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Who are the 144,000


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Rev 7:1-8
John is given another vision after these things, meaning after the first six seals that are revealed to him. He now sees four angels standing on the four corners of the earth holding the four winds of the earth in order that the wind should not blow on the earth, nor on the sea, nor on any tree until Gods servants were sealed.

These servants are the generational 144,000 from the twelve tribes of Israel, except for the tribe of Dan as they fell to idol worship and allowed God to be removed from them, Judges 18:30; 1 Kings12:25-33. To keep it twelve tribes since Dan is not mentioned in vs. 4-8 the tribe of Joseph appears twice, once under his own name and once under the name of his son Issachar/Manasseh. Judah is mentioned first as Messiah was to come from the lineage of David.

When studying the history of the twelve tribes of Israel being the sons of Jacob/Israel we find from 1047 B.C. and 931 B.C. the twelve tribes were under the leadership of three Kings, Saul, David and Solomon. Near the end of Solomon's reign he fell into idolatry and God spoke of tearing apart the Kingdom as judgment for these sins, 1 Kings 11:10-12.

After Solomon's death his son Rehoboam became King and those ten Northern tribes (Israel/Ephraim) rebelled against King Rehoboam and followed after Jeroboam up North causing a division of the north and south Kingdom. Only the tribe of Judah (Judah) and the tribe of Benjamin (Judah) stayed Loyal to King Rehoboam in the southern Kingdom for they kept Gods commandments as they knew David was the lineage of the promised Messiah as it was prophesied of the prophets of God. For almost two centuries the two Kingdoms where divided, but a remnant of the ten tribes soon came back to Judah after following Jeroboam as he turned the northern Kingdom into idol worshippers.

This is the importance of the 144,000 of the house of Israel and their generations unto the end of days. There were those of the old covenant that were faithful to God in keeping all his commandments and repented of their idol worshiping. Their generations who have also come back to Gods grace that are still alive during the seven trumpet sounds will continue to preach to the Jews as it was with Peters instruction in Matthew 10:6. The generations of the 144,000 that are still alive have the seal of God on them which are the seven Spirits of God, Isaiah 11:2, as they will have to endure much persecution until the end of days before the return of Jesus.

Rev 7:9-12
After John understands who these servants are that needed to be sealed of God were Jews he is now shown a great multitude of Gentiles from all over the world that stand before the throne of God and before Jesus. They are clothed in white robes and have palms in their hands. They are exclaiming that Salvation is of God that sits on the throne and unto the Son of God being the scarified Lamb, Psalms 3:8.

Rev 7:13-14
In John's vision the elder was asking John if he had understanding of those which are in white robes and how they came to be there. John did not recognize them as being Jews and asked the elder to explain who they are and where did they come from. The elder reveals to John these are they who have come out of great tribulation being Gentiles that have washed their robes in the blood of the Lamb and were baptized and received the Holy Spirit as the Jews have received.

John had to understand this in order to write this to the seven churches. Jews were always taught that the Gentiles were an unclean evil people full of idol worshiping and in no way could they be worthy of anything of God including his love. Jews were not allowed to associate with the Gentiles in fear they too would fall to their idol worshiping like they did when they followed after Jeroboam. The twelve Disciples were only allowed to go to the nations of Israel to preach, Matthew 10:5-7, but Peter was shown in a vision that the Gentiles were not unclean as they too needed to repent and come to God for his salvation.

Peter was summoned of God to go to the house of Cornelius, but to only preach for a short time as the door of salvation by faith was always opened to the Gentile, but it would be in Paul's timing to walk through that door to preach to them, Acts Chapters 10, 11; Acts 22:21. Before Paul fully started teaching and baptizing many of them all they could do was get bits and pieces of Gods teachings by standing out side of the synagogues hearing the Prophets that spoke and mingling into the crowds that followed Jesus.

There is no difference between Jew or Gentile in the eyes of God as he created all people equal and is no respecter of person as Peter found out, Acts 10:34, 35. Galatians 3:26-29 says we are all children of God by faith. This faith in God started with Adam, but he lost his Spiritual fellowship with God when he chose to disobey Gods commands and needed to repent so the same with every generation from the time of Adam until the return of Jesus need to repent of their disobedience in order to have Gods promise of life eternal with him.

