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[_ Old Earth _] Why is the biblical creation myth right?


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Here's an interesting Question/ Response Commentary:

Why is the biblical creation myth right?

QUESTION: So why is the Biblical creation myth right and the Hopi or Navajo creation myth wrong? Science doesn't have all the answers, but the scientific consensus overwhelmingly supports evolution. When you turn on the light switch is it God or science that makes the light turn on? If you say God then you are a fool. I'll take logic and reason any day to the myth and superstition that are the stuff of religion. Thanks to science we now know that the earth is no longer flat. How much longer will the dogma of religion keep us bound in ignorance?

RESPONSE: There are a few points in this that need a response: the author's attitude, the reference to the creations stories, electricity, logic and reason, the place of science, and evolution itself.

1. The author's attitude: We see this a lot. If creation is simply a myth, and if religion is simply superstition, why the anger? Certainly real knowledge and reality itself would easily override them, would they not? No one is furious that some refuse to walk under a ladder. It is laughed off and tolerated. Nor is it "religion" that seems to provoke many to this kind of ire, but rather Christianity itself -- and, in particular, the biblical Christianity that considers the Bible means what it says and says what it means. I don't think fantasy is threatening these people. I think their own rejection of God might be, however. It must be awfully hard to look at the whole of creation and attribute it to time and chance instead of intelligent design. It must be frightening, too, to have that point of view in and of itself: it gives man no hope, no meaning, no purpose, no outside reference point for his behavior or thoughts. It's every man for himself and "devil take the hindmost." That would frighten me, too.

2. The reference to the creation stories: mythology fascinates me. It is a personal hobby of mine to read as much as I can in this field. I have found there are certain elements which are "hallmarks" of a myth: superhuman humans, exaggerated events and personalities, a "god's eye view" of a situation, and, buried in there somewhere, the event or person (or both) that the myth was created to remember. Because, actually, myths are not spun out of whole cloth -- they are memories couched in stories, legends if you will. And when you strip away the mythological elements of legends from around the world, you keep coming up with a few common things: a God who created from nothing; man after the animals; man choosing his own way; painful consequences. Very few American Indian legends concern creation, however. Most from the American Indians have to do with re-creation after either the Flood or some other massive catastrophe. Looking very seriously at these legends can be very interesting and perhaps even instructive if one is not carried away by the mythological elements. The Bible, however, does not have those mythological elements. Genesis itself is told as simple history from eyewitnesses. There are no super-heroes or exaggerated personalities. Even God is simply God. Those who argue that the flood story of Genesis 6-9 is myth -- an exaggerated event -- are arguing from incredulity, actually. They are contradicted by the similarity of massive flood stories from cultures around the world with the following elements in common: God is angry at man and destroys the world by flood, with the exception of either one couple or one family and a bunch of animals on a boat of some kind. The simple fact is that there are no mythological elements in Genesis. It is presented as straight history. And it needs to be looked at in that way, whether for purposes of claiming it true or claiming it false. But it most certainly is not myth. The second reason -- for a Christian -- to consider Genesis as truthful history, start to finish, is that it is the foundation of every major doctrine in the Bible: creation, man in the image of God, sin, the promise of a Savior, world-wide catastrophes presaging God's right and ability to judge, the creation of the Hebrew (Jewish) people, and their place in the world. Genesis needs to be looked at very seriously.

3. Electricity: lights do not turn on because of science. Science means knowledge. We found out enough about electricity to learn how to harness it. Science did not invent electricity and science does not turn on lights. A completed electrical connection turns on lights. Science discovered how to do it. There is a difference. If the electrons did not have the charge and the properties they do, science could never have done anything about learning how to fashion an electrical circuit. But the properties and charges within atoms are part of something that is intricately and intelligently designed. Science cannot take credit for doing anything but having scratched the surface of knowledge concerning this.

4. Logic and Reason: I don't suppose there has ever been an age in which people didn't think they had things pretty well figured out, or were at least well on the way. In the process, it has been declared that four elements make up everything (earth, water, fire, and air), that spontaneous generation was a fact, that the germ theory was bizarre foolishness -- the list is really interminable. Each time, human logic and reason held sway. And each time the facts contradicted us. Have we learned nothing from history? Are we still so arrogant as to think we can actually depend on what we know is true today not to be contradicted by other facts tomorrow? To depend on logic and reason is to put one's faith in man's limited and fallible knowledge. That seems a dangerous proposition to me, especially when our Creator has given us some guidelines to work within if we want to discover scientific truths. His truths never change, whereas ours do, and radically, from generation to generation. (By the way, it was known that the earth was round thousands of years before Columbus. Suggest checking history.)

