Why are there so many religions? How is one susposed to know which one is right? There have been over 34,000 seperate Christian groups identified. What if islam is correct and we should be killing all christians and jews?
How the hell can you possibly believe a book written when people thought the world was flat and that the clouds were from god's feet? WAKE UP? The concept of hell was created nearly a millenium after christ "came". The concept of god is an arbitrary man-made claim created by archaic nomads who needed an answer for things and to keep society in line. And since the world has advanced, the evidence supporting christianity has decreased but the evidence against it has gone up.
The story of a divine child being born of a virgin mother on December 25th, performing healings and resurrections, having 12 disciples (the signs of the zodiac), and having a last supper with flattened bread (which had crosses on them by the way to symbolize the sun) was all done a few thousand years before Jesus. Yes, Jesus is a rip-off of the Persian god of "light and truth" (those symbols Sound familiar?). Mithra makes Jesus look like a cheesy rerun. Look up Mithra yourself if you don't believe me.
How the hell can you possibly believe a book written when people thought the world was flat and that the clouds were from god's feet? WAKE UP? The concept of hell was created nearly a millenium after christ "came". The concept of god is an arbitrary man-made claim created by archaic nomads who needed an answer for things and to keep society in line. And since the world has advanced, the evidence supporting christianity has decreased but the evidence against it has gone up.
The story of a divine child being born of a virgin mother on December 25th, performing healings and resurrections, having 12 disciples (the signs of the zodiac), and having a last supper with flattened bread (which had crosses on them by the way to symbolize the sun) was all done a few thousand years before Jesus. Yes, Jesus is a rip-off of the Persian god of "light and truth" (those symbols Sound familiar?). Mithra makes Jesus look like a cheesy rerun. Look up Mithra yourself if you don't believe me.