The terms Gentile and Jew were derived from nations and their cultures. Abraham is referred to as a Hebrew in Genesis 14:13. Hebrew means one from beyond and is derived from Eber (or Heber, Strong's no. 5676) meaning the region beyond the Euphrates. The term Hebrew also is taken to mean to pass or to cross over. Abraham crossed over the River Euphrates to get to the land of Canaan, from Chaldea. Abraham was a Chaldean not a Jew.

The term Jew came from Abraham's Great Grandson Judah in whom the land given to him was called Judea and the people called Judeans. The word Jew is a short term version of Judean and has nothing to do with race, but only that of a culture of people. The word Gentile is of Latin origin and means nations or foreigners meaning those who were born before Abraham. Abraham is our example of Gods faith as in the covenant God made with Abraham in Genesis 12:1-3 and to all nations, Romans 9:24-28, as no man is justified by the law in the sight of God as the just will live by faith, Galatians 3:11-13. The new covenant of grace is that of the promises Messiah now come that has redeemed us from the curse of the law being made the final blood sacrifice for the atonement of all men's sin.

We have to remember these are visions given to John in his time to give to the seven churches to teach them of those things which have to come first before the return of Jesus. Before we start our study of the last seal that leads into the seven trumpets there are certain things that need to be clarified and understood. According to John 3:13; Ecclesiastics 12:7; 1 Corinthians 15:51-58; and 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 there has never been anyone taken up to heaven, not even Enoch as he was taken by God, but does not say where he was taken, Genesis 5:24. The same with Elijah who was caught up in a whirlwind to the first heaven that is atmosphere not the heaven where God sits on his throne, 2 Kings 2:11, as several years after he was taken away in the whirlwind King Jehoram received a letter from him.

Enoch, Elijah and all the others before and after them that have faith in God and have kept his witness and testimony are all asleep in the grave as it is only our spirit that is taken up to God as he reserves it until the time when Jesus returns in the air.

The elder is trying to explain to John that those in the vision before the throne of God that are wearing white robes are Gentiles that have come from other nations that have been washed in the blood of the Lamb and have been baptized in the Holy Spirit. These are the generations that Paul first taught in Acts 22:21 as he was commissioned of God to go to the Gentile nations. They have come out of great tribulation that the world has not seen yet as they kept the witness and testimony of the word of God as they went about preaching to those during the time of Gods final wrath on earth as we will see in our study of the seven trumpets and the two witnesses.

Rev 7:15-17
This is speaking of the end of time after earth and heaven (atmosphere) have been purified from all the abominations that has caused much desolation (sin) in the world and then at that time will the heaven and earth be restored and the New Jerusalem ushered down from God where we will have eternal life with the Father.
Overall not bad. But I see some areas that need clarifications.

God is Who gave Jeroboam of the tribe of Ephraim, to be king over the northern ten tribe "kingdom of Israel" (1 Kings 11). When Jeroboam became concerned about the ten tribes trekking south to worship at Jerusalem, he instead created 2 gold calf idols for the ten tribes in the north to worship, and he made common priests of the people. Thus the Levites in the north weren't able to perform their priestly duties, so they left and joined with Judah and Benjamin in the southern "kingdom of Judah". Likewise, a 'small' remnant of the northern ten tribes also left Jeroboam's kingdom and went south and joined with Judah. But majority of the ten tribes remained in the north under king Jeroboam, king of Israel.

Per the Jewish historian Josephus, the title of Jew was used by those of the kingdom of Judah in the south, and foreigners living there also began to use that title of Jew. That title did not... apply to those of the ten tribe northern "kingdom of Israel".

Thus not all... Israelites were historically known as Jews, even though today many make the mistake of claiming they are all Jews. The main reason many began assuming all were Jews is because when God removed the northern ten tribe "kingdom of Israel", only the 3-tribe "house of Judah" was left in the holy land.

Per 2 Kings 17, God removed all the ten northern tribes of the "kingdom of Israel" out of the holy land by the kings of Assyria. This removal of the ten tribes was about 120 years prior... to the Jews of the southern kingdom going captive to Babylon under king Nebuchadnezzar.

