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Why Is It So Important To Keep The Sabbath Day Holy?

I asked you to provide New Testament scripture that it's local wherever one is.
The Scripture passages I referred to of the burial of Our Lord in the Gospels mention that evening of the sixth day (the Preparation Day) approached and that its start marks the beginning of the Sabbath. Evening begins at sundown and is local to wherever one is. God created the sun, moon, and stars (heavenly bodies) to tell time by, so we must use them to aid us in our lives to know days, years, and seasons and to tell day from night. Genesis 1:14-19. The fact that those who buried Jesus observed the Sabbath is an example justifying the commandment that is to be kept and when it is to be kept... as it is described in the books of the Old Testament. The New justifies the Old.
The Scripture passages I referred to of the burial of Our Lord in the Gospels mention that evening of the sixth day (the Preparation Day) approached and that its start marks the beginning of the Sabbath. Evening begins at sundown and is local to wherever one is. God created the sun, moon, and stars (heavenly bodies) to tell time by, so we must use them to aid us in our lives to know days, years, and seasons and to tell day from night. Genesis 1:14-19. The fact that those who buried Jesus observed the Sabbath is an example justifying the commandment that is to be kept and when it is to be kept... as it is described in the books of the Old Testament. The New justifies the Old.

Brother, we are all aware that God created the sun moon and stars.

Please if you are able, we would like some sabbath keepers to help us understand how we as Christian's are to observe the Sabbath under the New Covenant.

This just a discussion. You are free to share whatever you like about

We know people observed the Sabbath in Israel during the first century.

We also know Paul taught us that the Sabbath were shadows of things to come, and that one person observes a specific day and another does not observe specific days.

One person esteems one day above another; another esteems every day alike. Let each be fully convinced in his own mind. He who observes the day, observes it to the Lord; and he who does not observe the day, to the Lord he does not observe it. Romans 14:5-6

Maybe some passages where Paul gave specific instructions to the Gentile Churches as to how to observe the Sabbath under the New Covenant.

Paul gave instructions about sin, specific instructions.

  • Do you consider it a sin, not to observe the Sabbath the way you do?

I was asking that those who practice "observe the Sabbath" to share with us some New Testament scriptures as to what rules we are to abide by, such as...

When does the Sabbath officially begin?

Friday at 6:00 PM?
Saturday Morning at 12:00 AM

When does it officially end?

How far can we travel?

What is considered work?

Are there allowances for emergencies?

These are just some basic questions and the list could grow exponentially as some answers come forth.

The fact that those who buried Jesus observed the Sabbath is an example justifying the commandment that is to be kept and when it is to be kept... as it is described in the books of the Old Testament.

We know what the old testament said

You shall keep the Sabbath, therefore, for it is holy to you. Everyone who profanes it shall surely be put to death; for whoever does any work on it, that person shall be cut off from among his people. Work shall be done for six days, but the seventh is the Sabbath of rest, holy to the LORD. Whoever does any work on the Sabbath day, he shall surely be put to death. Exodus 31:14-15

Is this what you believe to be required for the Church under the New Covenant?
Well, there is no special day to observe under the new covenant. But Sunday, Saturday , Sabbath or for Muslims Friday - lets see it positive - at least, we do not have to work. Paul was right. One person esteems one day above another; another esteems every day alike. Let each be fully convinced in his own mind. He who observes the day, observes it to the Lord; and he who does not observe the day, to the Lord he does not observe it. Romans 14:5-6

Did Jesus not heal on Sabbath? Did God not say I did not want sacrifices but love? But once retired - all days are the same. So I have one advantage.
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The Scripture passages I referred to of the burial of Our Lord in the Gospels mention that evening of the sixth day (the Preparation Day) approached and that its start marks the beginning of the Sabbath. Evening begins at sundown and is local to wherever one is. God created the sun, moon, and stars (heavenly bodies) to tell time by, so we must use them to aid us in our lives to know days, years, and seasons and to tell day from night. Genesis 1:14-19. The fact that those who buried Jesus observed the Sabbath is an example justifying the commandment that is to be kept and when it is to be kept... as it is described in the books of the Old Testament. The New justifies the Old.


Thanks for sharing.

Be blessed.