5. The place of science: Within its proper bounds, science can only deal with what can be tested and worked with in one way or another. Thus it is properly bound to naturalism. We cannot work in a controlled way with the supernatural (this is the subject of witchcraft and shamanism), nor can we adequately test it. Science can only discover what already is, and learn how to use it, take care of it, appreciate it. Because science is not in possession of ALL the facts, science is in no position to make a final judgment on anything. This makes science a changing thing, and rightfully so. In any field, you only need one new contrary fact to force a rearrangement of thinking regarding the entire field. It also might be noted that changing things are not stable foundations. A good deal of what we consider fact today might not be fact tomorrow and to presume this cannot happen it to be quite naive. Mankind must find something outside of his own limited knowledge and interpretations on which to base his life if he wants any security at all. Science cannot define meaning in life, nor was it meant to. And it is meaning -- purpose -- that must be found for a man to be satisfied and have a direction in his life.

6. And now, evolution: The writer, I am sure, is referring to the kind of evolution inferred from the fossil record. Contrary to evolutionists' claims, this is quite different from the sort of variation we see everyday: hair color, rose color, dog size, finches' beaks. No one disputes these sorts of variations. But they do not change the sort of thing the organism is: the person remains a person, the rose a rose, the dog a dog, and the finch a finch. Evolution, as it is commonly referred to, demands much more than this. It demands that there have been enough directional mutations, one added to another, through the ages, to change what was once a unicellular organism into the variety of life we see today. This kind of evolution is lacking a mechanism, however, as mutations are not known to do this. We see single mutations, such as antibiotic resistance, malarial resistance (which, in its homozygous form, confers the deadly sickle cell disease), and such, but we do not see mutations adding up anywhere to produce a new form or function. Instead, the vast majority of mutations we do see are negative, harming the organism involved. Those that do not harm, such as antibiotic resistance changes, have the effect of weakening the organism in any environment except the specific one in which that change helped it survive. Change the environment and the original form, if it still exists, proves strongest and takes over again. What we see, what we can work with, and what we see as the results of tests, is called biological stasis. No matter how many generations of E.coli bacteria are worked with, they remain....E.coli. No matter how many generations of fruit flies are subjects of forced mutations, they remain.... fruit flies. We can get different types of mice for our lab experiments until we run out of names for them. They remain mice. This is biological stasis. Variation seems to exist within what Genesis refers to as the "kind," and that is all. Does the scientific consensus overwhelmingly support evolution? Yes, it does. The question is, Why? First of all, most areas of science don't concern themselves with evolution or creation. Science tends to be so incredibly technical today that it is the science philosophers who have taken over the arguments concerning evolution and creation. The scientists in the labs and in the field are, with the exception of some geologists and paleontologists, not thinking about evolution. But that is what they were taught in university as true. And so they accept it. And they accept that anything else is some kind of weird religious doctrine. But if you ask the scientist to point to something in his own field which verifies the type of evolution that turns bacteria to bears, or even supports it, you will get mostly silence. He may point to another field, but very few are willing to point to something in their own field of study which supports evolution especially if you ask them to support evolution to the exclusion of creation.
Thus, to say that the majority of scientists accept evolution may be true on the surface, but that is about as far as their acceptance goes anyway. If a person wants to really find out which is true, it is best to dig into the evidence and read what has been written on both sides. When one meets those who have done so, one just might find a few more creationists than one expected to find. And an even greater number of anti-evolutionists. *Scientifically*, evolution is not something that has been shown to work. Yes, plants and animals change. They can vary in some possibly startling ways. But no breeder of horses, or dogs, or cattle, and no parent, when they hear, "there seems to be a mutation..." is going to excitedly ask, "Is it a good one?"
So I would humbly suggest that it is not the idea of creation which is keeping us in ignorance. It is, rather, the idea that evolution is proven and cannot be challenged that is begetting ignorance. It has not been proven in thousands upon thousands of generations of E.coli, nor has it been proven anywhere else. Remember we are not talking about simple variations within kind, or type, but actual change away from that type -- the type of change on which another change, or mutation, can build so that something new is produced. We have never seen that happen. And until students and researchers are freed from the nonsense that this idea cannot be challenged in the classroom or professional literature, we will remain bound in the kind of ignorance which has resulted in such low test scores for United States students, much to our embarrassment.