The ten tribes which God had removed from the northern holy lands never returned. They became 'lost' like God had prophesied in the Book of Hosea. They lost their heritage as part of Israel. They became as Gentiles living among Gentiles. God said He hedged up their paths so they would not find their way back. They lost knowledge of God's feast days, new moons, and sabbaths, like God also said in the Book of Hosea. To this day, that is still how it is, the majority of the ten northern tribes of Israel are 'ten lost tribes', most not knowing where God scattered them, and who they are today. Yet some of us do know, as God also prophesied a remnant would know.

What does this mean for the 144,000 of Rev.7 that are 'sealed' by The Holy Spirit? (2 Cor.1:21-22; Eph.1:13; Eph.4:30).

It means that ONLY those mentioned there of the tribes of Judah, Benjamin, and Levi represent today's JEWS.

The rest of the tribes mentioned there represent 'ten lost tribe' Israelites that are still scattered among the Gentiles, that think... they are Gentiles when they are not. And the tribe of Manasseh is a separate tribe, as Issachar also is a separate tribe. Joseph is mentioned instead of Ephraim, because prophecy for the end about Ephraim is that he will be in rebellion, like Dan, at the end. But Ezekiel 48 shows both of them put back in final.

All of those in Revelation 7 represent Christ's Church for the end just prior to those winds blowing, which means the last days is when that is for. The "great multitude" of verse 9 represents the believing Gentiles. The Rev.7 Scripture does not specifically say they are 'sealed', but they are since John is shown them at Christ's future throne with Him in the world to come.
Overall not bad. But I see some areas that need clarifications.

God is Who gave Jeroboam of the tribe of Ephraim, to be king over the northern ten tribe "kingdom of Israel" (1 Kings 11). When Jeroboam became concerned about the ten tribes trekking south to worship at Jerusalem, he instead created 2 gold calf idols for the ten tribes in the north to worship, and he made common priests of the people. Thus the Levites in the north weren't able to perform their priestly duties, so they left and joined with Judah and Benjamin in the southern "kingdom of Judah". Likewise, a 'small' remnant of the northern ten tribes also left Jeroboam's kingdom and went south and joined with Judah. But majority of the ten tribes remained in the north under king Jeroboam, king of Israel.

Per the Jewish historian Josephus, the title of Jew was used by those of the kingdom of Judah in the south, and foreigners living there also began to use that title of Jew. That title did not... apply to those of the ten tribe northern "kingdom of Israel".

Thus not all... Israelites were historically known as Jews, even though today many make the mistake of claiming they are all Jews. The main reason many began assuming all were Jews is because when God removed the northern ten tribe "kingdom of Israel", only the 3-tribe "house of Judah" was left in the holy land.

Per 2 Kings 17, God removed all the ten northern tribes of the "kingdom of Israel" out of the holy land by the kings of Assyria. This removal of the ten tribes was about 120 years prior... to the Jews of the southern kingdom going captive to Babylon under king Nebuchadnezzar.

The ten tribes which God had removed from the northern holy lands never returned. They became 'lost' like God had prophesied in the Book of Hosea. They lost their heritage as part of Israel. They became as Gentiles living among Gentiles. God said He hedged up their paths so they would not find their way back. They lost knowledge of God's feast days, new moons, and sabbaths, like God also said in the Book of Hosea. To this day, that is still how it is, the majority of the ten northern tribes of Israel are 'ten lost tribes', most not knowing where God scattered them, and who they are today. Yet some of us do know, as God also prophesied a remnant would know.

What does this mean for the 144,000 of Rev.7 that are 'sealed' by The Holy Spirit? (2 Cor.1:21-22; Eph.1:13; Eph.4:30).

It means that ONLY those mentioned there of the tribes of Judah, Benjamin, and Levi represent today's JEWS.

The rest of the tribes mentioned there represent 'ten lost tribe' Israelites that are still scattered among the Gentiles, that think... they are Gentiles when they are not. And the tribe of Manasseh is a separate tribe, as Issachar also is a separate tribe. Joseph is mentioned instead of Ephraim, because prophecy for the end about Ephraim is that he will be in rebellion, like Dan, at the end. But Ezekiel 48 shows both of them put back in final.

