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woman sues for child-rearing costs after failed abortion


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That's good.
I don't think you're the only one with such a heart.
PotLuck said:
That's good.
I don't think you're the only one with such a heart.

Please have a little bit of compassion for my friend Jeff. He was being very sincere in his clarification and apology. And no, he was not implying that he "was the only one with such a heart." Thank you for your understanding.
NoDoubt said:
Please have a little bit of compassion for my friend Jeff. He was being very sincere in his clarification and apology. And no, he was not implying that he "was the only one with such a heart." Thank you for your understanding.

I thought I was having compassion in acknowledging his statement of having a "heart for sharing Christ with people." And I have little doubt of his sincerity. Besides, I'm not the one worthy enough to accept or decline his apology in the the spirit it was given (the forum in general or to God) although I do indeed feel it shows good character.
Sometimes the worth of a carpenter can be gauged by how well he rectifies his mistakes.
Wow, this article about this woman's past and present life is truly sad. I feel for her and this innocent child. This lawsuit is frivolous and the greed behind it is unsettling.

If she lives in the US, she has the opportunity to file for assistance concerning welfare for her and her child. I am also hopeful that there are Christians in her area who are/will rally to help her once they read her story.

I believe Jesus places believers in our lives so that we may have the opportunity to hear the Gospel. "....whosoever believes in Him will not perish but have everlasting life." I also know He will allow situations to come upon us that may seem hopeless but He can use it for His purpose and His glory in the future.

I just hope and pray she can put her sin of pride aside to allow Christians to help her and share the Gospel with her and she will receive the message with an open heart.
PotLuck said:
I thought I was having compassion in acknowledging his statement of having a "heart for sharing Christ with people." And I have little doubt of his sincerity. Besides, I'm not the one worthy enough to accept or decline his apology in the the spirit it was given (the forum in general or to God) although I do indeed feel it shows good character.
Sometimes the worth of a carpenter can be gauged by how well he rectifies his mistakes.

Thank you! :)
NoDoubt said:
Wow, this article about this woman's past and present life is truly sad. I feel for her and this innocent child. This lawsuit is frivolous and the greed behind it is unsettling.

If she lives in the US, she has the opportunity to file for assistance concerning welfare for her and her child. I am also hopeful that there are Christians in her area who are/will rally to help her once they read her story.

I believe Jesus places believers in our lives so that we may have the opportunity to hear the Gospel. "....whosoever believes in Him will not perish but have everlasting life." I also know He will allow situations to come upon us that may seem hopeless but He can use it for His purpose and His glory in the future.

I just hope and pray she can put her sin of pride aside to allow Christians to help her and share the Gospel with her and she will receive the message with an open heart.

I am certain that there are many Christians living close to this woman. I pray they are made aware and can share Christ with her, so her whole life can be changed for the better. God how this world needs Jesus!

Those of you who think hate of a young woman is the object here, you are dead wrong!

Just because someone describes the sin by it's name for what it really is, and describes the repercussions of it along with showing what is evident of an unrepentant will, does not mean a display of hate for the "person" who committed the sin is in the heart of the person who described it by way of what is obviously evident in the first place.

Do not neglect the fact that pro-active measures must be taken from here on in order to show forth a positive result. If there is no intervention this poor woman and child are the ones who are being neglected. Neglected of good intervention from good people who can show them the proper resources to look forward to. But what does she have now? A lawyer who is willing to walk with her in this path she has chosen!

Reaching out to people such as this was the whole point of my first post here. PotLuck, you picked up on it and went a step further in showing that accountability and responsibility is key in making a difference in the life of a person or persons.

And calling something for what it really is, is not hate, it is the reality of this sad situation. I'm tired of people who do nothing but talk and bicker on these boards but do not reach out to anyone in their own community to make any difference in helping people get well and change their behaviors from ill to well.

In keeping in line with the OP of this thread... abortion happens in every community. And we all have an obligation to reach out to young girls and women before they end up in that butcher of a doctors office!

We all have an obligation to our younger generation to reach out to them in giving them tools to use as preventative measures in all areas of their lives, not just sex education that does not impact them before they find a problem staring them in the face. Preventative measure that work must be taught to young adults so they don't even think twice about falling into the temptations of immoral behaviors.

Getting to the root of these problems is a huge battle. And it all starts in the home and in your very own community!
What garbage are parents allowing their children to be subjected to? What garbage entertainment are they watching at the movies on the tv, or listening to on the radio, in their own homes on their own stereos? Parents who ignore what is being put in front of their children are parents who end up having problem children. Boys without good caring fathers in their home, are many times boys who end up being uncaring fathers themselves.

Generational curses are not easily broken, but it is possible, even if it means only one person at a time.

Do you know of any wayward children in your neighborhood? Are you reaching out in your own community to help foster good behavior in the children and young adults, Or are you just sitting at your computer typing and complaining how much hate you think other people here are spreading about just because they call the "sin" of abortion for what it really is? :-?