We know what the old testament said

You shall keep the Sabbath, therefore, for it is holy to you. Everyone who profanes it shall surely be put to death; for whoever does any work on it, that person shall be cut off from among his people. Work shall be done for six days, but the seventh is the Sabbath of rest, holy to the LORD. Whoever does any work on the Sabbath day, he shall surely be put to death. Exodus 31:14-15

Is this what you believe to be required for the Church under the New Covenant?
I understand better what you are saying now about the New Covenant and the Old. It seems like you are drawing from Paul moreso than the Gospels. I merely provided an example of Sabbath keeping in the New Testament (from the Gospels), that the followers of Jesus did truly observe the Sabbath correctly at the time of His burial. My understanding from the Old Testament is that the Sabbath is forever as God gave the Commandments to Moses to be kept forever. Jesus said to keep the Commandments; is not this the New Covenant supporting, validating, and justifying the Old? Even Isaiah prophesies that the Sabbaths will even be kept forever in the future world of the New Heaven and the New Earth. Isaiah 66:22-23.

You mention what Paul said. If God gave the one He called his friend, Moses, the Commandments and Jesus said to keep the Commandments, why would Paul say anything other than to keep the Commandments as both the Father and the Son have commanded us to obey them? I will have to think more about what you have shown that Paul said, but my faith is in God to obey His Commandments. Honestly, I will tell you that I find Paul difficult at times.

I understand it is important to keep this Commandment, but as you mentioned the Israelites were told to put to death those who worked on the Sabbath. It shows how serious and grave this Commandment is. As Jesus saved the woman caught in adultery from being put to death, would not the same apply to this Commandment as well, that one sin no more and observe the Sabbath by not working during it and keeping it holy? God wants our obedience. He wants us to serve Him and worship Him on the Sabbaths. It is what we must do. Sin is death. Even if someone who does not observe the Sabbath is not put to death, they would die from sinning. One must choose to live by obeying God's Commandment to keep the Sabbaths holy and to rest on them from work.
I merely provided an example of Sabbath keeping in the New Testament (from the Gospels), that the followers of Jesus did truly observe the Sabbath correctly at the time of His burial.

Correctly according to who?

The Pharisee's?

For this reason the Jews persecuted Jesus, and sought to kill Him, because He had done these things on the Sabbath. But Jesus answered them, “My Father has been working until now, and I have been working.”
Therefore the Jews sought all the more to kill Him, because He not only broke the Sabbath, but also said that God was His Father, making Himself equal with God. John 5:16-18

Do you understand what He means by "until now"?

I would advise that you read the story, when the first non-Jews became christians - and what guidelines were given to them. There is nothing about the Sabbath. But in one thing you are right - sometimes Paul is difficult to understand. it is even mentioned in the Bible 2 Peter 3:16. Well, he was a pharisee prior to his christian life. I think it's with a good reason, that he was mostly sent to the heathens.

They kept the Sabbath when Jesus died, because all of them were still Jews. They did not know it otherwise (or would have been killed). It changed over time. This is in acts - - read it from A to Z. It becomes very clear. As well that it was the first time they were called Christians.

Good for us - the old covenant is over. No rules, but love.
The Scripture passages I referred to of the burial of Our Lord in the Gospels mention that evening of the sixth day (the Preparation Day) approached and that its start marks the beginning of the Sabbath. Evening begins at sundown and is local to wherever one is. God created the sun, moon, and stars (heavenly bodies) to tell time by, so we must use them to aid us in our lives to know days, years, and seasons and to tell day from night. Genesis 1:14-19. The fact that those who buried Jesus observed the Sabbath is an example justifying the commandment that is to be kept and when it is to be kept... as it is described in the books of the Old Testament. The New justifies the Old.
I would advise that you read the story, when the first non-Jews became christians - and what guidelines were given to them. There is nothing about the Sabbath. But in one thing you are right - sometimes Paul is difficult to understand. it is even mentioned in the Bible 2 Peter 3:16. Well, he was a pharisee prior to his christian life. I think it's with a good reason, that he was mostly sent to the heathens.

They kept the Sabbath when Jesus died, because all of them were still Jews. They did not know it otherwise (or would have been killed). It changed over time. This is in acts - - read it from A to Z. It becomes very clear. As well that it was the first time they were called Christians.

Good for us - the old covenant is over. No rules, but love.
Right, Acts is when they began to be called Christians. I remember that. Well, to me in my upbringing, it's about keeping the Commandments, not about whether being Christian or Jew. Lately, with my Bible reading it has become clearer, and also remembering when I was a toddler I wondered why people worshipped on the first day if the stories of Jesus included worship and rest on the Sabbath/seventh day.