All of those in Revelation 7 represent Christ's Church for the end just prior to those winds blowing, which means the last days is when that is for. The "great multitude" of verse 9 represents the believing Gentiles. The Rev.7 Scripture does not specifically say they are 'sealed', but they are since John is shown them at Christ's future throne with Him in the world to come.
Thank you.

After Solomon's death his son Rehoboam became King and those ten Northern tribes (Israel/Dan/Ephraim) rebelled against King Rehoboam and followed after Jeroboam up North causing a division of the north and south Kingdom. Only the tribe of Judah (Judah) and the tribe of Benjamin (Judah) stayed Loyal to King Rehoboam in the southern Kingdom for they kept Gods commandments as they knew David was the lineage of the promised Messiah as it was prophesied of the prophets of God.

For almost two centuries the two Kingdoms where divided, but a remnant of the ten tribes soon came back to Judah after following Jeroboam as he turned the northern Kingdom into idol worshipers. This is why God divorced them of the northern kingdom, but has left room for them to repent and turn back to Him, Jeremiah 3:6-25; Deuteronomy 29

These ten tribes consist of: Reuben, Simeon, Dan, Naphtali, Gad, Asher, Issachar, Zebulon, Manasseh and Ephraim.
Rev 7:1-8
John is given another vision after these things, meaning after the first six seals that are revealed to him. He now sees four angels standing on the four corners of the earth holding the four winds of the earth in order that the wind should not blow on the earth, nor on the sea, nor on any tree until Gods servants were sealed.

These servants are the generational 144,000 from the twelve tribes of Israel, except for the tribe of Dan as they fell to idol worship and allowed God to be removed from them, Judges 18:30; 1 Kings12:25-33. To keep it twelve tribes since Dan is not mentioned in vs. 4-8 the tribe of Joseph appears twice, once under his own name and once under the name of his son Issachar/Manasseh. Judah is mentioned first as Messiah was to come from the lineage of David.

When studying the history of the twelve tribes of Israel being the sons of Jacob/Israel we find from 1047 B.C. and 931 B.C. the twelve tribes were under the leadership of three Kings, Saul, David and Solomon. Near the end of Solomon's reign he fell into idolatry and God spoke of tearing apart the Kingdom as judgment for these sins, 1 Kings 11:10-12.

After Solomon's death his son Rehoboam became King and those ten Northern tribes (Israel/Ephraim) rebelled against King Rehoboam and followed after Jeroboam up North causing a division of the north and south Kingdom. Only the tribe of Judah (Judah) and the tribe of Benjamin (Judah) stayed Loyal to King Rehoboam in the southern Kingdom for they kept Gods commandments as they knew David was the lineage of the promised Messiah as it was prophesied of the prophets of God. For almost two centuries the two Kingdoms where divided, but a remnant of the ten tribes soon came back to Judah after following Jeroboam as he turned the northern Kingdom into idol worshippers.

This is the importance of the 144,000 of the house of Israel and their generations unto the end of days. There were those of the old covenant that were faithful to God in keeping all his commandments and repented of their idol worshiping. Their generations who have also come back to Gods grace that are still alive during the seven trumpet sounds will continue to preach to the Jews as it was with Peters instruction in Matthew 10:6. The generations of the 144,000 that are still alive have the seal of God on them which are the seven Spirits of God, Isaiah 11:2, as they will have to endure much persecution until the end of days before the return of Jesus.

Rev 7:9-12
After John understands who these servants are that needed to be sealed of God were Jews he is now shown a great multitude of Gentiles from all over the world that stand before the throne of God and before Jesus. They are clothed in white robes and have palms in their hands. They are exclaiming that Salvation is of God that sits on the throne and unto the Son of God being the scarified Lamb, Psalms 3:8.

Rev 7:13-14
In John's vision the elder was asking John if he had understanding of those which are in white robes and how they came to be there. John did not recognize them as being Jews and asked the elder to explain who they are and where did they come from. The elder reveals to John these are they who have come out of great tribulation being Gentiles that have washed their robes in the blood of the Lamb and were baptized and received the Holy Spirit as the Jews have received.

