Well, are you a heretic?
Based on my experience in other forums I anticipate a small modicum of disagreement and/or resistance to the contents of my posts from mt Calvinist siblings. We usually work it out, but not always. I happen to hold modified annihilationist points of view (like the thoroughly Reform-oriented John Stott, and J. I. Packer) but because that pov is normally associated with cults like the SDA and misguided theologies like Open Theism the mere mention of the premise causes rancor. Despite a well-established history of that perspective within monergism, some of the most notable theologians on our side of the soteriological debate subscribing to that pov, and the ability to make that case from plainly read scripture, it's very divisive. I was banned from the Puritan Board for that specific reason despite my agreeing with all the other doctrines, the entire statement of faith, informing them ahead of time of my beliefs
prior to submitting my membership request, and never initiating a single conversation about the topic. Several months in I received an email and that was it

; no more membership in the forum.
Holding a fully-Reformed view of eschatological soteriology is much different than holding a blatantly heretical position, like universalism (which many forums ban entirely). CARM won't permit discussions of Christ's Impeccability, even though Matt Slick and the forum are wholly subscribers to that point of view. Any discussion even remotely touching in the subject in any way that might remotely allow for dissent puts the poster at risk of being banned
for life. Different forums, different standards. I'll figure it out.
I'm new here but I enjoy forum discussions for the diversity of thought even though I am fairly decided in my positions. I am well-read and, according to some, very good at forensic analysis and can be exacting at times. It makes for lively debate

. I don't take appeals to ridicule (epithets) personally because I know the error lies on the side of those who employ fallacy, not my end. I like to be corrected..... when the case made for my need is impeccably built from well-rendered scripture.
And I'm fairly confident with CFn members here who've traded posts with me in other forums will attest to the above

so if you're really a heretic then you can rely on me to tell you so, but I'll explain how and why with manners, respect, and a pile of scripture

. in hopes we can find agreement, not with each other alone, but with God's word
