, still trying to process the unprocessable. We come together in this place, as a Christian community, partly because we know of no better place to bring our questions and our grief and partly because we don't know where else to turn. As the apostle Peter once said to Jesus, at a moment of confusion and doubt, "Lord, to whom else can we go?"
http://www.christianitytoday.com/ct/200 ... 14.55.html
See also
http://www.christianitytoday.com/ct/200 ... ml#related
& A Gray Haze over Everything
Campus life after the tragedy at Virginia Tech.
Philip Yancey |
"April is the cruellest month." When T. S. Eliot penned that opening line to "The Waste Land" in 1921, he had no idea how it would resound in modern America. Oklahoma City, Columbine High School, and Virginia Techâ€â€our calendars mark all three within a span of five days, a week soaked in grief
"As a youth minister, you anticipate weddings, not funerals," said Matt Rogers of New Life Christian Fellowship (NLCF), a Christian community that meets in the Student Center at Virginia Tech...
http://www.christianitytoday.com/ct/200 ... 15.56.html
A sermon given on the Virginia Tech campus two weeks after the shootings.
Philip Yancey
We gather here still trying to make sense of what happened in Blacksburg, still trying to process the unprocessable. We come together in this place, as a Christian community, partly because we know of no better place to bring our questions and our grief and partly because we don't know where else to turn. As the apostle Peter once said to Jesus, at a moment of confusion and doubt, "Lord, to whom else can we go?"
http://www.christianitytoday.com/ct/200 ... 14.55.html
See also
http://www.christianitytoday.com/ct/200 ... ml#related
& A Gray Haze over Everything
Campus life after the tragedy at Virginia Tech.
Philip Yancey |
"April is the cruellest month." When T. S. Eliot penned that opening line to "The Waste Land" in 1921, he had no idea how it would resound in modern America. Oklahoma City, Columbine High School, and Virginia Techâ€â€our calendars mark all three within a span of five days, a week soaked in grief
"As a youth minister, you anticipate weddings, not funerals," said Matt Rogers of New Life Christian Fellowship (NLCF), a Christian community that meets in the Student Center at Virginia Tech...
http://www.christianitytoday.com/ct/200 ... 15.56.html