John had to understand this in order to write this to the seven churches. Jews were always taught that the Gentiles were an unclean evil people full of idol worshiping and in no way could they be worthy of anything of God including his love. Jews were not allowed to associate with the Gentiles in fear they too would fall to their idol worshiping like they did when they followed after Jeroboam. The twelve Disciples were only allowed to go to the nations of Israel to preach, Matthew 10:5-7, but Peter was shown in a vision that the Gentiles were not unclean as they too needed to repent and come to God for his salvation.

Peter was summoned of God to go to the house of Cornelius, but to only preach for a short time as the door of salvation by faith was always opened to the Gentile, but it would be in Paul's timing to walk through that door to preach to them, Acts Chapters 10, 11; Acts 22:21. Before Paul fully started teaching and baptizing many of them all they could do was get bits and pieces of Gods teachings by standing out side of the synagogues hearing the Prophets that spoke and mingling into the crowds that followed Jesus.

There is no difference between Jew or Gentile in the eyes of God as he created all people equal and is no respecter of person as Peter found out, Acts 10:34, 35. Galatians 3:26-29 says we are all children of God by faith. This faith in God started with Adam, but he lost his Spiritual fellowship with God when he chose to disobey Gods commands and needed to repent so the same with every generation from the time of Adam until the return of Jesus need to repent of their disobedience in order to have Gods promise of life eternal with him.

The terms Gentile and Jew were derived from nations and their cultures. Abraham is referred to as a Hebrew in Genesis 14:13. Hebrew means one from beyond and is derived from Eber (or Heber, Strong's no. 5676) meaning the region beyond the Euphrates. The term Hebrew also is taken to mean to pass or to cross over. Abraham crossed over the River Euphrates to get to the land of Canaan, from Chaldea. Abraham was a Chaldean not a Jew.

The term Jew came from Abraham's Great Grandson Judah in whom the land given to him was called Judea and the people called Judeans. The word Jew is a short term version of Judean and has nothing to do with race, but only that of a culture of people. The word Gentile is of Latin origin and means nations or foreigners meaning those who were born before Abraham. Abraham is our example of Gods faith as in the covenant God made with Abraham in Genesis 12:1-3 and to all nations, Romans 9:24-28, as no man is justified by the law in the sight of God as the just will live by faith, Galatians 3:11-13. The new covenant of grace is that of the promises Messiah now come that has redeemed us from the curse of the law being made the final blood sacrifice for the atonement of all men's sin.

We have to remember these are visions given to John in his time to give to the seven churches to teach them of those things which have to come first before the return of Jesus. Before we start our study of the last seal that leads into the seven trumpets there are certain things that need to be clarified and understood. According to John 3:13; Ecclesiastics 12:7; 1 Corinthians 15:51-58; and 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 there has never been anyone taken up to heaven, not even Enoch as he was taken by God, but does not say where he was taken, Genesis 5:24. The same with Elijah who was caught up in a whirlwind to the first heaven that is atmosphere not the heaven where God sits on his throne, 2 Kings 2:11, as several years after he was taken away in the whirlwind King Jehoram received a letter from him.

Enoch, Elijah and all the others before and after them that have faith in God and have kept his witness and testimony are all asleep in the grave as it is only our spirit that is taken up to God as he reserves it until the time when Jesus returns in the air.

The elder is trying to explain to John that those in the vision before the throne of God that are wearing white robes are Gentiles that have come from other nations that have been washed in the blood of the Lamb and have been baptized in the Holy Spirit. These are the generations that Paul first taught in Acts 22:21 as he was commissioned of God to go to the Gentile nations. They have come out of great tribulation that the world has not seen yet as they kept the witness and testimony of the word of God as they went about preaching to those during the time of Gods final wrath on earth as we will see in our study of the seven trumpets and the two witnesses.

Rev 7:15-17
This is speaking of the end of time after earth and heaven (atmosphere) have been purified from all the abominations that has caused much desolation (sin) in the world and then at that time will the heaven and earth be restored and the New Jerusalem ushered down from God where we will have eternal life with the Father.
Good morning for_his_glory, And thank you for sharing.

