Why are this generation kid's out of control??


Oct 15, 2022
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We have a generation of children going wild on the streets. This summer, I saw group of teenagers on dirt bikes and four wheelers doing wheelies, and flying down busy intersection. I see young people wasted on drugs on my city. Crime has gotten worse. Hosea 5:5. The pride of Israel doth testify to his face: therefore shall Israel and ephraim fall in their iniquity; judah also shall fall with them. 5:7. They have dealt TREACHEROUSLY against the Lord: for they have begotten strange children: now shall a month devour them with their portions. When places like courts and education system drive God out. You have recipe for disaster. The education system teaches evolution and philosophy. Parents are ignorant of God's word, and failed to install God's law and provisions. You must discipline children at young age. If their not trained up right. You have stealing, lying, defiance, gossip, promiscuous, intent on doing evil, perversion, abortion, homosexuality, occult, list goes on. Psalm 89:30. If his children forsake My law, and walk not in My judgements; 88:31. If they break My stautes, and keep not My commandments; 8i:32. Then I will visit their transgression with rod, And their iniquity with stripes. God has tried to use the rod. How? Covid-19 is pestilence. Two different hurricanes wreaked hell on Florida, south Carolina and Puerto rico and Cuba and nova Scotia during September 2022. These are examples. Stupidity is their downfall. Psalm 47:2. For the Lord Most High is terrible; He is great King over all the earth. The word terrible is mistranslation. It means REVERENCED. Friend, theirs fake king coming 6th trump. God won't spare anyone who doesn't have seal of God. Those biblically illiterate will be deceived by satan as false messiah. Many people will end up in hell. And many false preachers are too blame. Teaching traditions of men and false doctrine. WHO'S JESUS GOING TO HOLD ACCOUNTABLE FOR OUR CHILDREN OUT OF CONTROL??.
We have a generation of children going wild on the streets. This summer, I saw group of teenagers on dirt bikes and four wheelers doing wheelies, and flying down busy intersection. I see young people wasted on drugs on my city. Crime has gotten worse. Hosea 5:5. The pride of Israel doth testify to his face: therefore shall Israel and ephraim fall in their iniquity; judah also shall fall with them. 5:7. They have dealt TREACHEROUSLY against the Lord: for they have begotten strange children: now shall a month devour them with their portions. When places like courts and education system drive God out. You have recipe for disaster. The education system teaches evolution and philosophy. Parents are ignorant of God's word, and failed to install God's law and provisions. You must discipline children at young age. If their not trained up right. You have stealing, lying, defiance, gossip, promiscuous, intent on doing evil, perversion, abortion, homosexuality, occult, list goes on. Psalm 89:30. If his children forsake My law, and walk not in My judgements; 88:31. If they break My stautes, and keep not My commandments; 8i:32. Then I will visit their transgression with rod, And their iniquity with stripes. God has tried to use the rod. How? Covid-19 is pestilence. Two different hurricanes wreaked hell on Florida, south Carolina and Puerto rico and Cuba and nova Scotia during September 2022. These are examples. Stupidity is their downfall. Psalm 47:2. For the Lord Most High is terrible; He is great King over all the earth. The word terrible is mistranslation. It means REVERENCED. Friend, theirs fake king coming 6th trump. God won't spare anyone who doesn't have seal of God. Those biblically illiterate will be deceived by satan as false messiah. Many people will end up in hell. And many false preachers are too blame. Teaching traditions of men and false doctrine. WHO'S JESUS GOING TO HOLD ACCOUNTABLE FOR OUR CHILDREN OUT OF CONTROL??.
Look to the parents, and to the school systems.
This is probably a subject that books can be written about. Of course the western culture abandoned the Bible and its standard of living that gave us freedom and control for centuries. What you have is people doing what they feel like doing. But I know a number of families in the church we last attended including the assistance pastor where the grown children are solid atheists. Some of these are elders. In fact, I only know of the pastor and us who have raised all their children to be solid christians as adults. From observation, I would say that a problem in these is that they really did not believe the teachings of Christ and did not live them.

One quality that is hard to resist is being teachable. The parents who were successful in raising christians (us and the pastor) demonstrate an openness to be corrected. The ones who did not, were more stubborn in what they thought. I know a family where one daughter is off the rails and as we were there, I noticed the other grown children do not talk at family gatherings. The father delivers his views and that is pretty much it. The 20 year old children do not say anything. This tells me that he was not open to their views at all, unteachable. Are pastors or parents or those in authority open to being corrected even publicly and especially in front of others or do they insist that all correction (embarrassing) be private? My husband and I are very open to our children correcting us and always were. Humility is a quality that is hard to argue against. And only if one is wiling to be corrected openly can they demonstrate humility. Pride insists on private correction if any correction is to be made at all. I am always astounded by christians who refuse to be corrected publicly. They miss out on a great blessing as God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble.

