So I'll share my view but let me suggest that I think you have some non-biblical misconceptions about God. For example:
Why did the create the balance where 50% of good acts must be balanced by 50% of bad acts
I believe that's an egyptian / scales of justice concept, not a Christian concept. God is pass/fail and redemption from failure only occurs through his proscribed means, the sacrifice of purity to cover the sins. Jesus being the ultimate attonement for humanitiy's failure.
But why allow failure at all do you ask? Why should humanity be allowed to question God at all? Why should humanity be allowed to disobey him?
I have to ask, would humanity not be slaves if there was no possibility for them to think for themselves, to act for themselves? If you were never allowed to question your parents, or political leaders, would you not be a slave? And I ask, can any real love relationship for the sources of law and judgement exist in that relation ship? I think not.
In my view, when we start with Adam there is only ONE law, the law of the tree. That tree is there to allow the possibility of something other than service to God. It has negative consequences to be sure, but Adam is free to leave God if he does not wish to obey him in everything. That freedom allowed rebellion, and that original sin is carried in the heart of every human down to this day. But we are free to walk miserable, alone, in pain. We chose that freedom, we chose this pain over the "nicer" existence you long for in the presence of God. All the "messed up" features of the world are not created by God, but by ourselves in our rejection of his purity and life. He has allowed this so that we may know the difference, so that we may know that we need his wisdom, his guidance, and his healing and life, for if we had never left the garden we would have remained ignorant to this and would never have been able to appreciate a relationship to him the way we can now.
Now we can understand what he his, and our love for him and longing for his peace is honest, and real in a way it couldn't be when we didn't know any better. It can be a true love, and a true relationship.
Now those who've lost sight of God, lost sight of the eternal focus only on this present misery as though it were everything, as though it mattered most. In that circumstance it's easy to lose perspective, and even blame God for not making failure impossible. But what would you be if you were never allowed to understand things for yourself, never allowed to do anything that might lead to failure? You would be incomplete. So it is with the lessons we learn in our exile, and like the prodigal son, greater is our joy in a father that welcomes us back with richness and blessings if we will return to him with our whole heart.
God Bless.