I supervised imnates for over16 years. I remember them talking about certain one's wives who would come to visit. Sometimes they would end up writing to the other inmate's wife (inmates (trustees) work the offices and can get info for a price) and even end up marrying them. Also, a prison has the worst of humanity and many CSC's (criminal sexual conduct). Satan is very much alive in an evil sexual way and you can count on many demons being there of such looking for prey. They might be alone in the room but a lot of time is spent in pre and post waiting and searches. I would not have my wife come there even for that. Such a visit would require a CAVITY (all openings in the body) search before and after to insure of no weapons, drugs, or other contraband.
conjugal rights in prison if your spouse was there.
I recently saw a video where Brazil has given conjugal rights to married inmates. The video showed a Brazilian woman going to the prison. The guard sent her in, you could see by the look on the woman's face that she was excited...:p but just a while later the guard was tapping on the door...time is up..Lol.
I doubt very much I would want this...I am a very private person and the thought of knowing that someone would be knocking on my door anytime would be uncomfortable to say the least. I like to take my time and don't like hurrying nothing..:yes..But on the other hand, since I have no choice it would be better to have something than nothing.
If I were in prison and the guest was my wife, of course. Why would I not want to do that? Can she visit every day? Btw, do they serve steak for dinner, there, too?
As long as they don't have peep holes and don't come barging it, I don't see it as a problem.
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