Helen Fryman
Xcellent read, this is what we need to see more of :Fade-color
And now, evolution: The writer, I am sure, is referring to the kind of evolution inferred from the fossil record.

Well, that and:
  • observed speciation
  • genetics
  • molecular biology
  • anatomy
  • embryology
    [*} and most persuasive of all, the fact that all these independent sources of data give us the same answers.

    Contrary to evolutionists' claims, this is quite different from the sort of variation we see everyday: hair color, rose color, dog size, finches' beaks.

    You're saying that we haven't directly observed the kinds of changes that take millions of years? Yep. Not yet. But we're just getting started. We do, however, see new species evolve, the evolution irreducible complexity, and so on.

    No one disputes these sorts of variations. But they do not change the sort of thing the organism is: the person remains a person, the rose a rose, the dog a dog, and the finch a finch.

    Usually. Occasionally, we get a sudden jump. HeLa cells, for example. They are single-celled organisms that are a common pest in laboratories that keep tissue cultures. They invade the tissue cultures, destroying the culture and taking over. They evolved from human cancer cells. They are now essentially a new phylum.

    Evolution, as it is commonly referred to, demands much more than this.

    I don't know what "commonly" you refer to, but in science, evolution is "change in allele frequency over time". So it can be everything from minor variation in a species to new phyla or kingdoms.

    It demands that there have been enough directional mutations, one added to another, through the ages, to change what was once a unicellular organism into the variety of life we see today.

    That would be consistent with evolutionary theory, but not required. There's at least one other way metazoans could have originated.

    This kind of evolution is lacking a mechanism, however, as mutations are not known to do this.

    You've been misled. Barry Hall's work with E. coli showed just that happening. Would you like to learn about it?

    Instead, the vast majority of mutations we do see are negative, harming the organism involved.

    You've been misled about that, too. Most of them don't do much of anything. You and I probably have a couple or so.

    Those that do not harm, such as antibiotic resistance changes, have the effect of weakening the organism in any environment except the specific one in which that change helped it survive.

    That's what natural selection is supposed to do. If it didn't, we wouldn't see the evolution of new sorts of organisms. Lizards, after all, are now unfit to live under water. We can't tolerarte much change in body temperature, or regenerate lost digits. Does that make us "weaker"?

    Change the environment and the original form, if it still exists, proves strongest and takes over again.

    Which evolutionary theory predicts.

    What we see, what we can work with, and what we see as the results of tests, is called biological stasis. No matter how many generations of E.coli bacteria are worked with, they remain....E.coli.

    Actually, not. Speciation has been observed in coliforms many times.

    No matter how many generations of fruit flies are subjects of forced mutations, they remain.... fruit flies. We can get different types of mice for our lab experiments until we run out of names for them. They remain mice.

    That's like saying the evolution of humans from other anthropoids isn't much because we are still anthropoids.

    This is biological stasis. Variation seems to exist within what Genesis refers to as the "kind," and that is all.

    That sounds like a testable claim. Define "kind", and we'll take a look.

    Does the scientific consensus overwhelmingly support evolution? Yes, it does. The question is, Why?

    Because it's the only theory that can adequately explain the evidence. Contrary to what you've been told, the more scientists know about the evidence, the more likely they are to accept evolution. Scientists like physicists and chemists are less likely than molecular biologists to accept it. And molecular biologists are less likely than biologists.

    *Scientifically*, evolution is not something that has been shown to work.

    We've directly observed new species to evolve.

    But no breeder of horses, or dogs, or cattle, and no parent, when they hear, "there seems to be a mutation..." is going to excitedly ask, "Is it a good one?"

    It's wrong about breeders. New traits in many animals are eagerly sought, and bred into special lines. In humans, it's another story, because every bad mutation is a heartache. And while both damaging and useful mutations are rare, the harmful ones are more common than the good ones. Natural selection deals with this, but at the cost of lives, something we don't like in humans.

    So I would humbly suggest that it is not the idea of creation which is keeping us in ignorance. It is, rather, the idea that evolution is proven and cannot be challenged that is begetting ignorance.

    It would be if evolutonary theory was not being challenged by scientists. It is, on a regular basis. Usually, the challenge fails. But now and then, it succeeds, and the theory is changed to accomodate the new evidence.

    And until students and researchers are freed from the nonsense that this idea cannot be challenged in the classroom or professional literature, we will remain bound in the kind of ignorance which has resulted in such low test scores for United States students, much to our embarrassment.

