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Bible Study Yaweh Rapha: Healing Promises


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One of the Lord's names is Jehovah-Rapha, which, is translated, "I AM the Lord thy Physician," or, "I AM the Lord that healeth thee."

"...surely He hath born our sicknesses and carried our pains." Isa 53:4.

"He...healed ALL that were sick, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Esaias (Isaiah) the prophet, saying: Himself took our infirmities and bare our sicknesses." Mt 8:16,17.

The leper said, "If Thou wilt, Thou canst make me whole. Jesus said, "I WILL; be thou clean." Mt 8:2-4.

The word, "soteria," which, is the Greek word for salvation, is also defined as "deliverance, healing, health and soundness."

The Greek word, "sozo," which is translated, "saved," also is defined as "healed, made sound, made whole."

"He is the Saviour of the body." Eph 5:23.

"Who forgiveth ALL our iniquities, who healeth ALL our diseases." Ps 103:3.

Jesus said, "Therefore I say unto you, whatever things you ask when you pray, BELIEVE that you receive them and you will have them." Mk 11:24.

"As many as touched Him were made whole." Mk 6:56.

"With long life will I satisfy him." Ps 91:16.

"I have found a ransom (margin:atonement), his flesh shall be fresher than a child's;he shall return to the days of his youth." Job 33:24,25.

"ATTEND TO MY WORDS; incline ear unto My sayings. Let them not depart from thine eyes; keep them in the midst of thine heart. FOR THEY ARE LIFE unto those that find them, and HEALTH to all their flesh." Pr 4:20-22.

James 5:14 commands to "any sick" in the church, to ask for anointing and prayer with the promise, "...the Lord shall raise him up."

God does not promise, that, we will never die, but says, " I WILL TAKE SICKNESS AWAY from the midst of thee...the number of thy days I will fulfill." Ex 23:25,26.

Ps 107:20 says, "He sendeth His Word and healeth them and delivereth them from their graves."

"Great multitudes followed Him and He healed them ALL..."Mt 12:15,16.

"God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and power, who went about doing good, and healing ALL that were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him." Acts 10:38.

The Lord says of fearing Him and departing from evil, "It shall be HEALTH (Hebrew-medicine) to thy navel and marrow (Hebrew-moistening) to thy bones." Pr 3:7,8.

Isa 53:5 assures us, "By whose stripes we are healed."

"...whatsoever ye ask the Father in My name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son." John 14:13.

"Beloved, I wish above all things, that, thou mayest prosper and BE IN HEALTH, even as thy soul prospereth."3 John 2.

" good thing will He withhold from them that walk uprightly." Ps 84:11.

"Because he hath set his love upon Me, therefore will I deliver him." Ps 91:14.

"Offer unto God thanksgiving and pay thy vows unto the Most High and call upon Me in the day of trouble: I will deliver thee and thou shalt glorify Me." Ps 50:14,15.

Paul wrote to the Ephesians to obey the first commandment, "That it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long upon the earth." Eph 6:3.

"Submit yourselves, therefore, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you." Ja 4:7.

"He was manifested to DESTROY the works of the devil." 1 John 3:8.

"And when He had called unto Him His twelve disciples, He gave them power against unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal ALL manner of sickness and ALL manner of disease." Mt 10:1.

"And Jesus went about...healing EVERY sickness and EVERY disease among the people." Mt 9:35.

"And great multitudes followed Him, and He healed them ALL." Mt 12:15; Lu 6:18,19.

"...and as many as touched Him, were made, perfectly, whole." Mt 14:36.

"And Jesus went forth and saw a great multitude, and was moved with compassion toward them and He healed their sick." Mt 14:13,14.

Jesus said, that, BELIEVERS would lay their hands upon the sick and the sick would recover. Mk 16:17,18.

I, highly, recommend the book, Christ,The Healer by F.F.Bosworth.


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