The way I know they don't really believe the teachings of Christ is in the things they said. With their own mouthes they cast doubt on the veracity of the Bible. Children watch carefully their parents and those who are actors in church or Bible study but really do not believe the scriptures such that they influence their choices, show their children that they don't really believe. The children decided to be more honest than the parents.

The last thing I read about is that youth groups in church now a days, like church in general, is there to entertain the youth. They offer games and pizza. And so when those young go off to college, they think church was a kind of club where there were organized games and pizza with a little devotional somewhere. They outgrow what church was to them. A survey was done and that was the outcome. I was pretty shocked because that is what our church offered to the letter. And our church DOES have a lot of young people, the majority, who become atheists as adults. I pointed this out to the assistant pastor once.
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While there are many troubled youths that cause problems, there were back then, too. Perhaps it is getting worse and I can't argue with you on some aspects that it seems to be getting worse.

Although, all of these sins - stealing, lying, defiance, gossip, promiscuousness, intent to do evil, perversion, abortion, homosexuality, occult behaviors, etc. has been around since BEFORE this generation....maybe that's some of the problem? These sins have been around for like...um...almost ever? Perhaps that was the issue. Desires of the flesh and the craving that the world has to indulge in these things instead of seek Christ. They see God as "a ball and chain" or "an authority figure to tell me what to do or what not to do" and they don't want to face that moral accountability, but they won't escape it forever even though they have this feeling they can - God will judge their soul, too. As Christians, we know that there is "freedom in Christ", which sounds backwards to the world, but makes sense to those who come seek God.

Not only that, but instant gratification. Some people love that dose of it. Where can we get it? Smartphones - the world is at our fingertips. We can search anything on the web, message someone thousands of miles away, see someone's face on a video call that we may never meet, look for jobs, make friends, keep in touch with one another. With high speed internet - those processes are quick and satisfying to the mind. I've noticed with kids, there's a lot of "NOW" and not a lot of patience to realize "oh, a meal takes time to cook" - If they compare home cooking to the fast food window - they might be disappointing with the wait time, but have a better quality at home than with a drive thru window at times, or at least it'll be healthier! Streaming networks. Almost gone are the days of cable where you had to sit and go through all the commercials to get back to your show. If you missed your season premier or finale, that might be another few months before it aired again if you didn't make it to the telly on time. There's no, "Go put these clothes away/grab a snack/use the bathroom," during commercial breaks. There's no waiting involved. With high speed internet, they get on a streaming network, click what they want to watch and in like 2 seconds, there's their show. No commercials or few commercials and ads, usually. I think this is a problem with kids not learning patient, not learning to wait and instead seeking out trouble because they aren't able to "be bored" or "wait".

We have increases of mental illnesses in our world, even among kids. ADD, ADHD, Autism, Asperger's, etc. etc. this affects behavior a ton, too. While there are many services in most areas for these children, not all children are still getting diagnosed to get the necessary services they need.

We have parents that are both working to even afford a home or rent in todays' economy. Back then, it was easier to probably own a home on one salary. I remember having a stay at home mom while dad worked. If expenses mounted up, it could be tough during some points, but other times it was totally fine she was home. I've been trying to do that with my own kid's as long as possible, but the economy isn't going to make it possible for me "not to work" unless my husband can suddenly earn six figures over night. A lot of kids end up feeling ignored when both parents work or like their parents don't have time for them. Hopefully I can work while they are at school and not a moment later so they still have attention. I remember having a best friend whose dad left when she was a baby and it was a rough time. She grew up without her dad. Her mom had to work hard to get a good job and pay the bills. She was successful in the work endeavor, but with it came more travel as time went on. My friend had everything a teen could ever want - her own room, living in a bigger home than my family ever did, her own dog, her own car, etc. etc. - she was livin' the life of a teen. None of that materialistic stuff matters if you end up disrespecting your mother, though, because you feel ignored or because she ends up not being able to keep up with the stress of being a single mom and starts bringing strange men through their front doors. My friend ended up doing a lot of alcohol and getting drunk. Inviting me to her house parties while her mom was out of town that she'd know I'd always lecture her about and how she shouldn't do that. You know, feeling ignored by a parent can do that to kids - even if they parent has supplied everything and worked their hardest, but without being available to their growing kids at times can be an inconvenience for everyone. Welcome to our economy of constantly rising prices that force parents to work and have strained lives at home.