    Actually, science scores in many states like Iowa, North Dakota, Wisconsin, Nebraska, etc. are among the best in the world. Ref: the Third International Math and Science Study. The drag on the US average comes mainly from states with large immigrant populations and the Southeastern states. The states that do well are those that teach evolution most extensively. The nations that do better than we do have two major differences:

    1. They have national educational standards which are enforced.
    2. They teach evolution.
The reason that the biblical account is truth is because it is NOT a myth!
evanman said:
The reason that the biblical account is truth is because it is NOT a myth!

Why do you think that?

It has most of the elements required to be mythological. The style of it's writing as a pseudo-historical acocunt is largely irrelevant to this. I could write an alternate history, but that does not necessarily make it true.
The whole evolution theory, big bang theory, age of the earth theory is a lie of Satan designed to disprove the Bible. Unfortunately many people are Satan's tools.

If any of those theories can be PROVED it would disprove the Bible. This is not the case.

Consider the dinosaurs. Evolutionists ask, "Why are the dinosaurs extinct?" The believer of the Bible asks, "Did the dinosaurs go extinct?" In 1841 the term "dinosaur" was coined. Prior to that they were all called dragons. There are thousands of legends of dragons killers is cultures across the globe. In the 1970's, Japanese fishermen raised a Plesiasaur and photogtaphed it. In the 1920's, one washed ashore in California.

There are 220 flood legends in different people groups around the globe which attest to Noah's global flood.

Saying these things were millions and billions of years ago casts doubt on the Bible.
The whole evolution theory, big bang theory, age of the earth theory is a lie of Satan designed to disprove the Bible. Unfortunately many people are Satan's tools.

You seem to have been misled. None of that is remotely like the truth.

If any of those theories can be PROVED it would disprove the Bible.

No, that's wrong, too. None of it contradicts the Bible.

Consider the dinosaurs. Evolutionists ask, "Why are the dinosaurs extinct?" The believer of the Bible asks, "Did the dinosaurs go extinct?" In 1841 the term "dinosaur" was coined. Prior to that they were all called dragons.

Um, no. Actually, in the west, dragons were inferred by the ancient Greeks, who found fossilized giraffe skulls (which look a lot like our conception of dragons).

There are thousands of legends of dragons killers is cultures across the globe. In the 1970's, Japanese fishermen raised a Plesiasaur and photogtaphed it. In the 1920's, one washed ashore in California.

There are 220 flood legends in different people groups around the globe which attest to Noah's global flood.

Saying these things were millions and billions of years ago casts doubt on the Bible.

It certainly makes a literal Genesis less likely. But a literal Genesis was never the orthodoxy among Christians.
Creation or magic?

I'll take the liberty to quote from a recent post of mine in the topic Earth Age, since it attempts to answer the question this topic started out with:

Who says that unless something pops up out of nothing like a magician's trick, it can't have been made by God? Aren't we all made of the dust of the earth--carbon, water, minerals, etc.--like every living thing since the beginning of life? What's so hard about accepting the truth of Genesis, that God made everything all the way from where there was nothing, and also accepting the evidence he's left us of the geological and paleontological processes he used?

If you really believe in the six calendar days of creation, six 24 hour revolutions of the planet, take another look at Genesis. Gen. 2:4 talks about the day when the Lord made the heavens and the earth. One and the same day? Gen. 1:6-8 says the heavens were made on the second day and Gen. 1:9-11 says the earth was made on the third day. Two separate days. Or look at Gen. 1:26-31: Man and woman were made on the sixth day, within the same 24 hours. But Gen. 2 describes how all the animals were made and named before Eve was made from Adam's rib. Adam sighed, "At last!" Not a lot of patience there, if it was just the afternoon of the sixth day? But according to Gen. 1:24-25, land animals and birds were made before man and woman. Confusing. Then Gen. 5:1 talks again about the day Adam and Eve were created.

Why point all this out? Because it shows that if you insist on believing that a "day" in the creation account is 24 hours, you just can't make sense of it. Things are made worse by the fact that Gen. 1 came from one tradition and Gen. 2 from another. Still, the reputation and revenue of a lot of preachers depend on enough of us swallowing the notion of 24 hour creation days. Anyway, where's the logic in insisting on six calendar days of creation but accepting that the earth is round and doesn't form the center of the universe? If you're going to be stuck in the 13th century, be serious about it!

