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ydoaPs's view on the Bible


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ydoaPs said:
Yes, it's an acronym. I've used this handle for many years now. The meaning will remain a secret :tongue
What came immediately to mind was: why do all people suck. lol
ydoaPs said:
I'll check that out. Thank you for bringing a calm head to this subject. Many people come in with preconceived notions about the Bible and then form assumptions about what I am trying to say based on said notions.
I seriously doubt anyone here had PREconceived notions, friend.
Any 'notions' about you or your views were derived solely from your OP here and your subsequent posts.
I never prejudge anyone but wait until theyve spoken.

I'm well aware of that inscription and didn't mention it as it is rather irrelevant. It doesn't say who they are talking about and it doesn't say that both rules were in Syria.
Does it say they werent ?

In conjunction with that, we know of no Roman census of the area prior to 6AD
Come on guy...were YOU there ? Have we uncovered ALL of the evidence ? Does that evidence even still exist after so long ?
Most of your arguments are based in very flawed logic from the start.
. And if you'd note the red bold part of my post, Rome didn't have the power to census the area until Herod's son was deposed.
Were you there ?

It is unreasonable to think the inscription is talking about Quirinius
Why ? Because it would refute your claims ?
ydoaPs said:
Which one? Catholics? Baptists? Methodists? Calvinists? Mormon? Presbyterian? Wesleyan?

It reminds me of a joke:


St. Peter tells him, "Well Baptists are in room 8 and they think they're the only ones here."

Actually this reminds me of two terrific quotes from George Whitefield, father of the Great Awakening, and one of the greatest evangelicals to ever walk American soil.

One day in the middle of one of his open-air sermons George Whitefield animately acted out an inquiry toward heaven:

"Father Abraham, whom have you in heaven? Any Episcopalians? No! Any Presbyterians? No! Have you any Independents or Seceders? No! Have you any Methodists? No! No! No! Whom have you there? We don't know those names here! All who are here are Christians"

And also he said on another occasion:

"I bless God, the partition wall of bigotry and sect-religion was soon broken
down in my heart; for as soon as the love of God was shed abroad in my soul, I
loved all of whatsoever denomination, who loved the Lord Jesus in sincereity of
" A Short Account of God's Dealings With The Reverend Mr.
George Whitefield
, 1714-1736 (London, I740), in Whitefield's journals, 62.

Whitefield understood true Christianity!

ydoaPs said:
Yes, it's an acronym. I've used this handle for many years now. The meaning will remain a secret :tongue

Yeah, just don't be offended when one of these days I called you "yoda".
cybershark5886 said:
Hello ydaoPs,

ydoaPs said:
The above example is one of many. If we take it as midrash, we can say that each individual work is inerrant in the meaning it portrays, but not necessarily in the 'facts' with which said meaning is presented.If it's not midrash, then there are serious problems for the inerrantists.

Regarding the midrash interpretation consider what is written in this book on google books: here. Maybe we can discuss this based on what is written there.
So, what do you think about it? That paragraph seems to echo what I've been trying to say.
cybershark5886 said:
Actually this reminds me of two very great quotes from George Whitefield, father of the Great Awakening, and one of the greatest evangelicals to ever walk American soil.

One day in the middle of one of his open-air sermons George Whitefield animately acted out an inquiry toward heaven:

"Father Abraham, whom have you in heaven? Any Episcopalians? No! Any Presbyterians? No! Have you any Independents or Seceders? No! Have you any Methodists? No! No! No! Whom have you there? We don't know those names here! All who are here are Christians"

And also he said on another occasion:

"I bless God, the partition wall of bigotry and sect-religion was soon broken
down in my heart; for as soon as the love of God was shed abroad in my soul, I
loved all of whatsoever denomination, who loved the Lord Jesus in sincereity of
" A Short Account of God's Dealings With The Reverend Mr.
George Whitefield
, 1714-1736 (London, I740), in Whitefield's journals, 62.

Whitefield understood true Christianity!

I like that. Thanks.
cybershark5886 said:
ydoaPs said:
Yes, it's an acronym. I've used this handle for many years now. The meaning will remain a secret :tongue

Yeah, just don't be offended when one of these days I called you "yoda".
That's actually what they called me in High School. :tongue
Just a note, I will return to this later. I'm behind on some homework.

P.S. A few years ago I began to write a book on the life of Jesus. The first chapter discusses/overviews the birth & childhood narratives. It does not discuss Quirinius but perhaps you might like to read it. I'll see if I can't send you the first chapter of my book if you would like to read it. PM me your e-mail address if you do. If I can ever finish editing the three chapters I've written I might even put it up on my website sometime. Which also reminds me that I've been meaning to upload my research paper on George Whitefield to there as well (which has some of the quotes I gave above). Maybe I can do that over Thanksgiving. Anyway, I'm off for now.

cybershark5886 said:
Just a note, I will return to this later. I'm behind on some homework.

P.S. A few years ago I began to write a book on the life of Jesus. The first chapter discusses/overviews the birth & childhood narratives. It does not discuss Quirinius but perhaps you might like to read it. I'll see if I can't send you the first chapter of my book if you would like to read it. PM me your e-mail address if you do. If I can ever finish editing the three chapters I've written I might even put it up on my website sometime. Which also reminds me that I've been meaning to upload my research paper on George Whitefield to there as well (which has some of the quotes I gave above). Maybe I can do that over Thanksgiving. Anyway, I'm off for now.

PM sent. I'm off for bed for work in the morning.
Quote from this thread:
follower of Christ said:
especially when these persons refuse to accept the fact that EVERYTHING written and spoken is given within a context and must be examined in that context to understand the INTENT.
That is EXACTLY the point of this thread.
ydoaPs said:
Quote from this thread:
follower of Christ said:
especially when these persons refuse to accept the fact that EVERYTHING written and spoken is given within a context and must be examined in that context to understand the INTENT.
That is EXACTLY the point of this thread.
Then I suggest you learn some context then and quit simply trying to dismiss the scriptures because of some article you read somewhere that said the bible isnt what we claim it to be.
follower of Christ said:
Then I suggest you learn some context then and quit simply trying to dismiss the scriptures because of some article you read somewhere that said the bible isnt what we claim it to be.

Uh, where are you getting that from. I am talking about the context. Thanks for making assumptions about me, though. Try reading what I've actually said.
I don't want to have to lock this thread or sit here wasting the afternoon trying to clean it up.
Nor do I want to issue warnings for personal attacks when I honestly believe you both know better.

Anymore personal attacks, inflammatory, derogatory or otherwise uncivil and un-Christian responses toward another member, believer or not, will warrant a formal warning and the post deleted. I think it best not to test my resolve. :grumpy
Rick W said:
I don't want to have to lock this thread or sit here wasting the afternoon trying to clean it up.
Nor do I want to issue warnings for personal attacks when I honestly believe you both know better.

Anymore personal attacks, inflammatory, derogatory or otherwise uncivil and un-Christian responses toward another member, believer or not, will warrant a formal warning and the post deleted. I think it best not to test my resolve. :grumpy


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