Love, Walter And Debbie
Thank you.

After Solomon's death his son Rehoboam became King and those ten Northern tribes (Israel/Dan/Ephraim) rebelled against King Rehoboam and followed after Jeroboam up North causing a division of the north and south Kingdom.

But in reality, GOD Himself is Who caused the division of old Israel into two separate kingdoms, because of Solomon had fallen away from Him and had allowed his many wives to bring their pagan idol worship in among the children of Israel. This fact is spotlighted in the 1 Kings 11 chapter, which also shows God Himself giving Jeroboam of the tribe of Ephraim ten tribes to reign over as Israel.

Only the tribe of Judah (Judah) and the tribe of Benjamin (Judah) stayed Loyal to King Rehoboam in the southern Kingdom for they kept Gods commandments as they knew David was the lineage of the promised Messiah as it was prophesied of the prophets of God.

In 2 Chronicles 11, we learn this detail about Rehoboam's kingdom after the split...

2 Chron 11:12-17
12 And in every several city he put shields and spears, and made them exceeding strong, having Judah and Benjamin on his side.
13 And the priests and the Levites that were in all Israel resorted to him out of all their coasts.
For the Levites left their suburbs and their possession, and came to Judah and Jerusalem: for Jeroboam and his sons had cast them off from executing the priest's office unto the LORD:
15 And he ordained him priests for the high places, and for the devils, and for the calves which he had made.
16 And after them out of all the tribes of Israel such as set their hearts to seek the LORD God of Israel came to Jerusalem, to sacrifice unto the LORD God of their fathers.
17 So they strengthened the kingdom of Judah, and made Rehoboam the son of Solomon strong, three years: for three years they walked in the way of David and Solomon.

Because Jeroboam, king of Israel over the ten northern tribes, had basically fired the Levite priests in the northern kingdom, and instead setup common priests of the people, those Levites in the north left and went south and joined with the tribes of Judah and Benjamin. That is when the "house of Judah" became made up of 3 tribes, Judah, Benjamin, and Levi, even as it still is to this day.

For almost two centuries the two Kingdoms where divided, but a remnant of the ten tribes soon came back to Judah after following Jeroboam as he turned the northern Kingdom into idol worshipers. This is why God divorced them of the northern kingdom, but has left room for them to repent and turn back to Him, Jeremiah 3:6-25; Deuteronomy 29

These ten tribes consist of: Reuben, Simeon, Dan, Naphtali, Gad, Asher, Issachar, Zebulon, Manasseh and Ephraim.

Yes, but there's still more which God revealed about this in His Word. Recall the prophecy that God gave to Jacob in Genesis 35 that Jacob's seed would become "a nation, and a company of nations." Jacob then transferred that prophecy to Joseph's younger son Ephraim in the Genesis 48 chapter, saying that Ephraim's seed would become "a multitude of nations", and that his elder brother Manasseh would also become "great". Then 1 Chronicles 5 reveals that the Birthright went to Joseph's two sons Ephraim and Manasseh in final. That's where it still is today, because nowhere else in God's Word is it transferred again. This means a deeper Bible study about that involving Ephraim and Manasseh is needed in order to have any kind of inkling at all as to what God was really up to with giving the majority of the tribes of Israel under Ephraim's authority and then having them removed to among the Gentiles.

That deeper Bible study I have done, and the prophecies reveal that the "multitude of nations" birthright blessing given to Ephraim represents a transfer of that Birthright to the Christian west involving The Gospel of Jesus Christ. It's about God establishing the western Christian nations of history, and then sending ambassadors of The Gospel to other nations.
But in reality, GOD Himself is Who caused the division of old Israel into two separate kingdoms, because of Solomon had fallen away from Him and had allowed his many wives to bring their pagan idol worship in among the children of Israel. This fact is spotlighted in the 1 Kings 11 chapter, which also shows God Himself giving Jeroboam of the tribe of Ephraim ten tribes to reign over as Israel.

In 2 Chronicles 11, we learn this detail about Rehoboam's kingdom after the split...