Do you know of any boys or men who are so hooked on pornography, or think nothing of promiscuous sexual behaviors or immorality that they go about your neighborhood enticing young innocent girls so as to take advantage of them? What are you doing to educate these young men about the consequences of immoral behaviors? What are you doing in your community to make it a better place for all who live there? Are you just sitting around typing on your computer, or playing video games, or watching garbage movies, or listening to garbage music, instead of reaching out to help better your own life and the lives of those around you? :-?

Do you know of any girls or boys, young adults who constantly feed their minds with garbage attitudes they've copied from music they hear or movies they see or other people around them who lack moral integrity and are of a horrible character? What are you doing to educate these people? What are you doing to help build healthy character in those who are in your own surrounding? What are you doing to make a change within your own community?

I am called to deal with sex addicts and those who have problems with being alcoholics to help them see the light of what sin hell hole they are acting out on. Believe me! this is NOT an easy calling! Because many of these people will not see the light until the darkness in their lives are revealed in a very shocking manner. And the truth is that some people just don't get it until you shock that hell that is in them, out of them. And at times, it is only one person at a time. And getting one person to see the sin in their life is better than none at all.
I've prayed and kept in touch with people for years before any result was shown in their lives. Some hate me when I hit a nerve, but also they love me because I don't sugar coat the truth!
Never give up on someone because you think they are beyond help! NO ONE IS BEYOND HELP! But those who know the value of good Godly character and know how to teach others how to better their own characters, but don't reach out to help them are guilty as the next person who commits any type of sin!
It is our obligation to reach out and help people see what that darkness is that is ruling and ruining their lives, and what light they must come too in order to overcome that darkness.
Using the word "devil" and the definition of word that describe sins, are words many people don't want to hear, it offends them to say that the devil is real and that sin is real and has consequences. The don't want to hear about consequences. Because carnal minded people are "self-ish". And it offends them to have described the workings of the devil revealed. They are offended by the truth of any definition of terms in regards to the sin.
Getting them to see the truth is not easy, and anyone who comes around and is offended by using the real definition of the type of sin being dealt with is not helping, but is delaying what work God does through those who are serving Him in truth. Being a Christian is not always sugar coated and sweet. Even Jesus scolded. Calling pharisees hypocrites and scolding people who used the house of the Father as a place to exchange money.
And some of you think we have no rights to call the darkenss of sin for what it really is, and say hate and using the word murder is in appropriate? :o WOW! And when you were come to see your sins for what they really were... I suppose you have no idea of other means of the Holy spirits working through people to reach people? Who are you to say the spirit of conviction through the Holy spirit is not allowed to be relayed by way of His people? :-?

You are totally correct PotLuck, about back in the day, etc. I would have said to each his own also, before I committed my life to Christ totally. I was a backslider of the worst kind! I too know that sugar coating sin is not the way to overcoming it! Coming to the realization of what sin is in ones own life is a very very bitter pill to swallow.

No one should ever deny the fact that murder is murder, abortion is murder. And to be offended by using the word murder is just the devil stepping in to cloud over the truth of the issue of what abortion is. It is murder. Anyone who has had an abortion knows what murder is no less than how much Moses knew what murder is, no less than how much David knew what murder is, no less than what anyone who has taken a life from another knows how it screams out the pain of it. The bible is clear about what murder is and is not and No one should ever sugar coat abortion as being anything less than murder! So listen Mr, AloneVoice, and all you who have no idea what the after affects of abortion does to the woman who has had one. You have no idea what this type of murder does to her for the rest of her life! Yes, it is murder! You cannot deny that fact!
So you who point the finger at those of us who are only describing what is fact here, Don't' tell me that hate is being spread about here for this poor woman, because it is not hate, it is fact that she intended on committing to murder. And that does not mean anyone here hates her. The truth is, that it is the devil which prompts one to act upon and to commit any sin... that is what is hated.

Only the blood of Jesus can heal such a broken spirit of the woman who has had an abortion! Only the Holy spirit can save a woman who is making such horrible decisions in her life after that fact. Of course we are all praying for intervention for this poor women! The problems is who is reaching out to make a difference in the lives of these women who are making such horrible decisions one after another, without any means of knowing proper resources intervention themselves. These women are lost! they need someone to step up to the plate and show them a better way!

The fact is that one's own negligence to do what is right is rooted in ignorance of Godly righteousness!

You can't hide the truth of what sin of this type really is! Sin is what must be faced and dealt with in order to move on positively, and effectively in life with the leadership of the Holy spirit of Christ Jesus.

It is my obligation, as it is for other Christians, to REACH OUT to those who are on the wrong path, to show them what the definition of sin really is! Not to candy coat the truth of it's ugly face! How else is a sinner to come to know truth? The truth sets us free! Not the coving up of what the ugliness and horrors of sin are! When the holy spirit revealed to me my sins, I threw my bible across the room! It scared the hell out of me.... literally! :lol:

The first step to salvation FROM sin is to look at that sin straight up and call it for what it really is and what is doing to that person, and where it is taking that person down the road.

You can't get anyone to repent if they don't know what they are to be in repentance for! Murder is murder, a drunk is a drunk, a thief is a thief. A fornicator is a fornicator. You can't call it anything else! The sin is what is hated, not the person who has fallen victim to it by way of their own ignorance, by way of walking in ignorance of what sin really is, of what the enemy really is..... A wicked spirit, and a wicked principality that is ruled by that spirit. That is what we wage war against!

