I never thought that 'i' would see the day Matt, 10:5-6 would need to be done by the WORLD NEWS! Where are there [ANY] of Gods people at??????
ALL ARE IN REV. 17:1-5's VOMIT along with even the Rev. 3:9's Last Church as prophesied! That of Laodicea.(Trad/Marked Seventh-Day Adventists) Sure, there are a very few of Rev. 12:17, but this should tell any who are sincere where the [LAST DAYS] are at! satan has his church already set into motion and will soon use Ceasar's forced worship. Matt. 6:24's [JUST TWO GROUPS!]
Take note who God has doing His work today!??
WORLD NEWS Friday, April 2, 2010
The Associated Press
VATICAN CITY --- Cardinals across Europ used their Holy Thursday sermons to defend Pope Benedict XVI from accusations he played a role in covering up sex abuse scandals, and an increasingly angry Vatican sought to deflect any criticism in the Western media.
The relationship between the church and media has become increasingly bitter as the scandalbuffeting the 1 billion-member church has touched the pontiff himself. On Wednesday, the church singled out The New York Times for criticism in an unusally harsh attack.
Western news organizations, inclufing The Associated Press, have reported extensively on the burgeoning acandal, and new details have emerged on an almost daily basis. (in part)
And where are Gods people who only claim.. 'I LOVE YOU LORD'??? We see in Matt. 10 the Lord's True Virgin Fold getting their last WARNING. And we do see who are doing the warning! (ibid. 5-6 on) But today the Lord can only count on the Western Media?????
Notice Matt. 10:14-16. If they will not hear you these ones will be judges by far the worse that the ones of Sodom & Gomorrha in the day of judgement! + verse 20? 'For it is not ye that speak, but the Spirit of your Father which speaketh in you'! (Wow! The Western News?? USA IS STILL HAVING RELIGEOUS FREEDOM!) But not for long, huh? From Lamb to Dragon.
Even note that because God seem's to have but few [men] (if any?) around today who will stand up for Him, that He even tel's what further will take place in verse 26.. 'THERE IS NOTHING COVERED THAT SHALL NOT BE REVEALED; and HID THAT SHALL NOT BE REVEALED; and HID, THAT SHALL NOT BE KNOWN. What I TELL YOU IN DARKNESS, THAT SPEAK YE IN THE LIGHT: and what ye hear in the ear, THAT CRY FROM THE HOUSETOPS.'
Protest'ants have gone by, by! In fact we have some even boasting that they are not Christian Protestants! (male & female! and 'i' agree with that!) Thank God that we still have FREEDOM OF THE PRESS IN THE USA!
ALL ARE IN REV. 17:1-5's VOMIT along with even the Rev. 3:9's Last Church as prophesied! That of Laodicea.(Trad/Marked Seventh-Day Adventists) Sure, there are a very few of Rev. 12:17, but this should tell any who are sincere where the [LAST DAYS] are at! satan has his church already set into motion and will soon use Ceasar's forced worship. Matt. 6:24's [JUST TWO GROUPS!]
Take note who God has doing His work today!??
WORLD NEWS Friday, April 2, 2010
The Associated Press
VATICAN CITY --- Cardinals across Europ used their Holy Thursday sermons to defend Pope Benedict XVI from accusations he played a role in covering up sex abuse scandals, and an increasingly angry Vatican sought to deflect any criticism in the Western media.
The relationship between the church and media has become increasingly bitter as the scandalbuffeting the 1 billion-member church has touched the pontiff himself. On Wednesday, the church singled out The New York Times for criticism in an unusally harsh attack.
Western news organizations, inclufing The Associated Press, have reported extensively on the burgeoning acandal, and new details have emerged on an almost daily basis. (in part)
And where are Gods people who only claim.. 'I LOVE YOU LORD'??? We see in Matt. 10 the Lord's True Virgin Fold getting their last WARNING. And we do see who are doing the warning! (ibid. 5-6 on) But today the Lord can only count on the Western Media?????
Notice Matt. 10:14-16. If they will not hear you these ones will be judges by far the worse that the ones of Sodom & Gomorrha in the day of judgement! + verse 20? 'For it is not ye that speak, but the Spirit of your Father which speaketh in you'! (Wow! The Western News?? USA IS STILL HAVING RELIGEOUS FREEDOM!) But not for long, huh? From Lamb to Dragon.
Even note that because God seem's to have but few [men] (if any?) around today who will stand up for Him, that He even tel's what further will take place in verse 26.. 'THERE IS NOTHING COVERED THAT SHALL NOT BE REVEALED; and HID THAT SHALL NOT BE REVEALED; and HID, THAT SHALL NOT BE KNOWN. What I TELL YOU IN DARKNESS, THAT SPEAK YE IN THE LIGHT: and what ye hear in the ear, THAT CRY FROM THE HOUSETOPS.'
Protest'ants have gone by, by! In fact we have some even boasting that they are not Christian Protestants! (male & female! and 'i' agree with that!) Thank God that we still have FREEDOM OF THE PRESS IN THE USA!