2 Chron 11:12-17
12 And in every several city he put shields and spears, and made them exceeding strong, having Judah and Benjamin on his side.
13 And the priests and the Levites that were in all Israel resorted to him out of all their coasts.
For the Levites left their suburbs and their possession, and came to Judah and Jerusalem: for Jeroboam and his sons had cast them off from executing the priest's office unto the LORD:
15 And he ordained him priests for the high places, and for the devils, and for the calves which he had made.
16 And after them out of all the tribes of Israel such as set their hearts to seek the LORD God of Israel came to Jerusalem, to sacrifice unto the LORD God of their fathers.
17 So they strengthened the kingdom of Judah, and made Rehoboam the son of Solomon strong, three years: for three years they walked in the way of David and Solomon.

Because Jeroboam, king of Israel over the ten northern tribes, had basically fired the Levite priests in the northern kingdom, and instead setup common priests of the people, those Levites in the north left and went south and joined with the tribes of Judah and Benjamin. That is when the "house of Judah" became made up of 3 tribes, Judah, Benjamin, and Levi, even as it still is to this day.

Yes, but there's still more which God revealed about this in His Word. Recall the prophecy that God gave to Jacob in Genesis 35 that Jacob's seed would become "a nation, and a company of nations." Jacob then transferred that prophecy to Joseph's younger son Ephraim in the Genesis 48 chapter, saying that Ephraim's seed would become "a multitude of nations", and that his elder brother Manasseh would also become "great". Then 1 Chronicles 5 reveals that the Birthright went to Joseph's two sons Ephraim and Manasseh in final. That's where it still is today, because nowhere else in God's Word is it transferred again. This means a deeper Bible study about that involving Ephraim and Manasseh is needed in order to have any kind of inkling at all as to what God was really up to with giving the majority of the tribes of Israel under Ephraim's authority and then having them removed to among the Gentiles.

That deeper Bible study I have done, and the prophecies reveal that the "multitude of nations" birthright blessing given to Ephraim represents a transfer of that Birthright to the Christian west involving The Gospel of Jesus Christ. It's about God establishing the western Christian nations of history, and then sending ambassadors of The Gospel to other nations.
I agree and we see In 2Chronicles 11:1-12 that when Rehoboam left the northern kingdom and came back to the southern kingdom to Jerusalem he gathered 180,000 men who were warriors of the house of Judah and Benjamin to fight against Jeroboam in the north, but God stopped him as it was done as God already placed judgement on Jeroboam and his kingdom.

In Rev 7 and 14 these are the generational144,000 from the twelve tribes of Israel, except for the tribe of Dan and Ephraim as they fell to idol worship and allowed God to be removed from them, Judges 18:30; 1 Kings12:25-33; Hosea 5:9,11;Psalms 78:9-17, 65-67. To keep it twelve tribes since Dan and Ephraim are not mentioned in vs. 4-8 the tribe of Joseph appears twice, once under his own name and once under the name of his son Issachar/Manasseh. Judah is mentioned first as Messiah was to come from the lineage of David.

But in reality, GOD Himself is Who caused the division of old Israel into two separate kingdoms, because of Solomon had fallen away from Him
I would think it was not God, but Solomon that caused the division because he fell away from God. It's the choices we make that can cause us to fall away from Him, but God will always give us a chance to repent and turn back to Him.
I would think it was not God, but Solomon that caused the division because he fell away from God. It's the choices we make that can cause us to fall away from Him, but God will always give us a chance to repent and turn back to Him.

Yes, I agree, it was ultimately Solomon's fault for the split, as per 1 Kings 11. What's truly interesting to me about that, is that God said He warned Solomon twice about his allowing idol worship, and Solomon didn't listen to Him.

However, looking even deeper, would God's Salvation Plan for the "multitude of nations" prophecy given to Ephraim's seed have gone forth if Solomon had not disobeyed God? Just like with Adam and Eve, would there have been a need for Christ to be born of woman and defeat death for us if Adam and Eve had never sinned? I believe Adam and Eve's sin was inevitable simply because of the failure of Eve's flesh.
Yes, I agree, it was ultimately Solomon's fault for the split, as per 1 Kings 11. What's truly interesting to me about that, is that God said He warned Solomon twice about his allowing idol worship, and Solomon didn't listen to Him.

