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[ Testimony ] Wonderful life lesson to me


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In 1993,,
I am going to reach bus station
Suddenly Express bus is passed,
I ran to catch the bus but failed
I was disappointed, Actually i am i am going to attend in a prayer meet
I need to preach there..
With disappointment i was
murmured against God,
God some times you are not willing to help me, if i able to catch the Express bus i may reach venue in some early and some safety
Now i need to travel in a passenger bus, which goes very slow, i need to trouble
Why don't you give the Express bus? while i am travelling to serve you?

Slowly i went to bus station and i am started my journey in very old passenger bus,,

it is going very slow,,, very slow,..

Still i am thinking against God,,
Oh do you willing to give some sufferings to your servants like me?

This is my own thinking against God

After fifteen minutes while my passenger bus is running suddenly driver stopped the bus,, where many people gathered on road
I saw .... the first bus which is express and which is i missed,. is in a accident and went to river..
Passengers are wounded and all passengers are crying,,

On road police said to our driver,, don't stop here,, traffic may give trouble,, you can move .. you can move.. my bus driver is moved forward,,
Now my passenger bus is going like a speed bus ,, PASSENGER BUS OF EXPRESS

God slapped me ,.,, now i am started to think..
If i am able to catch the express bus,.. i may need to face accident.. i may have wounds too..
now i am in passenger which is very slow,, but i am very safe now,,
Oh i was started to tear ,,. i asked forgiveness from God.. i started to learn from slow things
In my life i missed many ''EXPRESS'' events like buses and others,,

but my God is giving his blessings through passenger type slow events


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