So you people here who think hate for this young woman who is making horrible decisions in her life is coming from anyone who posted here, well, you are dead wrong!

Calling sin for what it really is, is not a sin, and it is not hate for a person, it is calling a sin for what it truly is. There is no crime in telling a hard truth to a sinner! Nor is there anything wrong in revealing what the bible tells us is the consequences of a sin. No one is pointing any fingers at this woman who tried to abort her child. The fact is evident of what is happening and what has happened. What's done is done.
There is help if people in her community would just reach out to her and show her a better way to handle her horrible situation and turn things around. And She might be serving others well to be an example of what NOT to do!

Conviction of sin is the first step towards repentance. Repentance is the first step towards turning away from that which is revealed in that very conviction.

What are you doing to reach out to those around you, those who are in your life, those who are in your community? What are you doing by way of education, preventative measures, and giving better resources to those who are without a better way of dealing with ignorance, in dealing with poverty and in dealing with neglect? What are YOU doing? Pray tell!

Amen, sista Relic!! Here I was trying to tread lightly since I'm a newbie around here. It's good to know those with a voice can actually voice their say without repercussions of deletion or being banned.

I agree, a sinner or unbeliever will always take offense to the Gospel, it's par for the course. Sometimes, God needs to break down a person's spirit in order to breathe new life into them. I remember, before I got saved, I thought I was heaven bound being a Catholic and attending church.

I distinctly remember cursing my friend on the phone as I hung up on her when she told me I was going to hell unless I repented of my sins and asked Jesus for forgiveness.

I imagine this woman in Boston is wallowing in her sins as she sues in hopes of getting a nice settlement for the her own mistake. Her story in many ways, mimics our own pasts, before we came to God's plan of Salvation.
Sister relic, thank you for your hard-hitting post! Amen to that! I have given my life to God on the mission field here in Guatemala to reach out to these unfortunate people. My joy is seeing them saved. Believe me we need to tell them to repent, Enough of the sugan-candy coating!
Relic said:
Reaching out to people such as this was the whole point of my first post here. PotLuck, you picked up on it and went a step further in showing that accountability and responsibility is key in making a difference in the life of a person or persons.

Great post :smt023 Actually, I always enjoy reading your posts...I too picked up on what you were saying and agree with you..... 8-) this is why I enjoyed PotLucks post as well.....

Amen guys, this is one touchy subject for too many people. However, it must be dealt with no less than any other.

jgredline, thanks for bringing this topic up for discussion. It makes for some real eye opening discussion, and hopefully some will take the initiative of taking positive steps toward good cause for those who need help within their own surroundings and communities. Even if, at times, it means only one person at a time.

Relic said:

Even if, at times, it means only one person at a time.


There's a story about a man on a beach throwing starfish back into the sea stranded by the outgoing tide. Another fellow happened by and after watching for a bit asked what he was doing, "I'm saving the lives of these starfish". The fellow looked up the beach and down then said, "The beach is as far as the eye can see in both directions and the starfish are many. I seriously doubt you'll make much of a difference," The man bent over, picked up a starfish and tossed it into the sea. "Made a difference to that one." he replied.
PotLuck said:
There's a story about a man on a beach throwing starfish back into the sea stranded by the outgoing tide. Another fellow happened by and after watching for a bit asked what he was doing, "I'm saving the lives of these starfish". The fellow looked up the beach and down then said, "The beach is as far as the eye can see in both directions and the starfish are many. I seriously doubt you'll make much of a difference," The man bent over, picked up a starfish and tossed it into the sea. "Made a difference to that one." he replied.

I like this story... I think I will be using it ;-)
I too like that story. :)

And how many times would you suppose the very same star fish could have been, would have been, washed up too far onto the shoreline?

It sometimes takes more than just one attempt at giving a helping hand.

Staying on task..... forever how long it takes.

I am reminded now of the story in which Jonah was instructed by the Lord to go tell the people in Nineveh to stop with their awful sins, to repent. But he was first reluctant and see what happened during that time of him being reluctant. Storms on a ship, leaves drying up in the course of his preference to being all cozy comfy under the shade of a huge leaf....

Goes to show, we cannot and must not stay to ourselves all puffed up and cozy in our own comfort zones while others are in need.

Thanks for that story Potluck.

On saturdays, on route to my mothers house to take her grocery shopping, I have no choice but to drive by small abortion clinic. And, about the same time of day each and every Saturday, parked in front of that small butcher of a doctor's office is a white van. Attached to the back of this van is this huge poster of a tiny, bloody, chopped up baby. The message underneath this gory gruesome picture are just two words.... "Abortion kills" . I see that one lone man protesting in this silent but loud manner every saturday, in hopes of deterring just one more pregnant woman or girl from doing that to her child.

It brings tears to my eyes every time that I drive past this one lone man who is trying to make a dent in such a huge problem. Just one man is all it takes to be used as a powerful tool by the hands of God to call people to "Go and sin no more".

Yes, God does use, at times, just one person to affect just one person at a time, one day at a time.



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