However, looking even deeper, would God's Salvation Plan for the "multitude of nations" prophecy given to Ephraim's seed have gone forth if Solomon had not disobeyed God? Just like with Adam and Eve, would there have been a need for Christ to be born of woman and defeat death for us if Adam and Eve had never sinned? I believe Adam and Eve's sin was inevitable simply because of the failure of Eve's flesh.
I would not blame it all on Eve as Adam was told first to not eat of that tree and should have taken authority over Eve as God had given certain commands to Adam, but yet he allowed himself to be beguiled by Satan working through the serpent as he disobeyed God just like everyone from the time of Adam to present day that do not walk in obedience to His commands which are not hard to follow.

If sin was not brought into the world we would all be living in the garden of paradise living the life God had already planned for us.
But in reality, GOD Himself is Who caused the division of old Israel into two separate kingdoms, because of Solomon had fallen away from Him and had allowed his many wives to bring their pagan idol worship in among the children of Israel. This fact is spotlighted in the 1 Kings 11 chapter, which also shows God Himself giving Jeroboam of the tribe of Ephraim ten tribes to reign over as Israel.

In 2 Chronicles 11, we learn this detail about Rehoboam's kingdom after the split...

2 Chron 11:12-17
12 And in every several city he put shields and spears, and made them exceeding strong, having Judah and Benjamin on his side.
13 And the priests and the Levites that were in all Israel resorted to him out of all their coasts.
For the Levites left their suburbs and their possession, and came to Judah and Jerusalem: for Jeroboam and his sons had cast them off from executing the priest's office unto the LORD:
15 And he ordained him priests for the high places, and for the devils, and for the calves which he had made.
16 And after them out of all the tribes of Israel such as set their hearts to seek the LORD God of Israel came to Jerusalem, to sacrifice unto the LORD God of their fathers.
17 So they strengthened the kingdom of Judah, and made Rehoboam the son of Solomon strong, three years: for three years they walked in the way of David and Solomon.

Because Jeroboam, king of Israel over the ten northern tribes, had basically fired the Levite priests in the northern kingdom, and instead setup common priests of the people, those Levites in the north left and went south and joined with the tribes of Judah and Benjamin. That is when the "house of Judah" became made up of 3 tribes, Judah, Benjamin, and Levi, even as it still is to this day.

Yes, but there's still more which God revealed about this in His Word. Recall the prophecy that God gave to Jacob in Genesis 35 that Jacob's seed would become "a nation, and a company of nations." Jacob then transferred that prophecy to Joseph's younger son Ephraim in the Genesis 48 chapter, saying that Ephraim's seed would become "a multitude of nations", and that his elder brother Manasseh would also become "great". Then 1 Chronicles 5 reveals that the Birthright went to Joseph's two sons Ephraim and Manasseh in final. That's where it still is today, because nowhere else in God's Word is it transferred again. This means a deeper Bible study about that involving Ephraim and Manasseh is needed in order to have any kind of inkling at all as to what God was really up to with giving the majority of the tribes of Israel under Ephraim's authority and then having them removed to among the Gentiles.

That deeper Bible study I have done, and the prophecies reveal that the "multitude of nations" birthright blessing given to Ephraim represents a transfer of that Birthright to the Christian west involving The Gospel of Jesus Christ. It's about God establishing the western Christian nations of history, and then sending ambassadors of The Gospel to other nations.
The twelve tribes were scattered among the nations, including Jews from the southern kingdom. In the first century Judaism was an officially recognized religion, there were synagogues in every Roman province, it was estimated that 10-20% of the empire's total population were Jews, most were converted. This was pretty evident in Acts, during apostle Paul's missionary journeys, wherever he stopped by, he always visited the local synagogue first and preached there, you've got local Jewish mob incited violent protest against him, so they were already scattered. After 70AD, the remnants of them were all scattered to a "multitude of nations".

James, a bondservant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ,
To the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad:
Greetings. (James 1:1)