Actually there is tons of evidence for it, such as the alternating magnetization of rocks on the sea floor.
What controls the magnetic field of lava rock?
Example: From a previous lava flow, that is now cooled. The bed is magnetized by the earth's magnetic field. The field of the lava flow is even readable by allowing a compass near it, which changes direction. Another lava flow flow over the top of the bed the is already magnetized. Which magnetic field is going to have more effect upon the final out come? The lava cooled off lava flow, that the new flow is sitting on? Or is the earth's magnetic field stronger? And since opposites attract, the new lava flow will have the opposite poles as the one already laid.
And about the tons of evidence.... Name just ten. That's not quite a ton, so it should be easy.
Show me the data. Back up the way how the ridiculously oversized extrapolation is chosen, why an expenential curve instead of a sinus or linear or inverse logarithmic.
Excuse me? Do you seriously assert that there is some evil atheist conspiracy that made up this law which anyone can test in own simple experiments at home?
It's mathematically derived (i even did that myself on the blackboard a few years ago in physics class) and unanimously supported by experiments. You see it at work every time you watch a car race or drive a car or bike yourself.
Why is a law needed when another cancels it? It's because it leaves leeway for scientists not to allow such a law to counter supporting evidence for their pet theory. For if the law was to stand alone, the time-line needed for evolution would not work.
Tides and earthquakes are not the same.
Never said they were. One was the direct cause of the other.
Still it's subject to enormous forces, 81 times as much as the earth experiences in return. But ok, without a lot of math we won't get far with this example.
However, i've given a source which supports that the tidal forces of the moon have little impact on the frequency and strength of earthquakes.
So I see you cannot prove that the moon would be affected, and have extra seismic activity. It's make up changes the effect 81 times more pull would have.
Even if that effect is doubled, we're still not anywhere near conditions which would render the earth uninhabitable.
So would you like to tell us exactly what condition, using current subject, would render the earth uninhabitabal? Like: How close can the moon get to the earth before life on earth could not exist? I'd like to see the facts and figures on such a claim. Also showing that double the pull would do nothing.
Source for that claim about the effect of hurricanes? Moreover, hurricanes are very violent events, not a slow rising and receding of water. And as already mentioned, we do observe a great variety of tidal heights right now anyway, and it's not a problem to local life at all.
I suspect you have never been to a beach. As the tide rises or falls, there are constant waves, which are also present during a hurricane. But are bigger, and more abundant... When the moon is closer, not only will the tide rise much faster to achieve an extra high, but it will also run out much quicker to achieve a much lower tide. How?
The same extra pull (double) that made the extra high tide, will pull and make an extra low tide. It is the ocean water running back from a extra high tide, to an extra low tide that causes the extra erosion. How?
An extra high tide covers more area (sand and dirt), compared to a normal tide. So when an extra high tide runs back into the ocean to make the extra low tide. More sand and dirt will be pulled into the ocean.
Hurricanes cause more beach erosion:
Without plate tectonics, yes. The upheaval of plates however solves this.
Really? Plate tectonics barf the sand and dirt back up on the shore line which each high and low tide? The beach I used to go to, and drive my jeep upon, sure could use some of this barfing to restore it. Currently, it cannot be driven upon because most cars cannot float.
Also, do you know why sea walls are built? It's to protect land from tide erosion, as well as hurricane erosion. So who ever builds these sea walls most be ripping us off, if they are not needed because beach erosion does not exist. As you imply. I suggest you spend a day at the beach. When the tide starts to go our, go and stand in the water, and you will experience erosion first hand as sand is removed from around your feet.
In what way would it change? Please show me the math of both the change of the tilt and the climatic changes. Blanket statements like that don't impress me at all. And "not as cuddly and comfortable as today" doesn't equal "inhospitable to life" either.
By the way, a billion years ago there pretty much was only marine life, which cares little about the surface weather anyway.
One example: Let's take the tilt away, and see how long life can exist with no seasons?
The tilt of the earth makes the 4 seasons happen. A more of a tilt would make warmer weather reach closer to the poles during the summer, or winter. Which would melt a lot of the pole caps. This would also affect the equator. The sun's rays moving further away from the center, because tilt is more. Would cause the area around the equator to cool down more. Which would kill all tropical plants that cannot stand cold weather.
Weather all around the whole earth would change. Hurricanes would happen in places where it has never bee seen.
How seasons work:
How easy is it to tilt the axis? ... tters.html
slight change in earth's axis causes weather changes said:
The period of these shifts are related to changes in the tilt of Earth’s rotational axis (41,000 years), changes in the orientation of Earth’s elliptical orbit around the sun, called the “precession of the equinoxes†(23,000 years), and to changes in the shape (more round or less round) of the elliptical orbit (100,000 years). The theory that orbital shifts caused the waxing and waning of ice ages was first pointed out by James Croll in the 19th Century and developed more fully by Milutin Milankovitch in 1938.
The earth is a giant gyroscope...these things are used in avionics and astronautics exactly because they have a hard to change tilt.
Gyro scopes do not have a magnetic field or gravity. Nor do they have supposed polar flips. So it's not a direct comparison.
However, if you know any studies about the impact of that tsunami on the earth's tilt, just let me know. I'm quite interested. ... _tilt.html
earth change in axis said:
This earthquake was also reported to be the longest duration of faulting ever observed, lasting between 500 and 600 seconds, and it was large enough that it caused the entire planet to vibrate at least half an inch, or over a centimetre. ... earthquake
different things that can affect the earth's tilt said:
]The earth, although hard, is elastic. When some sort of high energy event
occurs (earthquake, volcano, explosion of a nuclear device) the earth can
"ring" -- a geological bell of sorts. Sensitive seismometers at numerous
locations around the world can detect these earth-vibrations. In fact, the
echoes of the vibrations can also be detected. There is no global danger
from such events (except maybe the atmospheric dust from a volcano), but
obviously from the news disaster can occur at a local level and even
hundreds of miles away.
Vince Calder
Yes...but that atmosphere was quite hostile to life back then anyway, and atmospheres can form anew from gasses which were solved elsewhere.
Water boils in a vacuum at room temps. There is also what is called the triple point of water. This is where the water can be all three forms at the same time (solid, liquid, and gas). This would affect sea life, with no atmosphere. Plus the exposure to the absolute zero of space.
And even if there is some atmosphere left after the impact. Lower barometric pressure lowers the boiling point of water. A much warmer earth, with a low barometric pressure, would contain water that is constantly boiling. How can life form or exist in boiling water?
Umm...back then there probably wasn't even fuild water on earth when that happened. It#s thought to have happened in the very early days of earth when it still was a ball of molten slag.
However, of course there is no crater - dropping a rock into a lake won't leave a permanent crater on the surface of the water either.
There is other evidence though, such as the composition of the moon - it constists of the same materials in the same composition as the crust of the earth.
Earth: Silicate rocks. Continents
dominated by granites. Ocean crust dominated by basalt.
Moon: Silicate rocks. Highlands
dominated by feldspar-rich rocks and maria by basalt.
The moon should be the same make up from the surface of the earth, which happens to be granite rock.
...but these things leave indirect evidence which can be predicted to be there and then checked if it is there, thus testing the hypothesis.
We have never directly seen electrons either - but do you doubt that there is a ton of evidence that they exist?
The bible is also physical evidence of God. And can already be mostly backed up historically. Which is even more evidence.