- Aug 25, 2009
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On top of going way overboard with a rant,this stand-alone comment reaches pretty far.I had a feeling this subject would touch a nerve with someone,but at least be sensible about things if youre going to kick down the door with both barrels loaded.I was raised around plenty of southern whites,many of whom were highly racist and literally never saw the flags go up if a different race dared utter a word of encouragement.Ive also never witnessed anyone in christian forums sounding the alarm on such.So how about we ground ourselves in reality?
My reality is fine thanks. As to what you have witnessed on Christian forums...we all see what we want. The OP implies that whites would be unfairly called racist if they made an appeal to white voters....whether the setting is a church isn't really the point, is it?
My comments were based on how groundless this assumption is, especially in light of the fact that I have never seen it proved, nor any examples provided of this type of response from blacks. My nerves weren't touched and you would know if I fired a shot....I try not to go there.
It is simple fact that under the obama administration weve seen several examples of what was voiced earlier in the conversation.Until he came along,I dont recall churches being under pressure for speaking out to the congregation.Now all of a sudden there is the threat of legal intervention and the removal of tax-exempt status for them doing so.Our glorious leader stands at the head of this,yet he thinks its ok to let his wife outline the double-standard by speaking out accordingly.Their own past is very sketchy to say the least having come from a background of well-known racist churches and being on record with very racist and other anti-american comments.But you never hear that discussed for long.Conveniently its forgotten.
It seems like you have personal issues with our Commander in Chief. Good luck with that but I was addressing the OP.
As far as Obama's affiliation with Jerimiah Wright....I'm sure Jerimiah got it wrong. God will bless America for all the wonderful things it has done for her citizens and overlook her transgressions against Natives, Africans, Mexicans, and the Japanese. God doesn't make nations and peoples answer for their mistakes, especially when they are backed by God Himself.
This further proves what I have seen as typical of this administration.Rarely can one criticize them without having someone spring forth to their defense waving the stereotypical race card like a neon red flag.
You got it twisted. The OP stated that if whites did what Michele did, whites would be called racists. I'm afraid the neon "reverse" racist card was already in play.. It seems like when the reverse race card is played anybody that wants to take it out of play gets shot down or bullied out of the conversation.
The point Im trying to reach here,though at length,is that many americans,white and black,recognize the mistakes,the hypocrisy,and the outright ridiculousness that is typical of this administration..and theyre tired of it.Ive met quite a few people..black,mexican,etc etc who are sick of the circus and are chomping at the bit for November to roll around with the hopes that we see a different candidate doing a better job.The initial post wasnt about blacks trying to encourage blacks and whites not lovin it..it was yet another average person pointing out the factual obvious.
Right...now we are going to change the intent of the OP so that you can justify what you want it say. What was said, was what was said....it stands on its own. If the poster intended to say all that you say the thread means, then they should have clarified. The OP played the race card not me.
The better question would be "Does it really matter?".No.It doesnt.Noone here stated that black,white,mexican or swahili churches shouldnt be free to share opinions or support/stand against political candidates.An observation was made and a comment offered about the factual hypocrisy of our current regime..the rest is,as they say,history.
No it doesn't matter...race did not and does not have to be an issue everytime the President or his wife opens their mouth. An oberservation was made about an hyprocrisy that hasn't been proved in the context of the which the comment was written. It really seemed petty to me in light of what Michele was saying and to the specific audience she was addressing.
If hating Obama is your thing, by all means do you. But it starts to sound ridiculous when everything he and wife do and say is demonized. I'd rather see people openly state they hate O. becasue he's black, rather than nickel and dime every breath he takes.
Hiding hatred is a sin according to scriptures. I say go for it...and be honest.