Douglas Summers
The populace of the religious world are many and varied. A mixture of brittle clay and Iron (a mixed multitude Ex. 12: 37-38; Num. 11: 4) that shall mingle themselves with the seed of men. Each one is diverse from the other, that there is no unity in God, But unity in idolatry and self willed worship. (Dan.2: 42-43) The Gospel has gone into all the world (Acts 1: 8; Rom. 10: 17-18; Rom. 1: 18-20) And for many it takes no root (Matt. 13: 3,4,18,19) He came unto His own and His own Received Him Not (John 1: 4-5).
The Lord came preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom of the Heavens (Matt. 3: 1-2; 4: 23-25). The religious leaders of that day heard Him, The Jews heard Him and the Gentiles heard Him. He did many miracles and healing s and His fame was heard all about. People traveled from all around to hear Him speak. The religious leaders of Israel would always try to challenge Him (John 6: 30-43). But Jesus tells them they can not come to Him unless the Father draws them to Him (John 6: 44).
After the crucifixion of the Christ, several followers were walking on their way to the town of Emmaus discussing and trying to reason the events of the day. Jesus Himself drew near and went with them (but their eyes were restricted that they should not recognize Him) (Luke 24: 14-15)L And he says to them "what manner of communications are these that ye have with one another, as ye walk and are sad?" And they answered him, saying you must be a stranger in Jerusalem because He had not known the things which had come to pass. Then Jesus says, "what things?" And they tell Him of the events of the Messiah who they thought was to restore Israel but was put to death by the Chief priest. And that it had been three days and now His body was missing, but reported by some that angels had said He was alive. (Luke 24: 17-24)
At this time Jesus begins to expound to them the things about Himself through the book of Moses, the prophets and the Psalms and that the Christ was to suffer and enter into His glory and how slow they were to learn. As they approach the village and their residence, the Lord made as though He would have gone farther (Luke 24: 28), but they constrained Him to stay with them.....and so he does. As they began to eat the Lord breaks bread and blesses it and gives it to them and lo, their eyes were opened and they recognized Him,(Luke 24: 31) and then He vanished.
They said to each other, did not our hearts burn within us while He talked with us along the way, and while He opened to us the Scriptures (Luke 24: 32) They had heard the Christ, but who was He exactly? The Father kept them from knowing who He was(Luke 24: 14-15). Jesus opens the Scriptures to them (Luke 24: 25-27). The Scriptures burn in their hearts as they are opened to them (Luke 24: 32). Jesus acts if though He would go further (wanting them to do something) (Luke 24: 28) And they do, they invite Him in (Luke 24: 29) And it was then that the Father opened their eyes as they invited Him in. (Luke 24: 31)
It was then they saw what they had heard, for they had seen with their heart.
No man can see the Lord until He sees himself (Job 42: 1-6) (Dan. 10: 8) And if he looked with wide open eyes, this is what he would see (Rom. 7: 24)
In Christ
Douglas Summers
The Lord came preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom of the Heavens (Matt. 3: 1-2; 4: 23-25). The religious leaders of that day heard Him, The Jews heard Him and the Gentiles heard Him. He did many miracles and healing s and His fame was heard all about. People traveled from all around to hear Him speak. The religious leaders of Israel would always try to challenge Him (John 6: 30-43). But Jesus tells them they can not come to Him unless the Father draws them to Him (John 6: 44).
After the crucifixion of the Christ, several followers were walking on their way to the town of Emmaus discussing and trying to reason the events of the day. Jesus Himself drew near and went with them (but their eyes were restricted that they should not recognize Him) (Luke 24: 14-15)L And he says to them "what manner of communications are these that ye have with one another, as ye walk and are sad?" And they answered him, saying you must be a stranger in Jerusalem because He had not known the things which had come to pass. Then Jesus says, "what things?" And they tell Him of the events of the Messiah who they thought was to restore Israel but was put to death by the Chief priest. And that it had been three days and now His body was missing, but reported by some that angels had said He was alive. (Luke 24: 17-24)
At this time Jesus begins to expound to them the things about Himself through the book of Moses, the prophets and the Psalms and that the Christ was to suffer and enter into His glory and how slow they were to learn. As they approach the village and their residence, the Lord made as though He would have gone farther (Luke 24: 28), but they constrained Him to stay with them.....and so he does. As they began to eat the Lord breaks bread and blesses it and gives it to them and lo, their eyes were opened and they recognized Him,(Luke 24: 31) and then He vanished.
They said to each other, did not our hearts burn within us while He talked with us along the way, and while He opened to us the Scriptures (Luke 24: 32) They had heard the Christ, but who was He exactly? The Father kept them from knowing who He was(Luke 24: 14-15). Jesus opens the Scriptures to them (Luke 24: 25-27). The Scriptures burn in their hearts as they are opened to them (Luke 24: 32). Jesus acts if though He would go further (wanting them to do something) (Luke 24: 28) And they do, they invite Him in (Luke 24: 29) And it was then that the Father opened their eyes as they invited Him in. (Luke 24: 31)
It was then they saw what they had heard, for they had seen with their heart.
No man can see the Lord until He sees himself (Job 42: 1-6) (Dan. 10: 8) And if he looked with wide open eyes, this is what he would see (Rom. 7: 24)
In Christ
Douglas Summers
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