Think a little about the words used in the Bible, and in common usage. Very often "day" means an era or a period of time. Who are we to tell God how he's allowed to work, just because our forebears, who provided the ammunition for all the fundamentalists in the preaching market, didn't know anything about archeology and paleontology? Did Bronze Age Hebrews know anything about those sciences? No. Still, Genesis, as it was recorded then, had to be understandable to them. Look at Genesis and look at the evidence in the earth: It all agrees if you just allow God to use the word Day for an era when something happened. In fact, the Elohim sect providing Gen. 1 had it more right than the Yahwists providing Gen. 2, when their merger took place sometime between the 9th and the 4th centuries BC.

The important thing about Genesis 1 is, that as Bronze Age creation myths go, it's in its own class altogether. It credits the One God of Israel with all of creation, all the way from nothing. All the other creation myths, on the other hand, talk about actions of beings somehow pre-existing when it all began; they can be discounted as serving no other purpose than generating revenue for those who still can get some mileage out of them.

A good way to begin from nothing is with a Big Bang that generates all the energy to provide both matter and energy for a whole universe. Does anybody really think evolutionists can disprove the existence of a Creator by saying that it all happened slowly? If for some reason there were a universe without a Creator, it would be dead and cold already. Worlds and life can only be the result of the loving work of a Creator.

I guess it's fun to argue about carbon dating and all that, but try a leap of faith: God is actually great enough to use long, slow processes for his creation work. Not even Charles Darwin denied the existence of a Creator; the notion that evolution is somehow against belief in God is of a much later date. Hanging on to ideas that have withstood the assault of 600 years of scientific progress may be comforting, since they free you from the need to think, but there's merit to using your God-given intellect, too.


I guess that Eve must have "evolved" out of Adam's rib then?

Now if they weren't evolved from "ape-like creatures" they didn't have navels!

What did Cain and Abel eveolve from?

Evilution is so confusing? It was not of God's authorship!
I guess that Eve must have "evolved" out of Adam's rib then?

No, of course not. That is just an allegory, explaining the relationship between man and woman.

Now if they weren't evolved from "ape-like creatures" they didn't have navels!

They didn't have navels? How do you know that?

What did Cain and Abel eveolve from?

Scripture says they were born. BTW, individuals don't evolve; populations do.

Evilution is so confusing? It was not of God's authorship!

He created all of it. Evolution, too.
The Barbarian said:
He created all of it. Evolution, too.

I couldn't agree more.

I wrote somewhere in my book that both the evolutionist who thinks he's proved there's no God, and the Creationist who tries to squeeze God into fourteenth-century human understanding, make the same mistake: they put human pride and narrow-mindedness above God. But be careful, evanman: if you accept reason you also reject the authority of the fundamentalist preacher you support with your tithes, and that's bad.

Don't get me started on tithing!

Jesus believed the genesis account, as did the apostles.
The tith "corban" as you call it places people under bondage its not a commandment from God and not even compolsary.

It sould not be taught as a doctrine becouse it is not the tith dose not save souls.

there is no love in enforcement of tith
All Christians believe the Genesis account. What they don't do, is agree on what it says in some of the details, such as the origin of life.

evanman said:
Jesus believed the genesis account, as did the apostles.

Good. Let's see what one apostle, Peter, has to say about calendar days vs. eras: 2 Peter 3:8. I think we can safely assume that his pick of 1,000 years is an example, an allegory, standing for the concept "a very long time."


This is generally trotted ouit as a "proof text" for ages/eras versus 24hr days.

let's see--even if these were days of a "thousand year" periods it still wouldn't put life on earth more than 60,000 years ago!

Secondly, what Peter is referring to is not the length of a day--he is referring to the length of God's memory and how God brings about His judgements!

What peter is saying is that God's memory isn't so short that He will forget, nor is it too long that he won't bring judgement--read the context!
This demonstrates how slippery it is to try to apply "day" as a literal 24-hour period. It was never meant that way in Genesis.
The Barbarian said:
Usually. Occasionally, we get a sudden jump. HeLa cells, for example. They are single-celled organisms that are a common pest in laboratories that keep tissue cultures. They invade the tissue cultures, destroying the culture and taking over. They evolved from human cancer cells. They are now essentially a new phylum.
And don't forget SARS: SARS is an evolved form of the Corona Virus. 8)
Strephlococcus(sp?) a bug that causes sore throats occasionally mutates into a severe disease that if got in open sores, devastates the surrounding tissue which turns gangrenous.

As for defining the biblical "kind" well, Genesis puts it at the point of around species, as Noah takes all the kinds of birds and animals on his ark, each one and it's mate. As speciation is defined as the point where genetically distinct organisms arise and (usually) can no longer breed, this should put the biblical kind at somewhere around the species level.


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