Be fair, yes believe the bible, which does not teach a flat earth.
The article is about how atheists link Christians to discredited beliefs.
Pro lifers with fascist, yec with flat earth marriage supporters with anti lgtb bigots.
It doesn't teach a lot of things that creationists believe. The flat Earthers point to the description of the sky as a dome over the earth with windows in it through which rain falls. They point to the fact that there cannot be four corners of a round Earth.
The early Hebrews thought the Earth was flat, and sometimes that assumption ends up in scripture in incidental ways not part of God's message to us.
There are professing Christians in all of those groups, but they certainly do not represent Christianity.
It doesn't teach a lot of things that creationists believe. The flat Earthers point to the description of the sky as a dome over the earth with windows in it through which rain falls. They point to the fact that there cannot be four corners of a round Earth.
The early Hebrews thought the Earth was flat, and sometimes that assumption ends up in scripture in incidental ways not part of God's message to us.
There are professing Christians in all of those groups, but they certainly do not represent Christianity.
This is an important point. We still use flat Earth language to describe such things, even though hundreds of years before Christ, people (including Hebrews) had abandoned that notion for a more realistic understanding. Some of scripture is from the period before we knew better. Such references in scripture have nothing at all to do with God's message to us. If one obsesses on the Biblical description of the sky as a solid dome, one loses the entire purpose of the Bible.
So even though he [the author of the opinion piece]backhandedly admits that Dr. Faulkner and Rob know their science when it comes, at least, to the shape of the earth and the science behind how we know that, he dismisses them out of hand as “conspiracy theorists” (even though we never claim that evolution is a conspiracy!). He also ignores that they are both real scientific researchers, who worked for many years in secular institutions doing real science.
Oh, our researcher Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson also gets a mocking mention. But no serious mention of his testable scientific predictions, based on a young earth model, that have been confirmed by observational science! And yet, such are the gold standard of science.
This kind of ridicule and misrepresentation of our beliefs is something we’ve dealt with since the beginning of the ministry. But it is frustrating to see misleading headlines that imply “common ground” with flat-earthers when we’ve written over and over (including a whole book on the topic!) that science confirms a globe earth and nowhere is the idea of a flat earth taught in Scripture. Not only this, the witness of three Christian astronauts we know also confirms the earth is not flat but spherical like the other planets.
Oh, our researcher Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson also gets a mocking mention. But no serious mention of his testable scientific predictions, based on a young earth model, that have been confirmed by observational science! And yet, such are the gold standard of science.
Nothing in the link has anything at all to do with the age of the Earth. Nor does it have any sort of DNA link to Noah at all. He just added that assumption to the data showing evidence that all modern humans evolved from an African population.
That's what the evidence shows. If God had chosen H. eretus in Africa to be the first two humans with immortal souls, that would have been O.K. But it seems to have happened after humans left Africa. But there were humans in Asia long before anatomically modern humans were there.
If you obsess on things like this, you miss the entire point of Genesis.
Most creationists today reject a literal interpretation of Bible passages that some have interpreted as indicating a flat Earth. So it's really not an issue.
Since Neanderthals and Denisovans are not our extinct human “cousins” but our direct relatives—descended from Adam and then from Noah and his sons, just as we are—I would expect us, living just a few thousand years later, to have much in common with them.
The study looked at genome databases built from the DNA of Neanderthals, Denisovans, and modern humans, to find “critical rearrangements of our chromosomes and select variations in our genes.” Now, the variations are observational science—we can observe how different populations of humans vary on the genetic level. That variation is the result of the genetic diversity God created in the human kind. But the “critical rearrangements” are pure fiction, referring to the supposed “swapping of the tips of our X and Y chromosomes,” otherwise known as “the translocation of human PAR2.” According to their analysis, this important event in our supposed evolution happened earlier than thought.
In other words, the genetic seeds of what make us special as human beings stretch back close to a million years ago. Since then, various periods of population growth and shrinkage, together with more cultural influences, have helped separate us from Neanderthals and Denisovans.
The result? “Such distinctions [of different human species] might need to be re-evaluated.”
Now, while their reasons for believing that humans are more similar than thought are wrong as they are based on evolutionary interpretations of the evidence (geneticist Dr. Georgia Purdom explains more about that in the Answers News episode linked at the top and bottom of this page), the conclusions are actually somewhat correct. [Given] the evolutionary timeline of millions of years [is false], we can agree that yes, humans—all humans—are one species and are highly similar to each other (though we can state that fact much more confidently!). The differences among humans are minor ones caused by created genetic variety, the splitting of the population at Babel, and other cultural and environmental influences.
So even though these evolutionists are wrong, they are also kind of right! That’s because they mix historical science and observational science!
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