Your Official Thanksgiving Countdown

Cookies and candy are's the lasagne and home made bread that are wickedly good. All the way from scratch it's exceptionally rich, full flavored, and calorie laden. My wife is on the keto diet and I'm on low fat and low protein diet. Lasagna doesn't fit in our diet plan. Neither does garlic bread. Someone else is going to make dessert. Don't care what. I won't be able to eat much anyway. meal planned in advance to cheat on a diet helps keep you on your diet plan. Especially if it's going to be worth it.

Yeah but I consider Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year's to be the holiday season. And during the holiday season that's when diets should be thrown out the window. :lol Worry about that at the start of next year and live a little bit man. :cool Lol! I'm just teasing you but seriously, the holidays only come around once a year you know. :yes
Nine more days!! :woot(we're in the single digits now)
Exactly one week from today is Thanksgiving! :woot
Well guys, tomorrow is Thanksgiving already and I just wanted to remind everybody that the ninety second annual Thanksgiving Day Parade will be live streamed and posted on my other Thanksgiving thread tomorrow morning. :biggrin
Well it's finally here, Happy Thanksgiving everybody! :biggrin The next countdown that I will have is the biggest countdown of the year,.. Christmas! :woot

Btw, I forgot all about the virtual turkey dinner to be honest, but currently my laptop isn't working and I don't feel so well right now, so I guess it's just as well. I'm thinking about Christmas now anyway. :biggrin