I think creationists misrepresent TOE because they do not understand what the TOE actually says. Or, they understand what it says, but feel that lying in service to God is justifiable. Now, as to WHY lying about the natural world is a service to God is anybody's guess. After all, our understanding of evolution is what allows us to create new vaccines for the flu every year, for example. The bottom line is straight-up ignorance and fear. I have NEVER met someone who understands the ToE and doesn't believe it. In fact, once you understand it, There is nothing in it that necessarily prevents one from having faith that God created everything, it simply shows HOW God did it, If you are so inclined.
As for those creationists who claim to value the truth, I would say that this is a lie. They don't care about examining evidence, They don't care about searching for the truth and critically examining claims, after all, they have faith. Who cares wether it is true or not? They have FAITH that it is, and that's all that matters. What they really care about is protecting their world-view at all costs. If they are so sure that they are right, what is there to be afraid of by looking honestly at the ToE? For some reason, these people seem to think that if one believes in evolution, it extinguishes any possible belief in God and puts the gospels at risk.
Frankly, I see no reason to believe that the world is 6,000 years old any more than there is reason to believe that the earth is flat and has 4 corners.
Anyway, I blame ignorance and fear on the part of creationists