For one very persistent reason - the world is greedy. Remember love of money is the root of all evil ?
How many businesses did King David observe with a false scale ? (a false scale was used to make more money)
How many 'land lords' (the beginning of 'corporations') did Martin Luther and other men seeking Yhvh say had "no heart; no conscience" ?
How many people did Yhvh find on earth who would pray for other people for their good ? (yes, Yhvh searched)
How many people rose up to prevent the wicked men from illegally crucifying Yeshua the Messiah?
How many of Yhvh's people, or of any nation in the town of Bethlehem (if there were other nations present at the time) offered MARY, pregnant with the MESSIAH , even the Son of Yhvh,
a place to rest ?
see the pattern yet ? people on earth are not good people. oh, yes, there were some , in Scripture, and in history, good and honest people. Yhvh even identified some of them and He said they were Righteous.
... ... ... ... ... and Yhvh provided before the creation of the world
a way
for people to be healed(saved) and restored in fellowship to Him. YESHUA!
(so why does the whole world reject Yeshua ? (except for the ecclesia called by Yhvh to be His) )
Scripture is the Standard set by Yhvh. Not emotions. Not man's wisdom. Not man's education. Not anything of the flesh.
Israel had the Scripture. Torah. and still failed (most of them).
so gentiles got to join in. to be grafted in where the natural branches were cut out.
and Yhvh said He would write His Law on their hearts (His people).
and Yhvh said He would delight in His people (ecclesia) and they delight in Him. (even in a bad bad world, yes; not dependent on circumstances).
How many businesses did King David observe with a false scale ? (a false scale was used to make more money)
How many 'land lords' (the beginning of 'corporations') did Martin Luther and other men seeking Yhvh say had "no heart; no conscience" ?
How many people did Yhvh find on earth who would pray for other people for their good ? (yes, Yhvh searched)
How many people rose up to prevent the wicked men from illegally crucifying Yeshua the Messiah?
How many of Yhvh's people, or of any nation in the town of Bethlehem (if there were other nations present at the time) offered MARY, pregnant with the MESSIAH , even the Son of Yhvh,
a place to rest ?
see the pattern yet ? people on earth are not good people. oh, yes, there were some , in Scripture, and in history, good and honest people. Yhvh even identified some of them and He said they were Righteous.
... ... ... ... ... and Yhvh provided before the creation of the world
a way
for people to be healed(saved) and restored in fellowship to Him. YESHUA!
(so why does the whole world reject Yeshua ? (except for the ecclesia called by Yhvh to be His) )
Scripture is the Standard set by Yhvh. Not emotions. Not man's wisdom. Not man's education. Not anything of the flesh.
Israel had the Scripture. Torah. and still failed (most of them).
so gentiles got to join in. to be grafted in where the natural branches were cut out.
and Yhvh said He would write His Law on their hearts (His people).
and Yhvh said He would delight in His people (ecclesia) and they delight in Him. (even in a bad bad world, yes; not dependent on circumstances).