I believe the remnant is in the birthing pains of revival and it's happening through Worship.
The fastest growing ' denomination's' are within the Pentecostal churches. In part, I believe it's because of groups like Hillsong and Elevate which are leading the charts. Worship music takes the principal that less is more. In other words, the songs are easy to learn. I've been playing Bass for 10 months and can play most worship songs well enough that nobody guesses I'm a newbie.
Last November when my wife and I started visiting another church, she was asked to join the worship team which consisted of about 25 people. They didn't care that we were not members. The church we are going to now doesn't care either.
It appears to be that, in God's overall plan for the "Visible Church", it STARTED with "The just will live by FAITH", which the Catholics had long forgotten, even though it's the cornerstone on which everything else is built.
Then for the next 500 years God has been ADDING to the overall package line on line, and precept - each bitterly opposed by the "Old Guard" who swore that that they "Had it all" already.
The most RECENT addition being, in the last century, the Full Gospel movements that restored the concept of The GIFTS of the Holy Spirit - first the Pentecostal, followed 60 years later by the Charismatic revival, one component of which was a "non-Denominalization" of folks, primarily in the Liberal Denominational groups, and Roman Catholics. Like myself, even though I'm a Member in good standing in the Assemblies of God, they don't define me in the way they did back in the '60s when "Being Doctrinally correct, according to denominational ground rules" was "so important". And then God added a "NEW LAYER of truth" that eclipsed older understandings.
Even the hard-line cessationist groups are "softening".
From a Missionary standpoint, the Assemblies of God have been probably the MOST active association, with close to 70 million total membership+associates operated loosely out of a denominational HQ that only has 6 million members in the 'States. In MY opinion that's a good thing to financially support, since the U.S. has the CA$H, to establish churches, and the folks in the "Zero Zones" where there's NO Christian witness, don't.