I know a lot of well meaning parents, too, that are wonderful parents that are still wondering, "Why is my child acting this way? I know I didn't raise them that way." Kids make their own choices, too. I don't think the solution always lies with the parents. There are times when it definitely can, but I don't believe parents are to blame 100% of the time. I have seen flaws with that thinking over the years. Good parents can still raise kids that make mistakes, just like anyone else would or make a poor decision as people tend to do at times. Until you've raised a child yourself that grows up and starts making poor choices despite being raised well, with love, with discipline, etc. or seen it happen to someone else's family and it truly hits home, I don't think most people get it. They just point the finger at the parents all the time.

Let Jesus worry about who He will hold accountable. It's not always our call to make.

Not all traditions are bad. I can say many aren't great in churches and can lead to problems if a refusal to change is there. In some churches. Other traditions like the Last Supper I don't believe it harmful as it is Biblically symbolic to what Jesus did for us. "traditions" is a bit vague - you'd need to be more specific.

There will be false prechers and doctrine. That is told in the Bible. It's out there. Most of us have seen it or heard it before.

I don't believe Covid was a form of judgement from God. I guess there's always a possibility, they say, that this was man-made and disastrous. Not certain God used Covid in His toolbox...just doesn't seem to fit the bill to me, but I guess we'll only know if we can ask Him one day for sure. I guess there are people working behind the scenes to control weather, too...think that might have consequences...this goes beyond parenting, I think.

Hurricanes are also a risk of living in coastal areas. Sometimes they're bad, sometimes not. Some believe in some cases they are judgement for the types of events that hurricane weather has stopped and I suppose anything is possible.

When people say, "The education system this...the education system that..." there are still some good schools out there. There are Christian schools that are great out there. There are some non-Christian schools even that have been great and respectful of parents choices when it comes to many things. It depends on the school. I've been to public school. I've seen the good, the bad, the ugly. It's definitely not good a lot of schools have to leave God out because what better could they achieve if they had kept Him there? You know what, though? I'm still here. I'm still Christian. I struggle in life and at times with my faith, but it's not because of public school - it's because of all the other drama that continues in life long after then. If there's anything I learn, even the adult world is riddled with silly drama and people that will come after you and hurt you simply for being kind and generous to others. Wolves in sheep's clothing.

We have been warned in God's word of course, we have been told what the end results will bring, and how terrible this will all get. We see it unfolding year by year, day by day.
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I believe it's because they lack purpose and discipline. For years, I have been in favor of at least one year of military service for all children born in the United States.

They should be taught that they are the future. They matter to the country, and they should be taught tube basics of being a productive citizen. Physical fitness, self defense, a skill that they can use to support themselves after they graduate from school.

But it seems like no one is interested in anything other than glorified daycares, otherwise known as public school. What else are the kids going to do? Of course they're going to act out. They have none or very little structure in their lives, not enough order. It happens to adults, too.
I think social media and the access to anything online has a lot to do with it. A lot of parents have no idea what their kids are hearing and seeing at a young age. I work at an elementary school and the amount of 1st-5th graders who not only have phones but have snapchat, TikTok, etc. is crazy...
I think ? it’s also social instability. Families break up. Extended families don’t have the meaning and connections they once had. Community bonds are anywhere from frayed to non existent. And…

Not to sound Marxist but I do think changing economic policies would be one effective strategy. Worker rights unions health coverage that kind of thing. Anti poverty programs would be a huge help. Something like 1 n 6 kids in the USA face food insecurity. Subsidized lunches and such can help now but long term changes will probably require more investment in social programs.
I think ? it’s also social instability. Families break up. Extended families don’t have the meaning and connections they once had. Community bonds are anywhere from frayed to non existent. And…

Not to sound Marxist but I do think changing economic policies would be one effective strategy. Worker rights unions health coverage that kind of thing. Anti poverty programs would be a huge help. Something like 1 n 6 kids in the USA face food insecurity. Subsidized lunches and such can help now but long term changes will probably require more investment in social programs.
Take all those things away and people will start to fend for themselves...like they did before the bailouts.
What did the Okies do when they could no longer farm?
They went west, and got other jobs.
Now folks want a handout.