Ok, so in your opinion the Old Covenant no longer applies. I know others feel the same way. I thought Jesus put it best when he said to bring out new treasures as well as the old. Matthew 13:52.
Correctly according to who?

The Pharisee's?

For this reason the Jews persecuted Jesus, and sought to kill Him, because He had done these things on the Sabbath. But Jesus answered them, “My Father has been working until now, and I have been working.”
Therefore the Jews sought all the more to kill Him, because He not only broke the Sabbath, but also said that God was His Father, making Himself equal with God. John 5:16-18

Do you understand what He means by "until now"?

I meant correctly according to the Law/according to God from the Old Testament.

This passage brings up a question that I wondered about recently: Does God rest on the Sabbath or not? God commanded mankind to rest on the Sabbath, but does He rest on it? With your passage here, it indicates not. He causes the plants to grow and wild animals like ants and birds to do their work on the Sabbaths. But I still wonder about otherwise. But Jesus healed on the Sabbath, doing the work of God. It wasn't as if he labored in the vineyards or fields or did carpentry on the Sabbaths. He performed miracles and preached the gospel on the Sabbaths.
I meant correctly according to the Law/according to God from the Old Testament.

Brother we are under the New Covenant not the Old.

“Behold, the days are coming, says the LORD, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah— not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day that I took them by the hand to lead them out of the land of Egypt, My covenant which they broke, though I was a husband to them, says the LORD.
Jeremiah 31:31-32
Well, if the commandments would still in force, there would be a temple, a priesthood, sacrifices, men could marry four women and divorce (remember what the apostles said?), people would be killed for adultery, homosexuality - the whole thing. But do not forget - these were the rules for JEWS only.

The real question arose when the first gentiles became Christians. Remember the story of Cornelius? So, read Acts.
The holy spirit fell on them, Peter was not even allowed to speak to pagans (like all Jews). Then the question arose - clear: should these ones from the nations first become Jews and and then Christians OR what not?. In the end it was decided that they only have to keep the few rules given to Noah, after the flood. As well in Acts - chapter 15, 16..... So we are free from the law. If the NT speaks of the law a lot in the first seven chapters of Romans - read it. All becomes clear.

The day "declared holy" and god rested from all the work. I am not aware, that another earth or another Universe was created. Like you would work the whole week in your job, but Sunday - you do what you want. On top of this Jesus said in John 5:17 that he is "busy" all the time. Jesus gave examples of what should and can be done on Sunday and the first non-Jewish Christians did NOT receive this command. I hope this answers. By the way - a good way is, to have the bible in your mother language online. You make a search only for one word and can get a real good overview. Important to know is, that sometimes you have to search for several words with the same meaning.

I believe in love, help, sharing, learning about God, changing my life (and I was deep in sin....), trying to stay on the way (which is sometimes very difficult for someone like me...). I am like the tax collector, who did not dare to lift his eyes and said "how can you forgive me". We all fail every day - so the most important thing for me has become to love and forgive others, so I will be forgiven. To help others - so I might receive help too. Does this make sense? In the end its easy - and like the bible says: "blessed are those who are poor in the spirit". It's not knowing everything that will save you, but your heart, deeds and your trust in Jesus and his ransom. Sorry - went from A to Z, stop now....I am alone here - and have no contact with other Christians...a small village in Spain, only bars and one catholic church....
The Scripture passages I referred to of the burial of Our Lord in the Gospels mention that evening of the sixth day (the Preparation Day) approached and that its start marks the beginning of the Sabbath. Evening begins at sundown and is local to wherever one is. God created the sun, moon, and stars (heavenly bodies) to tell time by, so we must use them to aid us in our lives to know days, years, and seasons and to tell day from night. Genesis 1:14-19. The fact that those who buried Jesus observed the Sabbath is an example justifying the commandment that is to be kept and when it is to be kept... as it is described in the books of the Old Testament. The New justifies the Old.
Saturday 7-20-24 7th. Day Of The Weekly Cycle, Tammuz 13 5784 31st. Summer Day

Why does the Sabbath start at sundown? especially in Israel, why is this so important?

This was established by canon 1246 of the 1917 Code of Canon Law. The ancient Jews reckoned days from sundown to sundown, meaning that for them the first part of the day was evening. This is why Genesis 1 says things like, “And there was evening, and there was morning–the first day” (Genesis 1:5).

Love, Walter