I seem to be spending alot of my time lately on waiting. Waiting for the divorce to become final.:bigfrown Waiting for this house to sell. Waiting for my disability case to be final. Waiting for it to stop raining!!! Waiting to move to Arizona.
It got me thinking along an old train of thought - Does God have yesterday, today, and tomorrow? I mean if he is all knowing, then it's not like he waits for the mail, the 6:00 news, or to even see what I will do next?
A pastor once explained it like this to me - We all like parades, we try to get a good seat with a nice view. The part of the parade that has passed us by, that is yesterday. The parade directly in front of us is today. And the parade that is still down the street, but coming our way, that is tomorrow. And God? He has the best seat of all, he can see the whole parade, all at once, all at the same time, with no begining and no end. But if I really dwell on this, it only gets more confusing.
Any ideas or feedback on this?
It got me thinking along an old train of thought - Does God have yesterday, today, and tomorrow? I mean if he is all knowing, then it's not like he waits for the mail, the 6:00 news, or to even see what I will do next?
A pastor once explained it like this to me - We all like parades, we try to get a good seat with a nice view. The part of the parade that has passed us by, that is yesterday. The parade directly in front of us is today. And the parade that is still down the street, but coming our way, that is tomorrow. And God? He has the best seat of all, he can see the whole parade, all at once, all at the same time, with no begining and no end. But if I really dwell on this, it only gets more confusing.
Any ideas or feedback on this?